whats up with these shit ass titles? It’s not even REMOTELY hidden, it takes two fucking seconds of googling to figure this shit out.
The entire AI industry was dependent on GPU hardware manufacturers, and nvidia is STILL back ordered (to my knowledge)
This is like saying that crypto has a hidden energy cost.
It’s hidden in the sense that the normal user does not see the true cost on their energy bill. You perform a search and get the result in milliseconds. That makes it easy to get the false impression that it’s just a minor operation. It’s not like driving a car and watching the the fuel gauge and see the consumption.
Of course one can research how much energy Google consumes and find out the background – IF you’re interested. But most people just use tech and do not question or even understand.
it’s hidden in the same sense that your closet is hidden.
Yet most people know they also have closets.
For you it might be clear. For the overwhelming majority of people, this is news. People don’t know shit about tech. Most would assume the AI thingy does its thing on the local computer.
Most would assume the AI thingy does its thing on the local computer.
good thing nvidia having a massive market cap isn’t a big news item, it’s worth noting that nobody is talking about all the hardware that microsoft and google are building, surely nobody will talk about the fact that nvidia is backordered for years on hardware.
It’s even better that modern consumer grade CPUs aren’t marketing for the NPU bits they have.
Or there are bigger fish to fry like coal power plants and wasted idle etc. shit Google’s AI search results are wasteful in some cases but I’ve found it to actually improve my experience but I use a mix of search engines. You can always use one without AI or turn it off. It’s being pushed into almost every search though which I really don’t think is useful, and it would be best if they cached the answers instead of regeneration on command. They may cache some though.
As long as we are talking about crypto, and I know this is shocking, turns out some people are using it for unsavory acts. It is okay if you want to sit down.
There’s cocaine on literally every US Dollar and that currency is backed by oil, relatively speaking crypto is cleaner
I am against the drug war and I think the cocaine thing was an urban legend. Also the US dollar is not backed up by oil.
The US Dollar is not only backed by oil, but also American banking imperialism.
Im against the war on drugs too. But speaking of drugs, weed is schedule 1, where Xanax is schedule 4 (low risk of abuse). It’s completely upside down and not accurate. That said, the harmfulness of the substance and being for or against the war on drugs is completely separate from the fact that there’s cocaine on literally every single dollar bill. Money is the dirtiest thing in general, and by those metrics, the US Dollar is dirtier
The US Dollar is not only backed by oil, but also American banking imperialism.
Keep your story straight next time.
from the fact that there’s cocaine on literally every single dollar bill.
Prove it.
92%, I may have used the word literally figuratively, but so does every other American
That’s the proof man, it’s literally on the bills. We can literally see it
Also, what do you mean keep my story straight next time? It’s not controversial at all that the US gets involved in military conflicts for oil or financial control (neorealism, neoliberalism). Oil is just one of the many incentives which makes the USD arguably dirty
92% == 100%
surely this man could not possibly be presented an image of a zombie that he WOULDN’T be afraid of, could he?
Are you really going to be that pedantic? to ignore my point that a lot of drug use is committed by the us Dollar by that 8%? You are a child
my brother in christ people are making child pornography using generative AI. Everything sucks and is awful.
I don’t know what you want from me. I think it was pretty clear I was talking about crypto and badmouthing it. I won’t touch the child pornography generative AI issue with a ten foot pole and Covid mask.
nothing, i’m just making the point that it doesnt matter what you look at, there’s terrible shit happening everywhere.
Yes welcome to earth.
Some people? The vast majority of the crypto eco system is grifters and get-rich-quick rubes.
Perhaps you need a seat then. Lol