Can we do some more CEOs and bankers, now? Start a trend. Keep the ball rolling. Puhleeeze.
He’s the scapegoat for all financial crimes of the past decade. Before him it was Madoff. The rest will continue as normal.
And they’ll continue to commit fraud until they can’t kick the can anymore. Then they kick us because they have everything anyway.
No they won’t. There’s way more of us. They’ll take serious action and make heavy weights testify before congress. Court cases will follow and the news and speculation will be dizzying. Then as the trials slowly work their way through the courts they will be found not guilty or face mild slaps on the wrist or have to resign from ceo to a lesser role like vice ceo. And which ever rich person stole the most from other rich people will be thrown to wolves and the cycle will continue for another decade.
Most CEOs and bankers know they can’t screw each other. It’s only okay to screw the little guys.
At least Bernie got away with his scam for decades. He was an old old man who had lived a full life by the time he went to prison. Sammy? Not so much