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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • That’s the core of the trial though, right? That through these deals and other things Google does to stay dominant, they stifle the market for competition. Ie Edge, Chrome, and every other Chromium-based browser pushes Google to the end users and FF pushes some unfamiliar search platform, then there’s an uphill, arguably unfair, battle for it to gain enough market share to be sustainable.

  • Pisses me off that CEOs never get fired for their bullshit and get to “retire” or “resign” like they didn’t just make the most boneheaded decision that severely hurt the company.

    There really needs to be some organizational structure where the CEOs have the power to make the decisions they make, but the employees have the power to punish and fire them when they do shit like this. No golden parachutes for them!

  • I deployed a few of these. They were 10 years behind the curve. The monitor weighed as much as a flat panel from 15 years ago, the stand was fucking HUGE making it hard to move. The camera and microphone were an afterthought and not worth using (the mic would pick up every little touch on the Jamboard). The entire thing felt like it was built for design first rather than function