Some Tesla engineers secretly started designing a Cybertruck alternative because they ‘hated’ it::“They were like, ‘You can’t be serious.’ They didn’t want to have anything to do with it,” Franz von Holzhausen said, according to Walter Isaacson.
I am still very confused why it’s not called the X Truck or CyberX TruX or something stupid containing the letter X
He already has the Tesla Model X. Probably why.
The Tesla models are S, 3, X and Y. Because Musk is a child. He’s such a child that he tried to get the 3 to be Model E, but Ford owned the trademark.
He is also such a child that he had to give his daughter Exa Dark the nickname Y, because he forgot he named his other son X.
He is also a douchebag. Fucking dude has
710 kids claims to spend half the week with all of them. Claims he works over 100 hours a week and somehow also is the best person to be CEO of four companies… want proof CEOs don’t really do much work. Here it is.12 kids.
Whoa, hold on. Who are the other 2? I am now counting up to 10: X, Y, Tau, Griffin, Vivian, Damian, Saxon, Kai, Azure and Strider.
Who am I missing? Are you sure your not thinking of Nick Cannon? Lol
Looks like we were both off:
So it’s 10 living kids + a SIDS death, which is tragic altho I struggle to feel any pain for Musk.
Makes me wonder if there’s a psychological link between losing his first and having a breeding fetish. My money says no because he’s a sociopath and his father clearly does the same, if not worse, shit. Still an interesting idea to wonder about.
What a fucking ding dong this guy is.