You needed to explain that for it to make sense
That’s the point of the color bar on the bottom, a part of any good graph
The color bar means nothing without any label.
The numbers, right there on the bar, and the text at the top of the image.
“male to female suicide ratio” and then the numbers 1-10, it even explains that it’s (men’s suicides / women’s suicides) so anyone who doesn’t know what a ratio is can enjoy as well
- 1: same number of men and women
- 2: twice as many men, as women
- 3: three times as many… Etc
- x: x times as many men
Does this help?
It does but if it was good it wouldn’t need an explanation.
The title explains it… If it isn’t clear by that, it explains what that means in the text below. That my explanation was necessary is not really the fault of the infographic
I disagree.
I agree with the OP. You’re bad at reading graphs, unfortunately
Apparently I’m not the only one since this thread was started by someone else who was confused. And should you have to be good at reading graphs to understand one? They should present the information in a clear easy to understand manner. This failed at that.