I’m all for it.
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I thought it was a little far-fetched as well, but there was a post I believe it was here a few weeks back of people that were running the windows 12 beta snooping around the code and seeing references to subscription classification and typing
This is a PC mag article that refers to it. it doesn’t go in as depth as the other post did
I hear them there covid vaccines summon demons to drink your blood, too. There was some snooping around some classified government files, and someone found a reference to “blood”, and that word can’t possible be a reference to anything other than summoned vaccine demons drinking your blood, so there you have it.
Hold the fucking goddamn phone… We don’t even have 11 in full swing and they’re making 12!? What the actual fuck Microsoft?
I think Microsoft has gotten so used to the swing back and forth that they just assume 12 is going to be a banger. I can think of no worse setup for a train wreck of a release than 12 being the first Microsoft built major OS to break this mold since XP and end up being the 2nd OS in a row that bombed and drove away market share.
Subscription to remove the ads! lol
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