Windows 10 gets three more years of security updates, if you can afford them::Windows 10 gets a version of the program that extended updates for Windows 7.
Paid updates may as well be no updates. Give us privacy or cost.
Of course Linux is the only way
Speak for yourself. I’d rather pay then suffer through Linux desktop.
You came to the wrong neighborhood
You’re the contrarian that likes corporate so much. Didn’t think i will see your comment here.
Edit: It’s actually fitting that you would show up here.
I recognize that fantastic username. Just… avoid the guy.
I had an unrelated encounter with him/her/they/it/whatever a couple of weeks ago. Troll or not, the guy tends to be a dick about everything.
I disagree with the user base. I’m a dick. Got it. Can you point out where I have dune anything but express my opinion?
Bruv. You have a -16341 and decreasing total user score.
Clearly you’re quite abrasive to have a score like that.
Not to mention that you have about 15.2333… comments per day on average which seems pretty damn obsessive to me.It seems reductive to go back to Reddit insults. “You have low karma and spend too much time on the platform.” Cmon.
15 comments a day is nothing, that’s an hour of active engagement, a day.
15 comments a day (key word) on average.
He’s had the account for 2 months and already has 915 comments.
I’ve had my account for 6 months, am active nearly every day and barely have half that.
He’s turned this into his personal messenger and most of it is him spewing vomit in text form.The -16k is much more telling though. Nobody gets the low without intentionally being a dick.
I would say I’m just closer to the average user in needs and wants.
Linux Mint would like to have a word with you.
Have you done a “Linux mint update” search on Google?
Have you ever used it before? You literally click a few buttons lmao
Even mint forces you to do major version upgrades, and eventually something breaks enough that I have to do a clean install anyway.
Then why are you in all your arguments I have seen you; defaulting to the position that things you pay for are “always” better than things that are “free”? Many would agree to the position that things we pay for are “usually” better than things that are free.
It’s true that paying gives you better quality… but NOT ALWAYS.
Because that’s the average user. If the average user defaulted to setting up next cloud then Google wouldn’t be worth a trillion dollars. There are conflations with the average lemmy user and an actual average user.
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Zero relevance. None. Nowhere in that rambling did you make any point. I award you zero points and may God have mercy on your soul.
Agreed. You have shown us you are very close to average. Just a tiny bit more intellect and you’ll make it there! God speed, superstar.
Seething turns into attacks. Ya got me.
If it makes you feel better to think of me as seething, go ahead! Hope you feel better soon ❤️
deleted by creator
Yeah I don’t even bother engaging anymore. It’s a troll account. Downvote, ignore, and move on.
deleted by creator
What exactly you don’t like in Linux?
Extension updates compatibility and stability, video card driver issues, poor inconsistent audio source management tools, general challenges getting 1-1 level of functionality with touch pads and webcams (spending days trying to figure out why xdotool isn’t working only to find you now need ydotool for Wayland was fun).
You should stick to a stable disto. It feels like you are exploring installing packages on your own instead of using a distribution like PopOS or Linux Mint
Extension updates compatibility and stability
Then stop using GNOME, lol. ◉‿◉
poor inconsistent audio source management tools
Elaborate, because I haven’t had any issues with PipeWire.