None of what you say is wrong, but I will say that though my regular number is on permanent silence and straight to voicemail because of all the spam calls and texts, the Google voice number I have had for years has been largely free of all that BS and continues to work great.
Maybe they are tracking everything I do, but the product DOES work pretty great.
I just switched to Linux and couldn’t figure out the install. But I literally just switched to Linux, so I don’t know, it could work great for all I know.
I’m just starting out with Bazzite right now. Still awkward, but pretty painless, and all the gaming stuff like proton is already configured and baked in. I still need to figure out how to get stuff done though.
None of what you say is wrong, but I will say that though my regular number is on permanent silence and straight to voicemail because of all the spam calls and texts, the Google voice number I have had for years has been largely free of all that BS and continues to work great.
Maybe they are tracking everything I do, but the product DOES work pretty great.