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Ever since Disney announced they are also going to ban account sharing, I’ve been going to thrift stores and grabbing any DVDs my children like or might like. I’ve gotten quite a few classics so far for less than the cost of one month of Disney+. I almost bought a VCR because the VHS collection at thrift stores here is huge and they are so cheap, but rewinding sucks.
Maybe look into the cost of transferring those vhs to dvds/memory sticks. It might be worth the cost if you buy enough VHS tapes.
smart move. make sure to back up everything on multiple hard drives.
I’m the worst at backups…
I don’t think you realize how unwatchably blurry VHS is. I can’t believe we ever watched those things now.
DVD is still a bit of a nuisance because of aspect ratios and they’re a little blurry because SD, but VHS is just garbage.
I still have my CRT and old game consoles and use them sometimes. The blurriness with the games doesn’t bother me, but maybe a movie would be worse. I am constantly forgetting my glasses though so I’m kind of used to blurry. I still might grab a VCR if I see one, though, just to show my children what it was like when I was a kid. Could be fun.
Nothing better than a 15625hz sawtooth tone.
The ability to hear this comment is dependent on the reader’s age in a rather interesting way.
VHS can look as good as DVD (or better in cases where the DVD was poorly mastered), but there aren’t many good VCRs out there anymore. A well maintained VHS tape and VCR can give you a great capture. https://www.digitalfaq.com/forum/video-restore/1567-vcr-buying-guide.html