No shit
So, so guilty.
Can’t wait to see how the 1:1 GME tokens are resolved
Can we do some more CEOs and bankers, now? Start a trend. Keep the ball rolling. Puhleeeze.
Most CEOs and bankers know they can’t screw each other. It’s only okay to screw the little guys.
At least Bernie got away with his scam for decades. He was an old old man who had lived a full life by the time he went to prison. Sammy? Not so much
He’s the scapegoat for all financial crimes of the past decade. Before him it was Madoff. The rest will continue as normal.
And they’ll continue to commit fraud until they can’t kick the can anymore. Then they kick us because they have everything anyway.
No they won’t. There’s way more of us. They’ll take serious action and make heavy weights testify before congress. Court cases will follow and the news and speculation will be dizzying. Then as the trials slowly work their way through the courts they will be found not guilty or face mild slaps on the wrist or have to resign from ceo to a lesser role like vice ceo. And which ever rich person stole the most from other rich people will be thrown to wolves and the cycle will continue for another decade.
Sam Bad-Bankman Fraud
Sam Bankman Not Freed
Scamuel Brokeman Fraud
Don’t steal from the rich
The Shkreli Principle
But we can still steal from the poor right?
Steal? No, it’s a clever business model where I convince you to buy dogshit because dogshit will be worth x10 next month and I’m definitely not dumping all my dogshit once you poors drive the price up.
No, it’s the even more clever business model where I convince half my employees that if they just work a few extra minutes a day off the clock or work through their legally mandated lunch breaks, but still allow me to automatically deduct their pay for the break, then someday I’ll notice all their hard work and reward them for it… someday.
Friendly reminder that wage theft outweighs all other robberies combined:
It’s encouraged!
Minor fines may be involved and a stern “that’s a no-no!” from a regulatory organization.
No problem there!
Unless you’re poor too
Poor stealing from poor is a capital offense.
Phew! I was worried there for a second! Good to know I’ll continue to face no consequences!
Especially if you’re rich! In fact it’s much safer that way.
Of course! Society isn’t going crazy.
“Originally placed under house arrest, he was sent to jail in August for violations of his bail conditions, including using a VPN to watch a football game and leaking the diary entries of his ex-girlfriend”
Ok I get the diary, that’s shitty…but using a VPN to watch football? That’s a normal Saturday afternoon.
When you’ve got bail conditions on the order of roughly a lifetime’s income riding on not using a VPN, I think you can skip football for a while.
He also got caught sending some cryptic messages to someone saying something along the lines of getting their stories straight.
He said he had concluded that Mr. Bankman-Fried’s communication with the media and a separate attempt to contact a former FTX employee were intended to “intimidate or also to influence” witnesses in the case.
Not when you could be also using that vpn to communicate with people without them knowing
He can claim it was to watch football, doesn’t mean it was.
leaking the diary entries of his ex-girlfriend
August 4th
Dear diary, I have tried once again in vain to get Sam to get a decent haircut. In the movie of your life you’re going to be played by Jesse Eisenberg, the least you could do is move over to his default haircut. It’s only courteous.Unless he listens not.
He is set to be sentenced by Judge Lewis Kaplan on March 28th of next year and faces decades in prison.
What a tease. Hurry up!
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There is another trial on additional charges before then.
It really is a mind fuck that I could walk out into the middle of the street in broad daylight in full view of 100 people, shoot someone in the head at point blank range, killing them and still end up with less time than this guy will most likely get so long as the person I murdered wasn’t well to do financially.
Do you really believe that the typical murderer serves less time than the typical securities fraudster?
A lot of people are using the cheat code of being a cop and then doing 0 time.
Every news about this guy always has the same title, for almost a year
This is the first time he’s ever been convicted of a crime, not sure what you mean?
looks like shit
…to the surprise of absolutely no one.
Dunno. I distinctly remember doom and gloom that he’d get away scott free.
That is what happens when you steal from the rich.
Try to incite an insurrection and steal an election: you’ll walk away with no consequences.
Steal money from the rich: you will burn.
Trump’s still on trial. I’m sure he’ll go to jail for something or other.
He won’t.
See Anna Sorokin, or Elizabeth Holmes.
Or for the elders among us, Nick Leeson. He didn’t even steal the money, he just fucked up.
Has Holmes even gone to jail yet? She got knocked up twice to dodge prison
There it is.
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