What’s the big deal with Windows 11?
I don’t use either win 10 nor win 11 much but I do know that I barely notice the difference.
I thought it was just a start menu rearrangement or something.
How would you notice a difference in something you have no experience with?
I didn’t say I have no experience.
You don’t need to actively use something to have a general idea of it. Maybe it’s not on his machine but he sees friends/family use it. Maybe he’s seen ads, reviews, YouTube videos, articles.
I’ve never watched NASCAR in my life but I’m fairly certain I could point out differences between one of those cars and an F1 car.
This is the kind of thing people don’t get with others when they say that they haven’t watched a particular movie or played a particular game. Why bother when there’s quite a hefty amount of information out there to learn of them and judge based on that?
People love to trick others into these things by saying “You can’t judge a book by it’s cover!”.
Yes, yes you can actually. You just want people to waste time and money to validate their suspicions that whatever it is, will not be to their liking.
Yup, that’s why we have reviewers and whatnot, so I don’t need to spend my time and money on something that I most likely won’t like. Yeah, I probably miss some gems from time to time, but I’m not hurting for choice.
Anyone else think “Don’t judge a book by it’s cover” is so weird in a literal sense? Lots of people judge books, music, movies, etc off the visual art associated with it. Otherwise graphic design wouldn’t exist.
There’s a lot more telemetry. They’re stuffing ads into it (start menu, explorer panels, etc). They’re creeping generative cloud AI into it. The control panel/setting situation is unbelievably unfinished (for myself, all my audio devices take the name of other audio devices so they’re all working but mislabeled). A recent update broke all VPNs. High system requirements. Locking down features. Removal of customization. Buggy updates. Slow.
Not trying to defend Win11 too much here. But the system requirements aren’t bad until you see how much storage it needs and how much it needs for all of the unnecessary fancy junk they put in to have the “best Windows experience” like Windows Hello.
Microsoft initially wanted to get rid of Control Panel entirely, which would stick us to the bare set of options we’ve been seeing degrade since Windows 8.