First RCS now this, today has been wild
Please don’t force Linux as a religious zealot forces their way on other people. Some like it, some are in the fence and some will never use it for wherever personal reason.
Proud mint user here, don’t get me wrong
If they are specifically dissatisfied with the way Windows is working and will always work and feel up to try to modify it to work less shitty they are probably exactly the group that should switch to Linux or pony up the money for a Mac.
Every OS can break and every OS can be tweaked. What’s your problem?
I totally get that people are tired of seeing Linux recommendations but…
Pointing out that there is an alternative without the same issues is hardly “forcing Linux as a religious zealot forces their way on other people”
That’s a bit hyperbolic imo
Everyone knows there are alternatives. Even if it is just Mac.
No need to bring up your specific flavour of OS.