Switch to Linux!
From Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Windows11/comments/1as1yjk/microsoft_in_their_infinite_wisdom_has_replaced/
People be like:
tbf I get it. Sometimes you just want to be mad.
But like, it’s Microsoft’s fault.
Or Adobe, Autodesk, Nvidia, etc.
I don’t think this meme applies here. The person who’s mad isn’t the one using Windows. They got mad about a “problem” someone else was having and decided to use it as an excuse to push Linux.
Exactly. The Linux bros are not offering a solution. They are the same people as the “just move” people. Annoying ass trolls.
But moving costs money, switching to linux costs nothing (if you have free cloud storage or a second drive to backup and migrate important data, even then you could get one of those for cheap or free depending on your needs), and with how linux is these days there are distros that are as plug and play as windows for basic tasks that most people do, and a welcoming community and infinite resources to make learning curves small if you want to take on something more advanced. Further than that Linux can be more friendly, allowing easy configuration and GUIs to do things that would require “hacking” to do on windows or third party bloated applications.
I’m on a more advanced distro, but it’s basically easy-mode arch skipping the technical set up stage, and honestly it is not hard to pick up at all, if I did what I did on windows my experience would be roughly the same except I designed my own task bar set up and my PC has been running quieter and more efficiently, everything past that is me tailoring my experience past what a normal user would do.
I tried linux a decade ago and it was sluggish in the UI and didn’t have support for a lot of things but these days it feels 99% to what windows is for me with some extras. It’s time to switch for people on the fence, especially with the rapid enshittification of things.
I think the hurdle isn’t money but time, and yes it takes quite a bit of time to learn a new OS, figure out why your graphics card is running so slow, move your files to an external drive and back, find alternatives to the programs you use and learn their quirks and missing features, learn the difference between apt-get and snap and flatpak when programs only support one, figure out what a .tar.gz file is and how to install one (what was that chain of commands with “sudo make” in it), find tweaks and workarounds to get certain games working in Proton, and do that all again if you don’t like the distro (because Linux users love suggesting new distros)
You are totally right about the time, I agree with you there, it did take some time for me to make sure I was ready for an install but once I got it it went super quick and I haven’t had any issues with graphics even though I’m using nvidia. As for the terminal, I’m probably an outlier but I’m totally fine with that and I do have some previous experience from when I was younger messing around in ubuntu that made it easier now even though I’m on a much different distro.
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I’m upvoting you because I know what you’re trying to say. Personally I don’t have a lot of time to game anymore but I vote with my wallet and I try to only buy games on steam that are linux native. I have found a lot of great indy games this way and I don’t feel like I’m “missing out”. Still, I get it.
which most people do.
Most people who play competitive multiplayer games (a minority of total users) do so on console
“But the controller is an inferior aiming device”
“Yeah and the foot is an inferior ball handling device, but soccer still exists as a game”
What??? Do you have a statistic on this like does most of the population of earth play call of street fortnite 20 or whatever “competitively”?
call of street fortnite 20
Is now permanently in my lexicon.
I think you are confusing “professionally” and “competitively”. Anyone playing to win is being competitive.
I don’t think that many people even play video games nevermind online ones nevermind competitive ones
Like 41% which is more than I expected but only a tiny fraction of those use PCs
Care to cite sources for that? Haven’t seen people playing “competitive multiplayer games” from most people in a while, now.
You probably live in some weird outlier community. 88% of Americans are competitive gamers now.
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Oh, are your gaming statistics hurt?
Fair, but also depends on which one’s.
~40-45% of them do actually work.there are 3 billion people playing videogames, most of them playing casual af shit like candy crush (https://explodingtopics.com/blog/number-of-gamers).
About “competitive” multiplayer games: have you tried proton? I myself was sticking with Windows untill i eventually tried it.
Linux is not a solution if you have a skill issue. The longer people have this kind of mindset you have, the longer Microsoft will pretend to be a monopolist, the longer they will behave like total shitheads towards their customers.
Is proton also a work around for easy anti-cheat now?
It literally is. Played Hunt: Showdown and Warthunder with no problems at all
Lol yeah “most people” definitely do not play competitive multiplayer games. Are the other children in your friend group literally the only other humans you’ve ever met?
“most people” = “most teens”. I don’t know any adult that plays competitive multiplayer games other than maybe CSGO.
I am not sure if most people play competitive multiplayer games
Sounds like something a Bronze leaguer would say
Your solution isn’t a solution though it’s like saying that the solution to drowning is to set yourself on fire. It’s just a different kind of problem.
No it isn’t.
It’s more like saying: if that guy you hang out with keeps pushing you into the water and you almost drown every time, perhaps you should stop hanging out with that guy.
Of course, that’s not what people who are in an abusive relationship typically want to hear.
It’s hardly a big deal, none of what Microsoft has done is really that annoying. Individually they are barely even noteworthy.
Switching to Linux is a huge pain in the ass to have to go through so Microsoft would have to do something seriously messed up for me to even want to put up with it. I’m not assuming that I could find equivalent programs that even ran on Linux.
That’s exactly the kind of shit abused people say to justify staying with their abusive partner. (“Oh it’s not so bad” - she says with a black eye - “and he’s really sweet normally”)
Yes in the short term it can be painful to leave an abusive person you’ve come to depend upon, but in the long term it’s always the better solution.
Switching to Linux is a huge pain in the ass.
This is literally how MacOS and long time Linux users feel when switching to Windows.
And how many people are telling Linux users to switch to Windows?
Not many, but you’d be surprised.
Yes, I would be very surprised.
Literally abusive relationship cope. LMAO.
“He’s always ready with a life preserver and a towel though”
And in this case they aren’t even drowning. They have a slightly annoying icon in the corner of their screen.
“Hey I have a problem with my Samsung”
“Drop it and get an iPhone instead”
This is what you guys are like.
More like:
“Hey I have a problem with my Samsung”
“Here’s a custom ROM you can install instead” (but also glosses over a lot of the finer decisions that go into whether or not to choose to run a custom ROM)
you don’t have to pay for a +1000$ device to switch to Linux. In most cases, you can just install it in the same machine you have Windows.
It’s more like replacing Samsung’s Android ROM with a custom ROM. Sure, you’ll have to learn new things to use it, but you don’t have to buy an iPhone.
I get what you’re saying but I just want to point out that the lowest cost iPhone is under $450.
I’d argue that’s still not a very good comparison, because for ROMs you have to go through the trouble of researching the specific method for your phone brand, model, & firmware version, learning adb, unlocking the bootloader, flashing a custom recovery, then from there you can install a custom ROM. Then if you fuck up you have to figure out how to debrick the device.
While Linux(user friendly distros specifically) is just burning an ISO to a USB, possibly changing 1 or 2 settings in the BIOS & booting from that USB, then just clicking through a graphical installer like calamares.
The barrier to entry is drastically smaller.
iPhone is $999+, Linux is completely free.
It’s funny this meme of iPhones being expensive is still a thing.
The cheapest one is under $450.
That’s still expensive compared to $0
why would anyone buy an even more pos phone. I had a 12 and 13 before my pixel there is nothing good about them, unless you are insecure about people’s thoughts on what color your msgs are. also you don’t need to copy and paste you comment on everyone’s damn comment no one give a fuck.
You need to chill.
I responded to a grand total of 2 comments with the same sentiment but they were not copies of each other. The over the top aggressive response is completely unwarranted.
What’s more is that yours and my mom don’t need flagship phone performance and what you refer to as a “pos phone” would do just fine for the vast majority of people’s use cases without coming close to utilizing all available resources.
I’m correcting the evidently popular belief that iPhones are expensive. As it turns out, only the expensive ones are expensive. Imagine that.
When people tell you to use Linux, they’re not telling you that to solve your immediate problem (e.g. your “show desktop” icon has been replaced with a different icon), but they are telling you to get out of your abusive relationship with Microsoft, because that is the real problem: Microsoft does not respect you, the end-user of their product, and this kind of abusive shit will keep happening for as long as you keep using Windows.
Who asked you for help with our relationship? I believe someone complained about a random feature change. And here you are. Telling everyone to just fuck off and switch completely. It’s insane.
JFC people like you … You have like the worst case of Stockholm syndrome I’ve ever seen. I swear the only reason you are getting so angry and defensive when people recommend Linux is because deep down you know they’re speaking the truth.
No. It’s annoying being told the only solution is to throw everything out the window and start over. No stockholm syndrome I run a Ubuntu server and ran arch when I was 14. Fuck off with your stupid takes and offer a real solution to the problem.
Fuck off with your stupid takes
Yeah, real mature take you have there buddy.
offer a real solution to the problem.
“My husband always beats me when he is drunk. Don’t tell me to leave him, just tell me how I get him to stop beating me”
^ This is you basically.
No. That is your perspective to a situation. That is not fact. Stop valueing your own voice so highly. You start to forget you can be wrong.
Listen, if you don’t like what I have to say, don’t read my comments, block me or stop replying or something, but I’m not going to shut myself up to please some random twerp like you.
they are telling you to get out of your abusive relationship with Microsoft
And how well has that worked so far?
For people like me who took that advice: pretty damn great actually, thanks for asking!
How many people have you managed to convert in this thread?
Me! Switched to fedora from Windows about 3 years ago and don’t regret it one bit. Probably the best decision I’ve made in regards to personal computing in my adult life.
If you switched 3 years ago, you haven’t been converted in this very thread.
Did Lemmy even exist 3 years ago? I thought the Lemmy migration was only last summer.
I’m actually helping someone from this convert rn.
Even if it’s only one, I will have helped one person, unlike you who has only been bitching and moaning.
If that’s what you think will improve how the Linux community is perceived, then do go on.
I keep seeing this, and yes, it’s running the image of the Linux community. Even for me who’s part of it.
“Help, Windows problem.”
“Linux is the answer.”
“But I want to use Windows.”
“Then you’re a stupid ingrate who’s below me and deserve nothing good in your life.”
Do you hear yourselves? I’m exaggerating, but come on guys. You’re better than this, good grief.
This may sound strange to you, but I actually don’t give a single fuck about how you perceive things.
I did switch around a month ago due to a thread similar to this, and I have booted windows like twice since then, and im really glad I made the switch. So, yes, threads like this did help me, while also providing good starting tips.
Lol you wish Linux was an equivalent to an iPhone in this analogy. Pretty analogy from you.
It does sometimes feel like a guy with face scars from an exploded Samsung reaching for another Samsung while saying “I hope they’ve made improvements”
Nah, I switched to Linux last year and it cost me $0. No new hardware needed. So not a good metaphor.
You misunderstood what the metaphor was.
Are iPhones free now?