This is it for me.
I used to use caddy a few years ago because writing config files was a breeze.
Now I “use” nginx because I can define everything in a few lines of nix and it’s configured automagically for me.
a fancy new startup will start calling them decentralised pods for personal transportation.
Promise to be revolutionary.
Preforms worse than all know forms of transport so far
It’s been a while since I use caddy but I use the dns for nginx, make sure you are using the correct api key, it does not like using a too permissive one.
So a zone token instead of an account token.
In my (our) case we use bind to run an authoritative resolver for our domain (I am sysadmin for a uni computer society, we have our own (physical) servers)
for better or worse it is, (though I don’t recommend newcomers to boot up a bind server to manage their dns, pihole is probally the best starting point)
This is it for me. I used to use caddy a few years ago because writing config files was a breeze. Now I “use” nginx because I can define everything in a few lines of nix and it’s configured automagically for me.