FCC chair wants to boost broadband standard to 100Mbps::First refresh of minimums in eight years for the country that invented the internet
I had 2Mbps (yes, bits, not bytes) until 2020. Then I moved out. Pretty sure that my parents house still only gets that same speed. And this is in fucking Germany, a pretty densely populated country.
As a Swede, I usually get well above 3 Mbit/s on 3G, and I have a 100/100 Mbit/s fiber that I often use to its full potential, and that’s with a VPN on. I really thought Germany had better infrastructure.
I’m sure I’d get a faster speed than that in a piece of string.
Honestly that sounds like the cable was damaged, was that really the actual target speed?
Yes, genuinely target speed. Germany is just incredibly behind when it comes to the internet.