Wild. I don’t find extremely moderated subs to be an example of what I want to see here. I felt just as bad going to subs like that as I did going to subs where the mods don’t do anything to control the users. IMO, (and I realize it’s very much MY OWN opinion), is that discussion shouldn’t ever be purged unless it’s illegal or hate speech.
What about spam? Stuff completely unrelated to the community? Porn?
Certain heavily moderated subs made sense, like ask historians, where the purpose of the sub was to have actually knowledgeable responses instead of internet ass-pulling.
Honestly in some cases, it might be preferable to the heavy moderation I’ve seen. I can close a spam post or porn post in a second, but it takes a bit more work to restore an entire thread of hundreds of comments to see the discussion because some mod didn’t like it.