Ya how dare people actually pay for a platform that hosts billions of videos and streams to billions of users essentially lag free and is actually decent and shares revenue with it’s content creators. /s
Things cost money. You don’t have to be a corporate shill to not expect everything to be free, you just have to be an adult.
I get that, but the vast majority of content creators seem to make their money with sponsorships or their own ads, so most of what google is doing is content distribution, not creation. Which makes the amount of money they want for that seem ridiculous when pretty much every other streaming service that produces high profile and expensive shows themselves is way cheaper.
This feels like your supermarket requiring entrance fees in addition to you having to pay for stuff you actually buy.
Youtube spends more on revenue sharing than some big streaming services do on content creation. Content creators who also have sponsored segments are essentially double dipping but that’s on the content creator.
Also I don’t know how much it is in the US, but in Canada, YT is one of the cheapest streaming services if not the cheapest, and I get way more value out of youtube than I do from Netflix, Crave, Prime, or Disney+.
I don’t know about the revenue sharing. But in Germany, youtube premium is 12€, Amazon prime and Disney is 9€, Paramount is 8€ and Apple tv is 7€. Only Netflix is the same price for hd or more expensive with 18€ for 4k.
I see.
We are at fault for youtube giving shit away for free. We are responsible for youtube’s profits.
We not only need to offer content FOR FREE to youtube … but then accept that we must pay youtube for our content.
Get fucked.
Before telling others to get fucked, maybe learn to read and grow the fuck up.
YT shares revenue with content creators. No one is offering shit for free.
Things cost money, wether you think the service is worth it or not is up to you, but no one owes you shit just because you are an entitled prick.
I am a grown up. But I have little tolerance for corporate cheerleaders of any shape or sound.
Ok feel free to build your own alternative.
Oh take your ball and go home already.
You should take your own advice. Your bs hasn’t worked.
Google is one of the richest companies in the world.
Ok? And? They aren’t a charity and don’t owe you free video hosting services.
EDIT: I find it hilarious that point out the fact that you aren’t entitled to free hosting services is getting down voted. Lmao how old are the people here?
They were already being paid and profitable, both from direct cash and ad revenue, but that doesn’t ever seem to be enough.
You are free to disagree with their pricing and cancel a subscription if you have one. That’s how the free market works.
“Free market works” is by itself a very questionable statement.
But there sure are some more options beyond that. Although some people think we shouldn’t be free to pick them.
You are free to pick w.e you want. That doesn’t make someone actually paying for a decent platform a corporate shill.
Our definitions of “decent” are definitely different. But this is not just about what you choose to do, it’s about all the fingerwagging people do at people who don’t believe this is worth paying (even more) for.
The only finger wagging going on is people calling people corporate shills for actually paying for a service.
No but I’m not going to pay Google for anything. It’s obscene to give them even more money.
Whether you think that service is worth it or not is up to you.
But don’t act like you have some moral high ground here and that people who are actually paying for a service that you are stealing from and a service that actually shares revenue with it’s content creators and encourages independent creators are just corporate shills.
Some of us are adults and realize things cost money and not entitled children that expect everything for free.
And some of us are adults that don’t have your innate need to wield your moral high ground like a smug pedantic asshole.
I am not the one calling anyone who isn’t pirating a corporate shill.
And yet that’s obivously not what this thread’s context was before you started self-jerking to moral superiority.
Have some self awareness.
This isn’t a Wendys Drive Thru.
Here, since you have difficulty following, let me copy where the original thread started.
The amount of downvotes on comments trying to help people not get price gouged and comments supporting these subscription price increases shows me just how many corporate shills are actually out there. No wonder these corps keep getting away with this bullshit.
I am not the one who started the moral superiority, I just disagreed at being called a “corporate shill” before a bunch of insecure assholes started losing their shit.
Maybe try having self awareness yourself before suggesting it to someone else.
And I don’t owe them a subscription if I don’t agree with the value they’ve placed on it. Free market, baby. 👍
Sure, absolutely, you don’t. No one is claiming otherwise.
You seem oddly offended at the idea people wouldn’t lol. I don’t know why you’re taking this so personally.
No I just think it’s stupid to call people who would pay for a service a corporate shill. I have no issue with someone who doesn’t think a subscription is worth it. Maybe read the whole thread first next time.
Dude they sell our data to advertisers and big data for profit. The least they can do is provide some services for us for the amount of analytics they collect from us on a daily basis.
As someone who’s actually worked in this industry, your data isn’t enough to pay for video hosting services to the scale youtube provides. Youtube makes up a significant chunk of all network traffic in the world. It costs money.
You’re a content creator, aren’t you? 🤣
No i am not. But I am happy to support actual content creators and the platform that they host on and gets them the most views because I spend more time on YT than I do on any other streaming platform.
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They pay content creators more than any other platform to my understanding. I think the exception is kik (kick?) The streaming platform.
I mean that is objectively not true.
Dude, they ARE the advertiser. That’s Google’s main business. They have no incentive to export ANY of your account data to 3rd parties. Business tell them what groups of people to advertise to, and their systems handle the rest. They’re open about how it all works.