I used to use firstname@lastname.com (The benefits of having a rare last name), but I found that the work behind managing the email server myself wasn’t worth it. I could probably have outsourced the hosting and spam filtering to Google or the likes, but then I might as well use my lastname@gmail.com address.
I had the same issue. I only did it to make my resume look more professional. As soon as I found a new job I stopped maintaining it
I have firstname.lastname at gmail and receive a lot of emails meant for people with a much more interesting life than me.
Just use an email provider like protonmail or Tutanota. I pay like $12/yr for Tutanota which includes 2 custom domains. It handles the spam filter and configuring my stuff correctly so my stuff never is considered junk. Also my emails is stored as e2ee and they take security very seriously. I’d never attempt to self host my own email server, there’s so much that can go wrong and it’s super complicated.
This was back in 2008, before any of those existed.