Google Bard is dead, long live Google Gemini::Google rebranded its Bard chatbot in February 2024 to Gemini. Gemini Ultra is a paid subscription platform.
Alexa, ChatGPT, copilot, etc are all more than one syllable.
Actually having more is probably good for voice commands with products because it will prevent false activations.
A lot easier for the mic to determine if you’re saying Gemini than if you’re saying Bard.
I could see Bard activating if someone says they’re bored or to check the board.
Did they say somewhere they were going to add that as a voice command? Right now you trigger Google by saying “ok Google”.
My understanding is you want a name that’s recognizable, searchable, and as short as possible given those constraints. If we attach Google to “Google Bard” that seems like it fits the bill. No one really talks about bards conversationally. “Gemini” already had a notable space program association, plus astrological sign. Someone like Google can probably overcome those existing associations, but why choose a word that’s longer and less distinct?
I do get annoyed saying chatgpt over and over (same with LLM) so I don’t view that as a favorable comparison.
Especially with certain accents. You really want your voice commands to be quite distinct. There’s virtually no extra labor is saying two or three extra syllables.