Print failed because the layer adhesion is shit on my printer.
A lot of printing. It’s basically impossible to clean it well.
With that one (creality textured glass carborundum something or other) I kept hitting it with 95%+ IPA, it just gives out eventually. I switched to a textured spring steel plate recently, world of difference for petg, PLA, and tpu. It’s just another consumable :/
If you’re not ready to switch yet a layer of masking tape can get you by for awhile, it’s just a pain because the masking tape will need to be replaced about every other print depending on your settings.
Are you removing your prints when the build plate is still hot? If so, and your plate is PEI, it’ll get destroyed
It looks like a glass carborundum Creality plate. I have one of them, they work really well until one day they just don’t.
I second that. Mine worked for quite a bit of time until it stopped working properly.
Glue stick helps, as does cleaning with ISO between every. single. print. Also praying.
I got an old school build-tak style sticker for one of my glass beds once I finally got sick of it. Ender 3 style glass beds are just bizarre, ornery little things.
Buildtak is fantastic, I’ve swapped over to all buildtak on my voron and for abs on my prusa, A little bit of 99ipa between prints and you’re good, never had to worry about adhesion. I had a glass bed on a Mendel Max 2 literally a decade ago that I ended up selling about a year later when I moved cross country, ignoring bed leveeling and z axis issues I had, adhesion was always a mess, ended up doing the coat in polyimide tape and gluestick thing with success but it was always a bit how you doing. It’s great how far things have come.