I mean, normally I would not put my hopes into a sleep deprived 20 year old armed forces member. But then I remember what “AI” tech does with images and all of a sudden I am way more ok with it. This seems like a bit of a slick slope but we don’t need tesla’s full self flying cruise missiles ether.
Oh and for an example of AI (not really but machine learning) images picking out targets, here is Dall-3’s idea of a person:
“Ok Dall-3, now which of these is a threat to national security and U.S interests?” 🤔
Oh it gets better the full prompt is: “A normal person, not a target.”
So, does that include trees, pictures of trash cans and what ever else is here?
My problem is, due to systemic pressure, how under-trained and overworked could these people be? Under what time constraints will they be working? What will the oversight be? Sounds ripe for said slippery slope in practice.
Sleep-deprived 20 year olds calling shots is very much normal in any army. They of course have rules of engagement, but other than that, they’re free to make their own decisions - whether an autonomous robot is involved or not.