They are not managing so much as they are eliminating a likely issue for users and the public.
That’s a lot of words to describe managing.
They are not managing your mental health they are managing their brand and PR.
When Google removed the dislikes from youtube videos, one of the lies they told was it was for the users(or uploader’s) mental health.
Prominent youtubers came out and specifically said that they found it a good measure for their mental health to not have the focus on dislikes. Fairly certain one of the vlogbrothers did. They may not agree with it completely but said it was a positive.
I dislike it because it was a good measure of if I should click on a video or not.
Except that the uploader can still see the downvote count. It was just removed so that corporations wouldn’t be embarrassed when they put out an unpopular trailer or product.
Except thats not what the actual creators said, and they enjoy not having it displayed.
Yeah, I just checked. I can see my own dislikes. They hide the number directly, but I can see how many likes I have and the ratio of likes to unlikes.
Also, the creators that I follow didn’t like having the dislikes removed. Even if they did, I can make my own judgement calls. I’m sure the creators who are more dependent on sponsorships like not having their embarrassments visible. I’m sure IH doesn’t mind that stuff not being visible for “his” hole video.
I dont know what or who you are talking about.