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There’s a discussion to be had about the pricing structure of subscription based apps, but I catch the drift you’re not here for a debate.
There’s two options here:
you deliberately chose to ignore the cheaper $20 ad removal option and chose to engage in bad-faith flamebaiting instead
you’re incompetent and never even saw the cheaper option and instead of chosing to leave sync behind and use one of the myriad of other apps, chose to engage in bad-faith flamebaiting instead.
Take that attitude of yours and get right the fuck out of here. Discussions like you’re inciting them are not welcome here. Get the fuck out, where you and that mental diarrhea of an opinion of yours belong.
RIF Golden Platinum was less than 5$ onetime. This app is equivalent to a web browser. It’s not like they are hosting lemmy themselves. No need for monthly subscription. Stop being a little bitch.
Take a deep breath, relax, no need to get all worked up.
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You will attract the fanboys base. But, I second this. People should give the same amount of money to an instance before giving to these closed apps. Without the instances, they couldn’t use the apps.
Why assume that people paying for an app haven’t already donated to an instance or two?
I’m not assuming. My point is that the dev has to share the revenues with the instances. Without instances, the app is useless. It’s not the case so users should give the same.
The other point is that a paid third party client adds a layer what makes the instances less visible. This lack of visibility can lower the donation. Also, you will end with one or two people thinking they pay for the app and so for the instances.
A reminder is always good.
You’re right. Your local instance deserves that money more so than any app. Maybe if there was a revenue share I could get behind it but not like this.
It would be a logistical nightmare, but I would love a Pay What You Want model with a percentage going to the Lemmy backend developers and a percentage going to your local instance.
There is nothing to argue with. You are bashing a program without any correct facts. Its like watching an anti vaxer demand facts about why the microchips are sterilizing the penguins. It only makes sense in your head.
FYI lifetime Ad free is 12 bucks (20 now). Ultra lifetime is something else entirely.
20 bucks
All you Sync dick suckers in this thread have lost your minds.
You should head to the discord. People there literally choking on dev’s balls, it’s insane.
Your point is correct. While I love the UX and UI, the data collection is a fucking disgrace. Good thing I know how to block trackers, as I’m going to use a patched version of the app as soon as somebody releases one.
My motto is if an app has ads, the dev must be not that good. Otherwise you’d be able to pay for features because they’d develop features worth paying for.
Glad some people here are pointing that out.
Also, having people pay to remove ads on a ad-free platform is just disgusting misuse of open source generosity.
Instead, try to add something instead of infiltrating it with ads just to make money off.
It is only $12.99 to remove ads; the subscriptions also remove ads, but add extra features that you may not need
It’s 22usd here to remove ads
Yeah, 22 Euros here as well. A little too much for just removing ads…
I was eagerly waiting to be able to pay to remove ads, but this pricing really struck me by surprise, was expecting it to be closer to the old pricing, but instead it’s like 4-5 times higher? Enough of a price increase to make me think twice, instead of immediately buying it like I was planning to.
You’re paying to support the dev. The ad removal is just a bonus, you could do that by other means.
The Lemmy community doesn’t even compare to Reddit’s. Of course it’d charge more. Well worth it though, Sync is fantastic.
I always pay to remove ads from apps I use, as opposed to using blockers, to support the devs, but this is the first time ever I see it cost this much.
Especially since Sync Pro (the ad-free version) for Reddit was like, less than 5€
And Sync pro have more function than this ad-free version planned to have.
100% agree
Honestly, if you’re paying to support the dev, ads won’t even needed to be added to the app.
While I do like Sync and Laurence, your argument is far from the truth, there are people that will think about paying just to remove the ads. Supporting the dev will be just the bonus there.
Also valid to say that a smaller user base don’t suddenly mean that you have to charge more, that thinking is, in all honesty, mind boggling to me.
On Reddit we had native ads, that paying for Sync Pro removed, a lot of tracking and data scrapping, well lots of negative points on using the official app, Sync there was a solution to have a better experience, here it’s just prettier (imo at least), smother, well polished and makes Lemmy feels like home since it’s the same way we used to browse reddit.
Other than that, it actually made the opposite, bringing ads to an ad free experience.
I know Laurence needs to have a income, everyone does. Sync is indeed awesome and being closed source is not a bad thing as some like to argue about, but again not an excuse to raise the price because there is less users currently.
If wasn’t for Lemmy existing Sync would be just dead. Simple as that, but I guess no one really think about this.
Anyway, I reached out to Laurence to see if there is a way Sync can at least help with instances also, that would make a huge difference on the way people feel about paying for a app that works on a 100% free and opensource platform.
I’ll pay if it’s in the oven a bit more, but not like this. This is barebone
Not anymore, it’s bumped up to $19.99
How do I remove the ads without the ultra subscription? I can only see the full ultra suite options.
maybe you didn’t update the app?
I checked and ensured there were no updates pending. Where is the ad removal options in the settings?
there is an option to just remove ads at 20$ one time payment.