New evidence confirms COVID-19 vaccines are overwhelmingly safe::More than 38 million COVID-19 vaccine doses have been administered in Ontario as of Oct. 8, with 23,002 reports of adverse reactions, an incidence of 0.06 per cent, Public Health Ontario says
the GOP? I’m a registered Democrat, the Polio vaccine argument is so tired
the Covid shot is not a vaccine, big pharma and politicians hood winked Americans.
Big pharma is not your friend
I’m a registered Democrat,
Do you think falling for gop propaganda as a liberal makes you sound any smarter?
Polio vaccine argument is so tired
Solid rebuttal… Guys, if you don’t have an answer to a question you can just say it’s tired!
the Covid shot is not a vaccine, big pharma and politicians hood winked Americans.
Ahh, a man of words and science! Please tell me, what great place of learning taught you this medical wisdom?
Big pharma is not your friend
Never said it was?