USA please get your shit together. That’s so dytopian my head hurts. And you are a vision of the future for all other countries. Thank god I’ll be dead by then.
America is falling apart, I don’t think our countries consider them a “vision of the future”.
Maybe 15-20 years ago, now we are just wondering when the collapse will happen
I meant, we will face the same fate when our decision-makers see how deep they can bend the americans without getting any resistance. And it’s soooo deeeep. And i didn’t mean the vision-thing like the good old “murican dream”. More like a dystopian vision.
Okay yeah, you make a scary valid point then. I can see it happening in Canada and a few European nations for sure.
Hell, all I have been seeing for the last 40+ years is a slow erosion of rights. The amount of laws and regulations alone has drastically increased since I was a kid.
Same here, fellow old fart. It’s the culmination of maany tiny steps down. Or up, from a rich perspective. Too bad that both views inherently have to be directly opposed. When you say “amount of laws and regulations” you make it sound very german 😂
I’ve known this was coming for a few years after the CEO of my previous mental health employer told us he wanted to grow the company large enough to compete with Amazon who were going to be entering the primary care and mental healthcare field. He also warned of Walmart following suit.
It was a hard pill to swallow and I hoped he was wrong, but here we are… It’s going to be a scary time if monopolies like Amazon and Walmart strangle out real providers and fuck up our healthcare industry even worse. We need these fuckers to have this fail spectacularly to preserve the industry.
Totally! You already have it bad enough.
Sadly, the critical group will always be inferior to the ignorant or clueless. And hence could be ignored for decision-making. It won’t fail. Just throw enough moneyz to marketing and people would even buy your bath-water. Luckily Amazon doesn’t have that many moneyz. /s
its really tough seeing dystopian satire become the norm.
I have joked for years that we are living in a simulation and in 2016, they cranked up the satire and absurdity levels. Then in 2020, they cranked up the suffering factor, but left satire and absurdity turned up.
It has seriously felt like living in The Onion universe these last few years.
Wanna bet politicians will speedrun that shit, so just in time for us to die while suffering the effects! :D
yup when other countries politicians see how deep we will take it they want that for themselves.
Well, in the end, that’s the ironic part. The american dream of freedom. You really got it. Sadly noone ever asked if that freedom should be for companies too.
oh they did actually. its called citizens united and ruled that corporations are super citizens with all the benefits of a person but none of the disadvantages.
what the…for real?
eyup. says money is speech to. so no disrupting corpos freedome to bribe.
Jeeez. I stand corrected. And baffled.
superpacs would not exist without that law. With the law superpacs have been deciding the canidates to choose from since.
Turd-sandwich or. Douchebag… Sigh