Jesus Christ you’re even complaining about the joke being performed by an actor in a TV show now. You need help.
Okay, now you are just taking the piss. The show is satire about horrible people doing horrible things. Absolutely everything the gang does should be criticized. I’m pointing at Dennis, not Glen.
Look, I’m done here and idgaf what you think, but I’ll leave you with an idea. Go to a women in your life you trust, mom, GF, sister or whoever and tell them some lady on the internet was upset about deepfakes and you told her it was just a joke.
Exactly. The show is satire and you’re getting upset at characters. They aren’t real.
Women is plural. “A women” would be “a woman”.
Lmao, nice attempt at a strawman, I never said deepfakes are just a joke. I said referencing a joke from a satirical TV show is a joke. Evidently that concept is proving too difficult for you.
Goodbye. I hope you learn to take a joke someday. What a grey and joyless life you must have.
Explain it however you like “some lady on the internet can’t take a joke”, or give her a link to this thread. Whatever, idc.
But you aren’t going to, we both know that.
I’m not going to what?
Yeah. You can’t take a joke at all. You’re even complaining about TV characters being immoral. It’s TV ffs. It’s not real.
Mac is not a real person. It is an actor playing a role. He is a work of fiction.