My win10 upgraded without asking. Win11 is horrible, I’m going to wipe and reinstall win10 again. As soon as update support stops, it’s Linux for me. Screw Microsoft. They even added ads as notifications and they are going to put ads in the start menu. Wtf! This is the end of windows, I’m sure.
I’m testing out Tiny11, which is basically Windows 11 without the bloat, and so far the experience is great!
My secondhand laptop from 2019 went from taking two minutes or more each to boot and to shut down in the full Microsoft monstrosity to less than 10 seconds for either in Tiny11 and the general performance is also dramatically improved!
(I’m speaking generally, not criticizing you personally.)
It’s amazing the great effort to which people will go to try to compensate for Microsoft’s abusive behavior, often while simultaneously claiming that switching OSs is too much effort.
Projects like Tiny11 are the computer equivalent of “oh, this black eye? I got it falling down the stairs and definitely not because my partner hit me.”
Folks get mad about Linux evangelism, but it’s really no different than friends saying “leave his ass; you’re too good for him!”
To be fair, alternatives like Tiny11 are much more user friendly for someone used to Windows than going all the way to Linux.
Especially if gaming is a big part of what you use your computer for and you prefer to do as much as possible with just the mouse rather than typing in various complex commands, both of which is the case with me.
Windows 11 is too bloated and otherwise enshittified and making Linux do what I want it to is too much of a hassle.
Tiny11 is better for my personal use case on both accounts and, like with Linux, I’m not rewarding Microsoft’s sleazy behavior by using it.
Have you ever tried any modern Linux desktop distribution?
I had a bad experience with Ubuntu and the likes about 10-15 years ago (as a daily driver for my desktop, that is). But a lot has changed since then.
Maybe take a look at Pop_OS or Linux Mint. I’m using the latter, it took less than 10 minutes to install and works out of the box! Everything else comes via it’s “app store”.
There is no need for the console, so you don’t need to type any commands!
Even my parents are using it. And gaming works great.
That’s not been my experience with Debian as my daily driver for the last few months. I’m in the console, sorry “Konsole” every few days having to adjust something or install a program that isn’t in the store or available as an app image. It’s working, but I get KDE crashes once or twice a week and the microphone just doesn’t work sometimes.
It’s still much faster than my win10, though.
Have you ever tried any modern Linux desktop distribution?
Yeah, the last one I tried was Lubuntu Jammy Jellyfish a few months ago.
Pop was the one I tried first, but the ancient laptop I was using at the time couldn’t hack it, so I went with the ultra light weight version of Ubuntu in stead.
Very little worked out of the box and almost everything took a lot more fiddling and searching and asking for advice to get to work. For example, I never did manage to make bottles work after over a week of trying on and off, doing exactly what the documentation and advice told me to.
I haven’t gotten to the gaming part of my Tiny11 test, so if it fails that, I might give Pop another chance now that I have a much newer one, but Lubuntu is definitely not as hassle free as Linux enthusiasts keep promising that all their favorite distros are…
Oh man Lubuntu takes me back. I used it back when it still used LXDE, which was actually relevant back then.
Sounds good, I’ll go check it out :)
during the great Mastodon migration in 2022 I saw someone post how they head to unlearn scrolling past every 6th post or so on their timeline, because that’s how the Twitter app was displaying the ads. I wish Microsoft the Very Bad and daydream about year of the Linux desktop, but something’s telling me people will get used to ads on Windows the same way.
You’re definitely right. Facebook got super shitty and most people didn’t leave. Netflix got super shitty and most people didn’t leave. YouTube got super shitty and most people didn’t leave. Amazon’s shitty video service got even more shitty, but Fallout was about to come out, so most people didn’t leave and I bet they actually got more subscribers (but idc enough to look it up). It seems like most people have accepted that things just get shitty over time. Or maybe they’re just not noticing the shitty changes? Idk. It’s hard to look at our projected trajectory as a species and be left with much hope. There’s good in this world, but it seems like none of it is coming from companies.
On one hand I agree that most people probably won’t change. On the other, the difference between an OS and websites is that windows has very little exclusivity left. If you want to read Facebook content, you go on Facebook. If you want to watch fallout, you go on prime. If you want to watch long-form content (relative to TikTok), you go to youtube.
If you want a good OS, you’re not forced by Microsoft to exclusively use windows. There are some pockets (like Xbox game pass games) but overall the average user could realistically switch to debian, Ubuntu or mint and not actually materially change what they do and watch on their computer, whereas if you decided to stop using Netflix, yes the experience of watching would be better but you wouldn’t actually be experiencing the same content.
I don’t disagree with your point, but I think that the most important variable is how receptive the average person is to change. It takes a lot of discomfort for most people to want to make a significant change. Most people probably won’t even recognize that Windows sucks because it’s what they’re familiar with and they probably attribute general tech improvements and new software with the OS because they don’t know any better. So they see it as better in a lot of ways and only worse in a couple of ways. They probably also generally think that the only alternative is an overpriced Apple product. It wasn’t until YouTube started cracking down on ad blockers that most people were even aware of the existence of ad blockers lmao. So I’m sure your average Windows user thinks that Linux means programming gobbledygook in cmd.exe and they would rather scroll Facebook. People are dumb and uninterested in the discomfort of learning things. Even if what they’re learning is that there’s not much discomfort because there’s not much new to learn. You have to trick them by sneaking vegetables into their food. “You have a Samsung phone. That runs Android. Android is Linux. See, you’re already using it.” It’s a fucking shock to me that Windows phones never took off.
But maybe the most important factor to Microsoft is the business world. It’s obviously not unanimous, but a shitload of companies rely on the Office suite. Switching to something different overnight might be easy for some workers, but I’d assume a massive disruption in productivity until everybody got acclimated. There would probably need to be some kind of canned training thing to help workers with the transition, which would cost more money. In general, companies would run a cost-benefit analysis and ultimately decide that it really doesn’t make much business sense to make that change when things are fine as is. Because in reality, Windows is fine. It’s not bad enough for a business to burden a rocky quarter just because of some ads and a little jank.
The bad news for Microsoft however is that privacy and security could be getting called into question. Some businesses here and there might get worried about that, but it’s the big Department of Defense fish that will drop them overnight because it’s a matter of national security. In the same way that government devices banned tiktok years before considering a nationwide ban, government devices would not hesitate to dump Microsoft. Their greed could be their downfall. They’re okay so long as the government and their big contractors keep running Windows.
You’ve hit the nail on the head.
Who’s opinion matters more to Microsoft? Businesses, Governments and Enterprises. If they lose that audience, they’re up shit’s creek.
They don’t care if even 100,000 disgruntled Windows users collectively gripe about where Windows has gone in direction. Because Microsoft’s main concern is no longer appeasing the casual and power users. If you’re a business partner or a corporate body, you have their attention more.
Microsoft just knows that a large majority of users will still be there, using their OSes regardless of how much of a dumping they all take. Whether it’s 11, 10, 7 or even WinXP, they’ve got a majority in their ecosystem. And those users are terrified of change.
Hell, I used to have been that Windows user who was scared of change and intimidated by Linux. The issue is that, you just need to dip first, not dive head first all the way. Mac is just simply an extension of Linux. Android as mentioned is an extension of Linux. Windows is it’s own entity surrounded by different Linux versions and forms.
Reddit got more shitty, but as expected from Reddit users, they all made a big deal about it for a month but still continued to be users. With how stupid easy it is to make an account on there, I’m sure most just pretended to delete their accounts and just made more as an excuse to ‘start anew’.
Like wow, bravo, what revolution, guys. You sure showed Spez. /s
I guess on one hand, I kind of get it. We’re all going to get to a point in our lives where we’re so old that we can’t care about every little thing before we get there. Then before we’re going to die from age or whatever, some would realize how wasted of a time their lives have been when they’ve spent getting angry about every little thing to do something about it.
So it’s probably why so many people just come to accept things as is. They’re going to die anyways so mind as well enjoy what’s here if possible before we get there.
However, on the other hand, you know it isn’t as bad to try to be some change to the world for a better future so that nobody would have to deal with the same shit one has dealt with. And maybe if people were a little more resourceful and took cues from people who have thought better with wisdom, they’d realize that being overly angry isn’t the solution. Don’t be angry, get crafty.
I’d like to think that this is the kind of mindset most may have.
I mostly agree, except that I’m here because I left reddit. I can’t speak for anybody else, but you can see my history here and compare it to my history there. It’s been almost a year now and I’m not going back.
I’d like to think that enough people will get pissed off enough to make real change happen, but people think they have too much to lose and don’t see how much they have to gain. In general, I mean. Windows doesn’t really fucking matter lol. Netflix doesn’t really fucking matter. The realistic course of action is to just vote with our wallets and hope that discourages overly shitty practices from these companies.
I’m kind of salty how fucking easy it was for Reddit to just ignore the problem. I left them for here and haven’t gone back unless it was a Google result.
The majority of people “stayed just for the niche community” then just assimilated and stopped coming back to Lemmy.
Because the whole third-party fiasco was treated as just the ‘cool thing’ to do. This is Reddit we’re talking about here, the kind of site that sits, thousands to a few million users who all think they’re one and two steps ahead of everyone else. The kind who think they know everything inside and out, 4-D chess .etc
So of course they’d be the kind to take something of a situation as to what happened when third-party development got gutted out and treat that as just a trend.
If that incident and the fact that Reddit now is an IPO hadn’t changed enough minds, nothing will. They love the attention and any attention they get as well as the karma-farming validation whenever they complain about how “reddit sucks”.
No, it’s all for show. They’re whores.
I didn’t leave Facebook, I just stopped using it. You can see their monthly active users are not going up, and sometimes going down. Only Instagram is growing
Monthly active robots…
I had the same experience when switching from the reddit app to Boost. When Boost stopped working for reddit, I couldn’t stand it so it was bye bye reddit my entire pc connection is ad free. There’s a filter in my router, strong filter in my vpn and I have blockers. I do not watch streaming services, I download everything through usenet with an automated system on my NAS. I have no TV. I order groceries online, I never enter a store. My phone has filters too. I live completely ad free. But then Microsoft comes, and says “fuck you, here’s an ad!” on MY machine. Without consent. I was boiling.
I’m using StartAllBack and have found it to be a rather nice experience.
Yeah but that’s only UI issues. It also runs much slower then win10. There are massive performance issues. Next to that I have less rights to do stuff. Few days ago I wasn’t allowed to forget Bluetooth devices for example. Even in control panel bt settings. After XP it all went downhill with accessibility of settings. Fancy setting pages with restricted options. Why, what’s wrong with control panel? I know it’s still there, and we still have WIN+X but it’s getting placed behind more sub menus and restrictions and more and more is being removed to make it idiot proof. But it’s also locking me out. I want full control over my machine. No one tells me what I can and cannot access on my device. Fuck Microsoft.
I made all my accounts local only and I haven’t noticed these issues. I do still use control panel and the old user manager by default, so maybe that’s why?
I also used a special installer which allows for local only accounts out of the box and does some other changes. Maybe that’s why I’m having a better experience. This is the guide I followed. Follow the guide for Rufus.
I used something similar for win10. A stripped down version without all the booking dot com and Xbox bs pre-installed. Only local account. But it auto upgraded to 11. Time for format C.
For me I’m happier with my computer since the XP days with these mods. It’s fast and responsive and doesn’t give me shit. It’s been only a couple months since I reinstalled it, so time will tell, but so far so good.
My win10 upgraded without asking
Oh snap, so the only thing that stopped mine was because it was not compatible?
Wtf Microsoft!!!
It enticed me to start gaming on Linux. So its definitely doing some enticing
What was your experience switching over to Linux and getting it set up for gaming?
If you primarily game using Steam then it’s easier than ever on most popular distros. Biggest hassle is likely still GPU drivers. I’ve never had any issues there but depending on what card you have you may be better off with either proprietary or FOSS drivers depending on what your distro of choice likes to provide by default. After that most games tend to just work, a handful may require you to pick a beta version of proton or something.
If you want to try it and don’t want to do a lot of tinkering check out PopOS. It’s probably the friendliest distro for gaming out of the box.
I’ve heard a lot of people reference PopOS and Garuda as of the last few months but I’ve never heard of them. When you say popular distros I immediately think Ubuntu, Mint, Fedora, Suse, etc. Does your comment include those as well or when you say popular do you mean “popular for gaming”? Also how is the Linux support for external controllers?
To be fair outside of Proxmox and some Debian containers with Docker I haven’t spent much time in the Linux space for the last 7 or 8 years. I’m thinking about finally making the switch.
Pop_OS is based on Ubuntu. It’s developed by System76 which sells linux laptops that run their distro by default so it’s very well maintained and polished.
It’s a popular recommendation specifically for people looking out to try gaming on Linux because there are specific features built in like performance improvements for gaming and some gaming-specific packages whereas Ubuntu, Mint, Fedora and OpenSuse are generally designed to be a general purpose distro. Pop_OS delivers packages as flatpacks by default as opposed to Ubuntu’s snaps which are a bit controversial and also uses their Cosmic desktop environment by default (though as far as I know gnome, kde, xfce, etc all still work fine if you have a preference).
Mostly I recommend Pop_OS for people that are new to Linux, don’t know about why they might prefer one distro over another, and want to try it out with the minimal amount of hassle. If you aren’t gaming Pop_OS is still great but that’s one of it’s selling points.
Popular distributions are the one you’re thinking about.
Some distributions advertise themselves as “gaming oriented” but you don’t need those, generalist distributions work just as well for gaming.
Driver installation is really only a hassle for NVIDIA users. AMD and Intel GPUs simply work out of the box on most Linux distros these days (with the main issues being related to using slow moving distros that lack support for the newest hardware). Use a fast moving distro such as Arch and you likely won’t have any issues even with recent GPUs. Hopefully NVK will make the situation for NVIDIA cards better too, been testing it on my laptop and it’s starting to be viable for gaming.
It sucks ass. I actually returned my gaming desktop to W11 recently because I suck and my games just stopped launching. Never buying nvidia again, building a new desktop right now to get away from windows again.
Yeah, building a new PC without NVIDIA or at least swapping your GPU really is the best solution. The past two years I’ve run an Intel Arc A770 which was rough at first because the drivers were brand new but has been solid for over a year now and then in February or so I upgraded to an AMD Radeon RX 7800XT which has been absolutely amazing with my 4K 144Hz display. My setup before that was a 1080Ti and it was never an enjoyable experience on Linux and I usually gamed on Win10 on it. I haven’t really touched Windows other than a small handful of times on the A770 or 7800XT as Linux runs great on them.
How is the Intel card? I’m eyeing it heavily and debating on a hold out for the battlemage.
Pretty good for the price! I was using it woth a 144Hz 1440p monitor for at least a year and played mostly Overwatch and CSGO/CS2. It does pretty well and Mesa support/performance for it has gotten pretty good. I still use that build (the A770 paired with a Ryzen 9 3950X) for LAN parties and with my TV and it is a fine GPU. It wasn’t handling 4K 144Hz too well especially on more demanding titles which is why I ended up getting the 7800XT. I’m definitely excited for Battlemage cards.
Arch?!? lol. Terrible advice for a newbie. You are one update away from fscking your system. Better go Fedora/Nobara way. The kernel and drivers will be updated frequently enough. Also, no, propiertary NVIDIA driver installation is not a hassle, Ubuntu/Manjaro and some other friends literally have “wizards” that let you click->click->next the driver.
The main setup went smooth. I can recommend nobara which is what I used. I tried garuda as well, but it wasn’t my style. Personal preference, no hate :).
Most steam games work pretty good ( see protondb ). ( make sure to set your steam settings > compatibility to all games ).
Any game with invasive anti-cheat will likely not work. LoL and valorant come to mind. I think some of the cs2 ones like faceit won’t work on Linux. But standard cs2 and competitive work fine. gave me some issues on lutris until I forced it to proton.
Overall I’ve had a good experience. Sometimes a weird issue if I alt tab ( hots ) that it comes back super tiny. I worked around it by running it windowed fullscreen.
Overall I’ve no regrets so far. I installed nobara and it’s quite user friendly. I’ve never used a fedora distro before ( more extensive experience with xubuntu/Ubuntu/pop ).
Helldivers 2, heroes of the storm and ff crisis core worked flawlessly.
Hots needs to run full screen ( windowed ) or alt-tab will make the screen tiny for some reason.
So far: no regrets.
When you first play a game it needs to compile the shaders first. So on your initial game there’s a few minutes ramp up time. But any next times you start the game should be fine.
I have an older GPU (rx 470) and I play games that probably aren’t super new so my main concerns were mainly my tech literacy and fear of fucking something up xD
RX470 is fully supported with the latest drivers. Anything from Radeon HD 7000 (GCN2) series from ~10 years ago and newer uses AMDGPU with (almost) all features available. GCN1 is experimental but also works.
Older cards use the Radeon driver and miss out on Vulkan.
I didn’t really do any CLI commands on nobara. So it’s pretty straightforward. I guess the best experience might be with AMD.
I’m running a ryzen 7 and gtx 2080ti( I think ).
It’s about 4 years old, but it still gets the job done. I’ve had no gfx issues. Nobara installed the nvidia drivers on its own.
If you have a spare HD. I’d recommend giving it a try. I ran popos parallel for a short while to try out gaming.
I was angry and leaped off the deep end. New OS and everything. I have a technical background so with google I probably could save my own ass :D
I tried Garuda as well, and was not happy with the hoops I had to go through. I switched to Pop OS, and have had very smooth sailing so far.
Thank you for mentioning hots, because that’s like the ONE steam game I couldn’t live without. Good to know it’s possible, even if I have to play true full screen vs windowed.
For hots: install lutris through the nobara app store. Start it and leave it for a few minutes while you run other updates or something ( only the very first time ).
Go to the settings/preferences, ( three dots top right ), click runners, scroll all the way down to wine.
Click the cog and change the runtime from wine-… to proton-GE. Thrn you can just install the app through lutris. From the app you can install hots.
Using the built in wine-… Runtime I got errors like missing Microsoft arial or unable to validate certificate.
with proton it just instantly worked.
You can also add the installer as an external steam app and run/install it that way. The only downside would be that you can’t play a steam game AND have bnet running ( which you can through lutris ).
Exiting doesn’t seem to be enough to stop lutris running it. So you might have to click the stop button in lutris if you want to restart it. is a bit wonky. But once you’ve got it IP and running it’s okay.
Damn appreciate the details. I’ll def give it a go!
Base Ubuntu with the non snap version of steam has been great. I only play a few games, helldivers, some rouglites, and apex. The thing I miss with windows is HDR and auto HDR. HDR will be added in plasma 6 but I had issues with it on KDE Neon but once it’s on a stable build it will be good.
I switched over from Win10 to PopOS! about a month ago. It hasn’t been 100% painless but it’s leaps and bounds better than the last time I tried to switch 5-10 years ago. For reference I’m in an AMD CPU and Nvidia GPU, NVME drives for both the system and game drives, SATA for a data drive, NAS for media. I’ve only reinstalled once because I broke everything tinkering with different desktop environments, but it was an easy recovery with the install media.
All the correct drivers were installed from the get go. I managed to overwrite my cloud save for Horizon Forbidden West because of an issue mounting my game drive and mapping the correct install location in Steam, but that was 90% on me because I rejected the idea of making a backup copy of the files because “I know what I’m doing”. I ended up wiping my game drive entirely and reformatting it as EXT4 and haven’t had any problems since - the drive was NTFS before and had a handful of games already installed from Windows.
A couple games require finding the right Proton version to run it, but GE works flawlessly for most things I’ve tried. Everything has run as fast or faster than in Windows with the exception of WH4K: Darktide. There’s some microsecond delay in there somewhere that I couldn’t pin down. Didn’t seem to be video or network related. It’s the kind of thing that I bet I wouldn’t notice if it were my first time playing the game, but since I’ve got a couple hundred hours in it, it is just enough to throw me off and make me feel slightly drunk.
Not the original poster, but my experience was fairly smooth. I had minor issues with wifi drivers, and I got a new GPU that had some driver issues because it was pretty recently released (I guess the open source drivers didn’t have time to be updated?). In terms of actual gaming, basically no issues. I mainly use steam and proton has been bliss, I’ve bought multiple games without even checking compatibility, and it just works. To my knowledge there is only one old game where the multiplayer doesn’t work, but everything else has been seamless. Mint cinnamon is what I’m currently running.
I thought I was alone in this lol
Win11 literally made me rage uninstall it after I got mad trying to remove all bloatware and then it showed me onedrive ad
I’ve started doing non-gaming on my steam deck. Not a lot but its let me use Linux in a very basic way.
That’s weird. Do people not want ads in the computers they paid for begging them to subscribe to their own hardware? Do people not want LLM models watching everything they do and reporting back to headquarters? So perplexing. Welp, the users have spoken, hopefully Microsoft can figure out how to iterate. Maybe they want more ads and AI all over?
What’s the big deal with Windows 11?
I don’t use either win 10 nor win 11 much but I do know that I barely notice the difference.
I thought it was just a start menu rearrangement or something.
There’s a lot more telemetry. They’re stuffing ads into it (start menu, explorer panels, etc). They’re creeping generative cloud AI into it. The control panel/setting situation is unbelievably unfinished (for myself, all my audio devices take the name of other audio devices so they’re all working but mislabeled). A recent update broke all VPNs. High system requirements. Locking down features. Removal of customization. Buggy updates. Slow.
Not trying to defend Win11 too much here. But the system requirements aren’t bad until you see how much storage it needs and how much it needs for all of the unnecessary fancy junk they put in to have the “best Windows experience” like Windows Hello.
Microsoft initially wanted to get rid of Control Panel entirely, which would stick us to the bare set of options we’ve been seeing degrade since Windows 8.
How would you notice a difference in something you have no experience with?
I didn’t say I have no experience.
You don’t need to actively use something to have a general idea of it. Maybe it’s not on his machine but he sees friends/family use it. Maybe he’s seen ads, reviews, YouTube videos, articles.
I’ve never watched NASCAR in my life but I’m fairly certain I could point out differences between one of those cars and an F1 car.
This is the kind of thing people don’t get with others when they say that they haven’t watched a particular movie or played a particular game. Why bother when there’s quite a hefty amount of information out there to learn of them and judge based on that?
People love to trick others into these things by saying “You can’t judge a book by it’s cover!”.
Yes, yes you can actually. You just want people to waste time and money to validate their suspicions that whatever it is, will not be to their liking.
Yup, that’s why we have reviewers and whatnot, so I don’t need to spend my time and money on something that I most likely won’t like. Yeah, I probably miss some gems from time to time, but I’m not hurting for choice.
Anyone else think “Don’t judge a book by it’s cover” is so weird in a literal sense? Lots of people judge books, music, movies, etc off the visual art associated with it. Otherwise graphic design wouldn’t exist.
Maybe I’d they added more ads I’d be tempted to use it…
No it needs more AI. Maybe AI-generated ads. The killer tech of 2024. The shareholders will be so pleased.
All the reviews (written by Ai) say that windows 11 is the bees knees!
I can vouch for that I have windows 11 and I want to go back to windows 10
We see this everytime a new Windows comes around.
You’ll have your hopeless Windows users who’re equally as bad as Apple cultists. Screaming at you to upgrade because “THE SECURITY! THINK OF THE SECURITY! YOUR SYSTEM WILL FUCKING DIE IF YOU DON’T GET YOURSELF SECURED!1!1” when all you fucking do is just check e-mail, oh my god. /s
But the fight to resist upgrading has gotten longer and will get longer. Going by the Windows OS global stats of it’s marketshare, 3% are still clinging to Win7. 23% hopped to Win11. 70% is still Windows 10.
By the time Windows 10 loses it’s extended support (that isn’t the Enterprise edition), we’re going to see the changes then.
YOUR SYSTEM WILL FUCKING DIE IF YOU DON’T GET YOURSELF SECURED!1!1" when all you fucking do is just check e-mail,
Yeah because not only is security for idiots, checking email is an inherently riskless process, immune to security issues.
I just turned off tpm and my laptop has mostly stopped nagging me about upgrading. I did get a notice that win10 support is ending soon.
I’d probably say a blasphemy, but ordinary workers only experience problems for their old HDDs\systems are overstuffed and are far from their prime, so they ask for entire new PC to start fresh. New Seven x64 on SSD is what most people would’be okay with*, since it’s compatible with new Office document formats, doesn’t need much resources or space, and can still do everything except for niche tasks. It’s not as morbid as Vista\8, not yet filled with bloat like 10 or 11, not as limited today as XPx32 with older driver delivery model. I don’t know much about security stuff, but I feel like older systems falling from popularity are not the usual targets of people who write them, and encountering one using an outdated OS would probably mean nothing since exploits they want to abuse aren’t there yet.
* Linux would probably be better, but that’s still a hard sell for businesses that don’t use it intentionally.
I don’t know much about security stuff, but I feel like older systems falling from popularity are not the usual targets of people who write them, and encountering one using an outdated OS would probably mean nothing since exploits they want to abuse aren’t there yet.
The issues that are going to be the problem eventually are vulnerabilities that affect both new and old versions of Windows. The new versions will get the patch, but 7 won’t. And it still might be worth exploiting to hit the machines with the newer version that don’t update quickly or at all.
Probably, if they aren’t that obscure. I don’t know if a distance is that long between Windows 11 and Seven, but I suppose it’s that big for older systems.
I don’t think it’s been the case that there has been a backslide, though. Win 11 marketshare peaked, then declined, and then 10 increased.
It’s not just Windows. I have an iMac (I used to be a video editor and it’s standard) and it’s 7 years old, so still Intel, and I’m still running Big Sur, which is 3 versions behind, on it because why bother upgrading when I get no advantages out of it?
deleted by creator
That sort of thing probably has an outsized effect. They get hate it at first because everything is different, then they have to use it at work, and then they get used to it and want to use it at home.
I’ve already decided I’ll be going full Linux when Win10 reaches EOL.
I like it, I hope you do, too. If you decide to try beforehand I’d suggest a second machine or a VM. Apparently Windows is a massive pain when dual booting, like it commonly deactivates the Linux bootloader.
They should have just kept incrementally upgrading W10. People don’t like big changes and there’s not much encouraging people to 11 except 10 going EOL.
Well yeah, but the problem is win 10 isn’t built from the ground up to be able to cater for ads inserted into your welcome bar, explorer bar, settings page, start menu and personalised ads … :( we live in the worse timeline dont we.
This isn’t the worst timeline. It was always destined to end up this way. Corporations consider themselves ethically mandated to squeeze as much profit out of customers as they can, to find the exactly monetary line where the number of customers they drive off is balanced by the money they can gain by the things that drove them off. They actually believe that, and that basically means any profit-seeking corporation is going to ruin their user experience in the long run.
IIRC, that was actually the plan. I remember Microsoft saying way back that 10 would be the last version of Windows and everything would be just upgrades to 10 moving forward.
System as a service. I remember that as well. Obviously they didn’t make as much money with it as they wanted to. Sooo they just draw an arbitrary line regarding supported CPUs, ditch Windoof 10, push 11, force users to upgrade their hardware and therefore often force them to buy new licenses and making new friends that way by starting that in the middle of the chip crisis. Then, captivating the user in their new OS, shoving ads down their throat, harvesting their data to make even more. What a shitshow.
The same story of publicly traded companies again and again.
Your steady growth isn’t good enough.
Your growth has to grow - and if it’s not growing fast enough then you’re not doing your duty to the shareholders.
Add in the fact that we’ve let businesses get so large they empty all the air from the room and we’ve managed to enshittify our entire society.
Which is exactly why I actually bought 10 instead of cheating an upgrade “hack” I figured out with XP that I then carried over to 10. I figured if it’s actually the last then it’s worth the 500 fucking dollars or whatever the hell it cost back then.
But no, they lied. I know surprise surprise a corporation lied.
It slowed down my desktop experience significantly. Like it makes no sense at all. One day I’m working I solidworks on windows 10 and old computer at acceptable speed, the next I get assigned a new, bastly improved computer, with windows 11 and solidworks latest version, and it’s slow as fuck! I just want to end it sometimes. It lags, it crashes, it’s worthless! SW is worthless on its own, but with windows 11 its like 10 times worse. I think they are actually serving it on a server secretly and we are just remoting into it. It behaves almost exactly as when using remote desktop. It’s terrible and I want it gone!
That’s one hell of a thumbnail
It goes so hard, I love it
- Windows 95: Good
- Windows 98: Bad
- Windows 98 SE: Good
- Windows ME: Bad
- Windows XP: Good
- Windows Vista: Bad
- Windows 7: Good
- Windows 8: Bad
- Windows 10: Good
- Windows 11: ?
Why are people still surprised?
I can’t really think of a reason why 10 is listed as good, does it actually do something better than 7? Even just graphical interface?
Windows 7 is good compared to Vista, but bad compared to Windows Xp SP 1 or SP 2 (in my memory at least). Windows 10 is good compared to Windows 8, but bad compared to Windows 7.
After a couple more years of MS pushing win 11, we’ll probably get a win 12 that is less good than win 10, but better than win 11, so thanks to people’s short term memory, it will then be considered “good”, but anyone with a memory and some critical thinking ability will recognize it as shite.
With 70% of the market share being w10, no, we wont
XP sp1 and 2 were more or less the same as me with an updated UI and non existent 64 bit. However flawed vista was, it added an actual tangible benefit for 7 to further improve on.
I’d argue 7 was the last windows os that could be described as “better” in some way than what came before (which most, even the ones we remember as “bad” at the time, did offer some real step forward which isn’t true for 8/10/11).
XP is based on the NT kernel, and ME is based on the 9X kernel. They are extremely different under the hood.
I beleive a large issue, and I say this as an old man yelling at kids on my lawn, is the difficulty in learning new systems. Most of those bad ones largely changed how to navigate a pc. Most of the good ones were smaller leaps from the prior bad one. So yes, I’m sure that also means the devs had more time in the current style to smooth it out and fix newly broken features, but it also got people exposed to the new style. A huge problem with 8 was that it went to that tablet tile bullshit. 10 tries to be a tablet too, slightly less so, but now we’re all accepting it as normal. That’s my take, at least as a contributing factor. Whatever was normal in your 20s is the standard for the rest of your life.
I see it with cars. People in my cohort get mad at all the chimey nannies in modern cars, so they yearn for when cars weren’t so inundated with technology. Peak automotive design was 1985-2005. And yet, the adults when we grew up would complain those 90s cars are way too complicated with their electronic engine control models and emissions systems.
I’m going to disagree on this one, at least for me personally using the base functions of the different windows versions was never a problem. Even when completely ignoring the UI changes (including the always increasingly messier system configuration pages), Windows has definitely been regressing.
The user transition from win XP to win 7 was completely smooth for me, it didn’t feel different at all. It’s only after using it a bit that the downsides became obvious: I remember that file search worked less good, they had made a bit of a mess of config screens and the bloat needed more ram. But it came with a smashing chess program. It felt like there was some minor regression, but it wasn’t a trainwreck.
Windows 8 upon first startup was awful since that was the first time that MS wanted to force the user to create a cloud account through dark pattern design. Even if I had not grown up in a time when my operating system did not use dark patterns against me, I would still be pissed off when I encountered it for the first time. Once I got past that hurdle, the Os was usable and problems only emerged when I tried to do more things.
Things like closing a stuck full screen game with task manager, which didn’t work because the new task manager would not come on top. Or the new store app, which installed “apps” that were not “programs” and could fe not be uninstalled in a normal way.
From my first experiences with windows 10 I remember that out of the box you could not control when it would update. That pc would wake up in the middle of the night despite the settings saying that it shouldn’t and I had to dig deep till I found how to make it behave permanently. Then at a later point I also made the mistake of using the recommended OneDrive sync system for my documents folder and nearly lost all my personal files, fortunately I had a backup on an external hard disk. And the main goal of Windows search was no longer to find files, but instead to trick users into opening bing, to boost microsoft quarterly statistics.
Microsoft has been adding more and more dark pattern design into Windows, it’s not a case of “old man yells at clouds”, it has really been getting worse and worse with each new release.
And Microsoft firing their qa team and using their customers as canaries is definitely not helping either. So many issues that should have never gone life.
we’ll probably get a win 12 that is less good than win 10, but better than win 11,
I wouldn’t count on it. MS is moving away from selling desktop-stuff and towards selling cloud stuff (think azure and office356) and consulting. That’s why they changed their attitude towards linux (think wsl and c# for linux) and open-source (think github). MS wants companies to use open-source tools (preferably written in c#) and deploy them to azure with the help of MS-consultants.
Enshittifying windows is a step in that direction. For example: The more people have a MS-Account, the easier it is to sell office356. That’s why they pressure windows-user into making MS-Accounts.
MS knows that desktop is dying.
They put some under-the-hood improvements in 10 that they didn’t put in 7, such as a new display driver model and Directx 12.
But that does not make a difference to most people. Industry desupporting of Windows 7 is the biggest con to it.
Eventually, 10 will share 7’s fate. So you’ll have both 10’s regressions and 11’s and so forth to live with as long as you’re on Windows. You can’t stop Microsoft from desupporting and killing their software in the long run.
Microsoft has a multi-decade history of enshitification when they do not perceive any major threats. Internet Explorer, DirectX, Windows Server, etc. all rotted. Some of these are still active and supported, yes, but they all peaked years ago and are aging poorly. Microsoft doesn’t really do the labor of love thing much when customers are bagged.
Linux may be able to dethrone them to an extent if it can reach an ease of access/UX that most people are comfy with. And it has made huge strides over the years. It can also run most Windows software very well.
Mac is still priced very high and still feature-limited and a 2nd/3rd-class citizen when it comes to platform targeting. Offering lower priced conputers would make them a pretty big threat I think.
I think ChromeOS is a decent threat to Windows but it loses tons of features vs all the other options. At least it is really cheap and easy to use.
If you include 98SE you should also include 8.1. Or include neither. But then it wouldn’t make sense anymore.
XP SP2 is what everyone remembers, too. It wasn’t very good at release and a lot of people stayed on 2000.
Indeed. Plug and play didn’t (mostly) get figured out until SP2. Drivers were still quite a nightmare at that time.
2000 though was a server version. Not technically consumer.
I’ve honestly haven’t had any problems with XP SP1. I’ve had it on a couple computers back in the day. I remember that the upgrade to SP2 wouldn’t always go well. Sometimes requiring a reinstall.
XP fucking sucked. It wasn’t good until service pack 3.
You skipped 8.1 which was the good version that fixed the stuff that sucked about 8. It’s existence is almost completely forgotten.
Then Windows 10 came out and it was bad.
They then had about a 10 different OS builds that all had the Windows 10 name instead of giving each build a new name or calling them service packs. The OS that exists now (22h2) has almost nothing in common with the OS that came out in 2015.
Windows 11 has also had several major leaps since that name started. What’s current (23h2) is much much different than the OS that came out in 2021.
Windows 2000 is also missing and was probably the last time Microsoft put out an OS that was good from the start rather than sucking on release.
Also the ones listed as bad from Vista onwards simply never got the improvements.
Vista was actually shockingly solid by the end. 7 on release was essentially just Vista Service Pack 3 with a new taskbar skin, because Vista was completely unmarketable by that point and nobody could be convinced to jump to Vista anymore.
Win2K was the last version of Windows I liked. By 2007 I’d had enough of their shit and moved to Linux. Each and every year since then has validated that choice, as desktop Linux has improved and Windows has enshittified further and further.
I agree with everything you write, but I’ll also add an unpopular opinion as someone who tested the beta version of Vista and hated it: Vista x64 SP2 was a good OS, which solved most of the issues that existed with the OS.
And into this day, it’s the most beautiful Windows UI, at least for me.
You’re missing Windows 2000, but I guess you can argue that’s Windows NT not mainline Windows. That was definitely in the good camp, and I was not alone in sticking with it for many years (until XP got good).
Edit: I see beat me to this point.
Good stopped existing after 7. Only bad and slightly less bad.
Windows 10: Good
People keep repeating that but it’s by far the worst and actually the one that made me bail. What is it that good about it that made it worth sacrificing user choice, privacy, performance, latency, search, startup time, solitaire, and much more?
95 is the best OS of all time.
Never any love for Win 3.1
Too bad win 12 is on track to break the streak.
Windows 95: Good Windows 98: Bad Windows 98 SE: Good Windows ME: Bad Windows XP: ~~Good~~ **GOAT** Windows Vista: Bad Windows 7: Good Windows 8: Bad Windows 10: Good Windows 11: ?
Fixed it for you, thanks!
Edit: strikeout not working as expected…
I had to help my sister keep her 8 year old Mac going or buy a new secondhand (cheap) machine. With the options out there and with the state of Windows, I didn’t even consider it.
She’s ended up with her same 8 year old Mac with Ubuntu 24.04, and I’ve been really impressed with how it’s actually great for non-technical users these days! And works really well on old hardware.
This should give her another few years of life out of the thing without worrying about software support.
Go for tumbleweed, it’s supporting wide range of architectures (including even powerpc so you can still use powerpc macs) and it’s rolling release distro on top of that
Are you talking about OpenSUSE?
I’ve been on fedora for quite awhile, what makes tumbleweed better or unique? might try it sometime
deleted by creator
Good. Windows 11 is trash.
I’m so glad I’m stuck with a “your hardware doesn’t support windows 11” message.
Just disable TPM in your BIOS if you have that option. Win 11 needs modern TPM so it won’t upgrade you if you don’t have one.
“Needs” lol
It’s just in there to sell more hardware. Afaik, 11 does nothing that actually requires the newer tpm.
Yeah people who really wanted 11 back in the beginning found an easy process to bypass the check during the install. 11 works fine without it.
If you make the bootable USB drive with Rufus, a little window pops up asking if you wanna remove some of the bullshit, such as TPM and secure boot requirements.
I disabled my TPM in BIOS so Windows would never upgrade
I think this is a pretty big deal and they are shooting themselves in the foot with these unnecessary restrictions.
Same, out of curiosity, I checked my system for that and got the message.
Even if I didn’t, I’m not going to sit around all day as 64GB of “required” stora- oh I mean bloatware to install on my system.
Windows used to function fine with 2GB of storage. It does NOT need 64GB and Microsoft can get fucked.