If you want to make a point that doesn’t make people fill in sentences for you, I’d recommend against being vague.
My point was that it’s impossible to make the point because people are hysterical.
I expected downvotes but did not anticipate the mods also being hysterical.
Ok so you made a point that people get hysterical when you start making suggestions that lead to pedophilia. What was the goal in that?
suggestions that lead to
That’s the problem. You immediately jump to conclusions and then condemn people for shit you made up in your own mind.
I read your defenses in the other comments. You made no other point
“Nuh uh” is a terrible way to confront reality.
But hey, like I said. We literally cannot have this conversation. You are not emotionally capable.
Edit: plural you
What conversation are you even trying to have? Are you actually trying to discuss how kids can like adults, or are you trying to discuss that we’re not ready to talk about the kids liking adults?
I’m asking for like the third time because from your responses, it’s still not clear
I’m trying to have a conversation about people reading the article, you brigading bastards decided to comb through the modlog history to dig up some unrelated shit.
Of COURSE my conversation now is about how we can’t have the original conversation, I’m not looking for another ban. If you really care, private message me. Or get a mod to confirm I won’t get banned again.
You’ve been at least somewhat respectful in seeking my opinion and I appreciate that, but mods have made very clear this topic is off limits regardless of context. Which, again, there isn’t any. This is a thread about work from home.
“Women of any age”
You didn’t make a point. You vaguely said that it’s taboo to say teenage girls have a sex drive (which hilariously, it isn’t: see the popular books, TV shows, and movies regarding that).
which hilariously, it isn’t:
My ban disagrees. All the downvoters disagree. The guy so butthurt about something else I said that he decided to brigade me here on a totally unrelated topic disagrees.