America is falling apart, I don’t think our countries consider them a “vision of the future”.
Maybe 15-20 years ago, now we are just wondering when the collapse will happen
I meant, we will face the same fate when our decision-makers see how deep they can bend the americans without getting any resistance. And it’s soooo deeeep. And i didn’t mean the vision-thing like the good old “murican dream”. More like a dystopian vision.
Okay yeah, you make a scary valid point then. I can see it happening in Canada and a few European nations for sure.
Hell, all I have been seeing for the last 40+ years is a slow erosion of rights. The amount of laws and regulations alone has drastically increased since I was a kid.
Same here, fellow old fart. It’s the culmination of maany tiny steps down. Or up, from a rich perspective. Too bad that both views inherently have to be directly opposed. When you say “amount of laws and regulations” you make it sound very german 😂