I’m all for it.
I’m curious what CPU you have that is on the supported list but doesn’t support TPM 2.0 in firmware. Or are you just assuming the CPU support list is decided by TPM 2.0 availability?
Because most of the CPU support list is actually about hardware-accelerated virtualization features like MBEC/GMET and the performance penalties of having to emulate them when not present – up to 40% performance loss using kernel virtualization without MBEC/GMET in particular.
Laptop. He has a laptop. But, even if he had a TPM on a higher end Intel 6th and 7th gen Core i7, Win11 still wouldn’t install without workaround.
6th and 7th gen have firmware based TPM that Intel calls PTT. (Though whether it’s available to configure in the BIOS depends on the manufacturer and sometimes the chipset.) But correct, it still needs a workaround because TPM isn’t really the (only) thing it’s checking for.
assuming the CPU support list is decided by TPM 2.0 availability
This was me before I checked the compatibility app. Windows never bothered me with Windows11 update so I thought It didn’t have TPM2.0+. I got curious and used the compatibility checker.
The laptop had TPM 2.1, but CPU is not compatible. oh well…
Probably for the best – using it without those hardware features is rough. I was using a Ryzen 1600AF – which is odd because it’s not on the list although it installs normally with no issue because it’s really an underclocked Ryzen 2600 Zen+ chip. The Zen+ chips are on the support list but they lack some of the virtualization features in hardware. I was seeing a massive difference in performance when I toggled the security settings that used them. Sometimes 15-20% difference in games.