What a corporate answer that says, now that the public knows we suck I guess we need to address it.
If they’re smart, they’ll realize they need to address these issues in order to exist as a company people want to work at going forward. It’s in their best interest to not appear as a toxic work environment.
What kind of answer would you rather have. I’m seriously asking what should the comment have been in order for you to be happy?
I feel a good majority of people are just in the outrage phase and there’s literally no response that would have been good enough.
This, but maybe not after what we got from Linus to begin with. This is clearly damage control and also is probable detracting from what limus actually feels which is f*ck you I can do what I want and I don’t owe you anything.
There is no way. Too many corp answers that were nothing but words have been published before for anyone to not be cynic about it.
But how to make it better? Do you just want LMG to disappear and leave 100 employers jobless, because that’s not nice either.
Yes. This. Because something else will rise in LMG’s place. Because other companies will see what happened and say we cannot let that happen here, because we don’t want a salted desert where our offices are. Because we don’t want our company to be a synonym for a fallen tower.
If abuse of employees led to business collapses, then we wouldn’t have edifices like Ubisoft who swim in their lucre while still perpetuating sex abuse rings among the upper management who take their choice of hot office clerks.
A company of a hundred employees getting razed over a scandal would indeed serve to spare tens of thousands of jobs more and allow developers to develop in peace without getting harassed by their management.
Well, start acting on what you say and trust will come in time.
Based on the response above they’re trying to do exactly that now. So maybe wait and see?
To be honest, I can’t remember the last time I have read a statement that talked about bringing in third party investigators. Is that common for corporations?
It’s usually something agreed to in a settlement or in a power dynamic situation like Apple telling a supplier they want a third party audit. It also happens when you have no intention of ever publishing the findings. That they’re proactively doing it with the obvious obligation to publish what is found and the consequence of it is most def a show of positive character. I think ya boy Hanlon is right when it comes to leadership at LMG - never attribute to malice that which can be explained by stupidity.
Maybe an inclusion of the word sorry.
And wording it so it sounds like it was written by an actual human being that gives a shit and not a dressed out HR drone that only knows corpspeak.
Maybe an inclusion of the word sorry.
yeah because we all know the internet is level headed and it won’t be twisted into a clear admission of guilt 5 nano seconds later…
Dude, crimes have been alleged. You do not say “sorry” in writing while a criminal investigation is looming.
That I can agre to. The word sorry bares some weight and to me it shows that you care even more than just doing damage control.
Unfortunately saying sorry is an admission of guilt. A sterile corporate response is the best they can do to appear impartial while the investigation goes ahead. The apologies may come later if there is truth to the allegations.
Saying sorry isn’t (legally) an admission of guilt in Canada
They tried that with the video, it didn’t work.
This reads as it was written by ChatGPT.
It would start with acknowledging a problematic culture, and give details of initial resignations or sackings to help excise it.
Maybe after an actual investigation into these allegations. Taking things at face value and grabbing pitchforks has never worked
Oh I’m fine with the answer. With the information I gathered that same day this is probably the best they can do now. I would like to know more info about this outside investigation.
They recently got a new CEO a month ago because Linus the owner realized he was unfit for that purpose. It should have been dealt with years ago but I wonder if some benefit of the doubt can be given here seeing as the company was in a state of transition and probably would of cleaned up the work culture in private.
Or not because Linus still owns the company and the buck stops at the absolute top. He put his friend in high positions so it would cause a uncomfortable position when someone who wasn’t his friend lower down the ladder were to speak out. He has also consistently showed toxic masculinity in the way he acts and has spread it within the fabric in the company,
I have no strong opinion one way or another, but please tell me if I’m being unfair here on either side here. I think the company can still clean itself up and has shown actions before it was publicly known to address it, and I also think the company has misogyny in it’s corporate structure and DNA which will constantly be problematic.