yup when other countries politicians see how deep we will take it they want that for themselves.
Well, in the end, that’s the ironic part. The american dream of freedom. You really got it. Sadly noone ever asked if that freedom should be for companies too.
oh they did actually. its called citizens united and ruled that corporations are super citizens with all the benefits of a person but none of the disadvantages.
what the…for real?
eyup. says money is speech to. so no disrupting corpos freedome to bribe. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citizens_United_v._FEC#Opinion_of_the_court
Jeeez. I stand corrected. And baffled.
superpacs would not exist without that law. With the law superpacs have been deciding the canidates to choose from since.
Turd-sandwich or. Douchebag… Sigh
whats really scary is that was passed by a better supreme court. Also its been over a decade and we will never be as free as we were before it till its ended. I can’t imagine what our current destroyers of democracy court will pass through. I hope internet stuff like this can be seen by future historians so they know folks were aware and against what was happening but pretty much powerless to stop it.