YouTube TV, which costs $73 a month, agrees to end “$600 less than cable” ads::Google to “modify or cease” ads after industry review board rejects appeal.
“It’s just the price of your daily coffee”
I self brew my own value pack coffee because I’m poor. I even have a reusable metal mesh coffee filter insert so I don’t have to buy coffee filters, that’s how cheap I am.
Oh wow that sounds like an interesting engineering problem to make a reusable coffee filter… I am quite broke myself and my ears always perk up at ways to reduce my already small caffeine budget.
How does it taste out of the metal mesh filter? I like to make mine in an Aeropress and heat it up in an old kettle that’s been in my family for ages.
I have an aeropress and have only ever used a metal filter with it! I’ve had normal paper filtered aeropress coffee and I can’t taste the difference
Using a metal mesh filter will make your coffee have more flavor but also more oily. I don’t mind this because a lot of coffee I drink don’t use paper filters.
Using a paper filter gives you a cleaner cup since the paper filter helps filter out the oils. It’s nice when I’m making something like Japanese Iced Coffee in a V60
The aeropress has a couple metal mesh options.
I too drink coffee laced with platinum and gold, sprinkled with diamonds
It makes your doody sparkle
Oh yeah well polonium-210 is ~50 trillion USD/kg so I put a heaping tablespoon in my tea every morning.
Just use normal coffee filters, they are better for your health and are cheap af. The paper filters block some carcinogens that the metal ones do not. Your call, cheers
all espresso is poured using metal/without a paper filter. I highly doubt the entire nation of Italy is going to fall over dead because they’ve never had a coffee run through a paper filter.
Its coffee. Not cyanide. Just drink it.
Do whatever you want, i drink coffee everyday, for me the cumulative risk isn’t worth it. its easy to remove the carcinogens and it makes the coffee better tasting anyways. Some people don’t know about the carcinogens and I like to inform them so they can make their own best decisions. You can huff glue for all i care bro
I also make sure to use paper filters for this same reason
Right, I dunno why some people are so obsessed with taking dumb risks. Like yea sure you probably wont get cancer or whatever but what if you did and what if there was a simple mindless way to reduce that risk? So silly
This is a great example of a “micro optimization.” It feels good but ultimately does jack shit to help you.
There are studies suggesting adding paper filters to coffee increases bad cholesterol, and cardiovascular disease kills more people than cancer every year. Whoops? Brussel sprouts ever so slightly elevate your chances of getting cancer. Anything with an ethyl in it does too.
All of this to say, pick better risks to worry about. Everything is a tradeoff. Better chance you die in a freak car accident rather than developing cancer from drinking coffee that was filtered without paper. It is not worth the fuss.
What tf are you on about, I use paper filters and I literally never think or worry about it. Jesus christ what is the trade off in this hypothetical situation you’re creating. Debate lords just need to argue something i swear to god.
Taste, environmental friendliness. Just to name a few. Feel free to ignore my comments if you don’t like them.
Paper filters make coffee taste better, the carbon impact of paper filters is negligible and the production of paper products at least sequesters carbon from the atmosphere for some time before they become composted.
French press and espresso, IMO, taste far better than pourover with paper. I also prefer metal mesh with pourover, as it allows for more of the oils to seep into the carafe. But it’s just a matter of opinion. :)
Remember the whole trail of paper carbon impacts! Trees get cut to make them. Then they have to be cut/manufactured in a big factory, which uses energy. Then shipped to your stores, using gasoline. Finally you throw them away where they sit in a landfill (the most negligible part).
Though to be clear, you’re still correct that the carbon impact is negligible compared to like… big oil and cow farms. So you’re right on that front. :) Worrying about the negligible is not worth anyones time when there is an elephant in the room.
It’s all about the benjaminzines
Is this another one of those Silicon Valley syndrome where paying for an overpriced latte/chai/kombucha every day is the expected routine?
It’s sad how much we’ve normalized overpaying for brown shitwater so we can work harder for peanuts.
I have an expensive super automatic that I just pour beans in. No filters or disposable parts, just gotta pull the brew group out to rinse every week and clean it out occasionally.
I paid $700 for the machine but have probably saved more than that between the k cups I was using before and going out for coffee way less (it’s not as good but it hits that espresso craving well enough for me), not to mention way more environmentally friendly while still retaining push button coffee. I now spend about $10/month on coffee.
I did the same but I bought a cheap IKEA French press that I’ve had for 10 years. I think it was like $15. My coffee bean grinder was an old Krupp that I found in my parents basement from the 1970s, made in West Germany.
I tried doing that but found myself just not using it. With coffee machines I kept putting off cleaning them until the grounds got moldy.
For whatever reason (thinking executive dysfunction now that I have an ADHD diagnosis and am learning more about it) I was never able to manage using those tools regularly. Then came the Keurig and I immediately went from going to Starbucks 4-6 times a week to 3-4 times a month. Saved me loads, but never liked the waste of the k cups. I tried a reusable cup but had the same problem as the coffee machine and French press. Once income came up enough and it was within budget, bought the super automatic and I’ll be sticking with it until it breaks irrevocably because there’s no way in hell I can afford to replace it again since going from being a dink to a single income.
Bruh, you’re not being poor, just responsible. Dafuq.