For you it might be clear. For the overwhelming majority of people, this is news. People don’t know shit about tech. Most would assume the AI thingy does its thing on the local computer.
Or there are bigger fish to fry like coal power plants and wasted idle etc. shit Google’s AI search results are wasteful in some cases but I’ve found it to actually improve my experience but I use a mix of search engines. You can always use one without AI or turn it off. It’s being pushed into almost every search though which I really don’t think is useful, and it would be best if they cached the answers instead of regeneration on command. They may cache some though.
Most would assume the AI thingy does its thing on the local computer.
good thing nvidia having a massive market cap isn’t a big news item, it’s worth noting that nobody is talking about all the hardware that microsoft and google are building, surely nobody will talk about the fact that nvidia is backordered for years on hardware.
It’s even better that modern consumer grade CPUs aren’t marketing for the NPU bits they have.