Is there a one time payment option to remove ads?
Or is sync ultra the only way to remove ads?
I would love to support sync, but the subscription fatigue is real.
Apps used to be, what, $5? Now everything’s a subscription and you end up paying 10x as much money if you use the app for just a few years. I will never buy into the subscription model for services that used to be single-payment. Never.
Everyone and their mother thinks they’re a SaaS provider.
Ultimately if it earns more money, people will do it, and I can’t blame people for wanting to earn more money because I’m sure most of us would do the same in that position. Like sure £1.99 to perma remove ads is great but I’m sure you can’t retire on that as a dev lol.
I’d rather it be that then what we used to deal with… 6 month old apps that never got any more updates because the dev has no incentive to keep developing it.
$1.29 forever
I miss the days when buying something was actually an option