FCC chair wants to boost broadband standard to 100Mbps::First refresh of minimums in eight years for the country that invented the internet
If you have 100mbps of non bandwidth capped internet in America, you’re doing damn good for yourself.
But what if it costs $95/mo, there are no alternatives and the price has nearly doubled in 10 years from $55?
I sure don’t feel that great.
I pay the equivalent of $64 for 1 gigabit.
You pay $4 more than I do for the same thing (with no bandwidth cap). If you’re not out in the sticks, internet is fine here.
American internet isn’t all crap. I pay about $70 for Gigabit.
You must live in a large city or near one
You can get business gigabit for $90 a month where I live.
Funny thing is that is the rural option, in town I have to go with Comcast and pay $160 a month for half a gigabit
Scrolled too far down before a mention of Comcast. I was in charge of a handful of locations where we needed broadband. They were geographically diverse enough that we had to go with different options. Comcast was the most expensive, and by a lot. Like 30%, and the slowest in dl/ul by a large margin. Comcast was also the second worst one to deal with. The actual worst one was the faster, slightly less expensive Spectrum. They had by far the worst service. A couple of locations had small DSL companies that were a delight to deal with and reasonably priced, but slow as balls. And then one location had a municipal fiber option that was the cheapest, fastest, and easiest to deal with by far. Like, I swear to god I could call them and talk to a real network engineer that no joke actually knew more than I did. I don’t mean this to sound arrogant; I am not great with networking. I’m just saying compared to “yeah, I have that in bridge mode because I don’t need router capability I’m running my own” and being answered with something like “whoa I’m going to need to get a supervisor” vs them being like “hey can you open a terminal and…” Yes, yes I can open a terminal.
Oh no, Comcast is a terrible fucking company, we agree there.
Its just that in the city, it is either them, or ATT with literally a DSL connection. Coax, or DSL, that’s your options lmao.