Tesla battery apparently have a density of 244-296 Wh/Kg, so does that mean 1000 metic tonnes of of batteries at 289.6 Wh would be enough to provide annual storage here? That doesn’t seem infeasible or unreasonable for something potentially so beneficial.
UK government want to see all your data. Is this just a shot across the bows, because it’s comes off incredibly stupid given the context of what a cloud environment provides, i.e. massive amounts of easily accessed very expensive hardware, and there are boutique options out there…
Or maybe they’d like to bring shared computing infrastructure into the hands of the people, nationalised cloud, mmm sounds good!
And the same day stirred up a shit storm about watering down climate commitments, surely coincidence…
Unfortunately they are likely looking to both destroy free communication and the climate, and not just using it as a ruse… They’re psychotic.
they will make lots of money