Return youtube view counts, coming soon
You know why they might be hiding upload dates? My theory is, Youtube doesn’t really want you looking at new stuff. (Very apparent by the algorithm) they want you looking at specific news stories, and specific content but not constantly seeking new uploads from independents.
But that is just a theory a plain theory. Thanks for watching.
I hate how now when I watch a bunch of videos from a creator, my YouTube feed ends up only having that creators videos, like yeah I’m enjoying this person, but I do like to watch other things as well.
It feels like I’m being forced into an echo chamber.
I don’t even look at the algo anymore, I just go out and search for content externally.
The one that gets me is watching a new creator to me on a subject I’m interest in e.g. gaming and it turns out that said creator so has a right wing nut job catalogue and that’s all that fella my feed for the next two weeks.
My time is limited I just want to relax on my down time and ain’t interested in rage bait but that’s all yhe algorithm seems to want to show me every chance it gets by me clicking on a new name
I can’t even use my home screen due to my Google account settings. What i’l do is do a search by date and subscribe to any good channels I like to ensure I get a curated feed for me on Youtube.
I use Freetube, my home screen is a chronological feed)
forced into an echo chamber.
Yes, it does that.
Using YouTube on a new account or through one of the alternatives will result in a wildly different feed. I was recently shocked by seeing the default non-curated feed on YouTube.
Absolutely none of the content was interesting to me; most of it was directly anger inducing political crap or just plain brainrot. I would definitely not visit that shit page ever again if the default feed was my first impression. I don’t know if it’s supposed to be a right wing breeding ground by now, but it sure isn’t as balanced as I would have expected.
My regular YT feed is obviously much more interesting to me, and I can use it to find new content, but since I don’t want to wait for the ads, I now only watch my own subscriptions on a different frontend, which of course will create an even smaller echo chamber.
I get how a curated feed can benefit the user, but YouTube is just not making it possible. It will only show (rage) engaging content and without the dislike function, you can only decide not to watch the crap or get shown more crap until you do like it.
YT Exec - /rips massive line of coke off Intern’s ass/ - “Remove View Count”
YT Engineer - “But Sir, users will hate that. It will actively make the user experience worse”
YT Exec - “That’s the goddamn point!”
This is inane but damn if it didn’t give me a good laugh :D
Intern - “You could at least give me reacharound while you’re doing that”
Screw this, mainstream websites are constantly trying to do everything they can to influence public opinion every day. First dislike button second this.
Why? Is everything going to shit? Like counts, view counts, dislikes … I suppose it won’t change anything for me on reVanced, but still… why?
top mindsdata scientists figured it’d be easier to manipulate users this way.💰📈
I don’t understand why they on such a self destruct path?! I already barely use this fucking platform anymore because of how shitty it has become already, and now they want to bait me into watching some low views garbage on top of all that? WHY?!
The money must grow.
Because when you get pissed off at one shitty video and click off it to find a better one, that’s free real estate in which to double your ads.
And what are you gonna do? Go to Peertube? YouTube is too gigantic to have a real competitor no matter how much we try. It is a beast so massive and bloated at this point that we just can’t kill it without legislative interference. And Google knows damn well that they’re basically the only game in town so they aren’t afraid of significant user backlash.
There is a breaking point, eventually. YouTube’s trajectory is gonna make next quarter’s revenue great, but eventually something else will pick up user’s attention instead.
Ok, this one is really stupid. Dislikes? Ok. Views? Fuck all the way off, Google.
Thanks Youtube, I hate it. Like I can see some arguments for taking away the view counter, even if I think it’s a bad decision. But the date the video was uploaded? Who does that even help? I guess Youtubers will either need to start properly dating their videos or we’ll just have to use context clues to figure out when a video was uploaded.
But the date the video was uploaded? Who does that even help?
There’s gaming content that expires within a month, especially with frequent balance and other game changes, like with League of Legends. I won’t watch a video that’s weeks old because what’s being featured probably doesn’t work anymore after a patch.
It’s already really difficult to engage with the content you want to see, but now they’re also taking away the only immediately noticeable metric of a successful video? Genuinely just why
Personally I find the highest viewed videos on YT to be the absolute shittiest ones.
Yeah, that’s kinda the problem too
I’m curious how this will affect things like sub-a-thons where people stream for charity and so on.
To hope you find new content. YouTube had been putting random low watch count videos in my feed. I never click on them because of their low view count. The thumbsnails make them look like they’re high quality videos. Without the view count I have no idea if they have 1,000 views or millions. They’re hoping I will click on them, subscribe, and spend more time in the app.
They want to decide what you like and don’t like. You WILL watch what THEY show you.
The data will have to be there for sorting reasons and such, so this is just an extra nod to using an app like Grayjay, which will almost assuredly still pull the data and display it for you to see.
Too hard to manipulate the algorithm with ai spam, disguised ads and propaganda if users can see all the videos at the top of their recommended feed have 20 views.
You must only view what the Corporation approves.
Sir, please put this empty verification can into your anus. Video coming up right after!
Last time someone did that it triggered a conflict between Serbia and Albania!
They removed the star system a long time ago. They removed the down votes again a few years back.
They want their algorithm to be the only thing that decides whether you watch a video or not.
To be fair, the star system was garbage. I agree with the rest though
That’ll work excellent for all those people trying to find tutorial videos for ‘XYZ’ when you have no verification data to determine whether it’s even a legit tutorial.
People who watch tutorial videos only get on, watch the video and then leave. How are they supposed to make tons of advertising revenue from that? No, we must sacrifice that class of video from the platform, in pursuit of the almighty dollar.
I mean you joke, but they’re literally doing that to reaction video channels. MXRPlays had his entire channel deleted, despite having millions of subscribers. It was clear for years that someone at youtube had a grudge against them.
Especially since they deleted their channel. Gave strikes to all their videos, and took the videos down. Buuuuuuut, someone ELSE illegally reuploaded their content, and they can’t even report the video because their channel is deleted. The illegal re-uploads have no strikes, no issues, the content stay up, and some OTHER person makes money off of MXRPlays years old content.
What type of reaction content? If it wasn’t using the minimum amount of copyrighted material needed to comment or being transformative, and was distributing the majority of a work, then at any point a DMCA will nuke em. Google might not think it’s worth the risk hosting that reaction content forever.
Basically they go on reddit, and will browse subs like “instant regret” or “maybe maybe maybe” or “yes yes no”. Basically just subs where people post videos of themselves, doing whatever. Essentially it’s just Americas Funniest Home Videos, but with their commentary using reddit as the source of the videos.
So, I’m not sure anything is actually “copyrighted”.
I doubt that would be the reason for their ban. If it is a creative work then in some countries it’s automatically copyrighted, but it’s not like most would go out of their way to stop it (unlike with like people reacting to other YouTube videos, films, anime, etc).
the content creator isn’t following the proper system then. You don’t need YouTube to do a copyright/IP violation claim. Google is actually opening themselves up to significantly hot water if they are indeed refusing to allow a process for DMCA on creators that are deleted off the platform, as there are severe penalties for not reacting to a DMCA claim when you are a content provider.
If they actually owned the rights to the videos, that creators first step when learning that Youtube is not going to do anything about the violation, is to manually file it themselves, and honestly they should state that Youtube at that point is intentionally allowing it which would perhaps pull Youtube into it as well
just because YouTube decides that they aren’t going to do anything, doesn’t invalidate your claim to copyright. I’m surprised that the channel hasn’t seeked legal action against anyone regarding it.
My two cents on the matter is that it’s likely the channel is worried that their videos aren’t transformative enough fair use wise and that they themselves may get into legal troubles if they attempted to. A lot of commentary artists stay borderline on fair-use and not fair use, however if this was not the case, they have a pretty decent chance of winning that suit.
Oh, if you follow the channel, it’s CLEAR someone, probably just the one person, has a clear vendetta against Henry And Jeannie (MXRPlays). They used to know one person at youtube. So when they’d get their channel strike, they’d email him, and he’d review what the strike was for.
It was stuff like “Advocating child harm”.
The guy would look at the video in question, and see no evidence of that. No children in the video. No discussions of child harm. Any human without a grudge could see it was a false autobot ID. So he would remove the strike. Then the next day, the strike would be back. He’d email the guy, and the guy would look through the logs, and find it was done by a human working for youtube. He’d remove the strike again, but he’d tell them "I can’t remove it again. If he puts the strike back, it goes above me. Then the strike would be put back…and it would have to be waited out. The strike stays on your account I think they said 30 days. And if you get 3 strikes at the same time, the channel gets suspended.
So they wouldn’t upload any more videos, and then 3 days later they’d get another strike on a video that was 4 years old. Clearly not a bot, since bots generally don’t seek out old content with no activity.
And the same situation would ensue. They hung on, and kept doing this cat and mouse game for 8 years. Until the guy they knew at youtube left the company. And then they had no one to delete strikes. Any calls to anyone at youtube were ignored. And the channel wasn’t even suspended, it was terminated.
And when this other guy is reuploading their old stuff on his own personal channel, youtube says they have no way to DMCA it because the original source file, the proof that he has to say it’s his content, was deleted. Because his channel was terminated.
LOL. You clearly have never heard of G.A.S. (gear acquisition syndrome). You get on YouTube to learn how to play guitar and next thing you know you’ve bought three guitars, a closet full of pedals, amps, amp modelers, etc., and you still don’t know how to play.
That does not benefit specifically Alphabet though…
Of course it does. You go in for a lesson and fall down the gear rabbit hole. Next thing you know you are watching endless hours of gear reviews and demos. A lesson is a single video where gear videos is an entire genre.
Oh, thanks for the correction!:-)
I guess I was thinking of how to videos like how to fix a part on your car. But yeah I can see how how to videos like that still being an opportunity for Google to make money.
Just trust the algorithm, bro!
some internal metric and testing said this increases engagement by 2.1% so now we are stuck with it.
How about you test marking videos as watched across devices so I don’t have the same shit pushed back at me all the time.
How about shutting your mouth and consuming what we show you. No one’s asking if you’ve seen it already. Watch the ads!
HOW ABOUT YOU STOP SHOWING ME ALREADY WATCHED VIDEOS IN GENERAL?! Why fill my home feed with shit I’ve seen already? I literally have to click (…), click (not interested), click (why?), click (I’ve already seen the video) FOR EVER SINGLE VIDEO I EVER WATCHED ON YT.
Are you using a Pi Hole or any tool that blocks ads though the DNS?
Interesting thought, might have to dig into that. Hadn’t considered it messing with play history.
Add this in your exemptions and test it.
I am using a pihole and I still have this problem. I’m logged in. I’m seeing videos I watched last week or two months ago. Or yesterday. They are being resuggested and do not show as watched if I go to that channel’s page. It’s infuriating.
Do you have this in your exemptions?
Yes. Additionally, videos I watch at work do the same thing without the pihole.
Hmm at a glance I dont see a major issue here, my concern would be that I dont click on vids with shit numbers so they are now on a more equal footing.
But it is better for people not to be so focused on numbers like removing number of likes on Instagram.
I don’t know what’s up with the algorithm pushing these lately. If it’s a video with 4 views from a channel with no subscribers I’m probably not interested in it. Sometimes they have a good thumbnail/title so I give them a chance but 9/10 times it’s terrible. Also often extremely right wing for whatever reason.
Wouldn’t the YouTube creator need to see views for ad revenue? Are they removing them for viewers or creators too?
But it is better for people not to be so focused on numbers like removing number of likes on Instagram.
Is my mental health really something I want Google managing?
They are not managing so much as they are eliminating a likely issue for users and the public.
That’s a lot of words to describe managing.
They are not managing your mental health they are managing their brand and PR.
When Google removed the dislikes from youtube videos, one of the lies they told was it was for the users(or uploader’s) mental health.
Prominent youtubers came out and specifically said that they found it a good measure for their mental health to not have the focus on dislikes. Fairly certain one of the vlogbrothers did. They may not agree with it completely but said it was a positive.
I dislike it because it was a good measure of if I should click on a video or not.
Except that the uploader can still see the downvote count. It was just removed so that corporations wouldn’t be embarrassed when they put out an unpopular trailer or product.
I don’t mind seeing vids with small numbers (many are genuinely cool) but I avoid 500k and above (except music) because the mainstream is mostly clickbait.
Does TikTok show view count? This seems like a move that is intended to compete with TikTok.
TikTok shows view, like and favourite/bookmark amounts.
I hope the return down vote people just start collecting view count and upvotes too. Then we can at least keep that.
YouTube/Google and hiding data from the end-user, name a better duo.
Not to mention their “1080p” streams look worse than 2013 480p streams. The site is a dumpster fire.
That’s why you need to pay for premium so you can get the 1080p premium bitrate.
I thought I was imagining this until I put a 1080p episode on one monitor and a 1080p YT vid on another. The difference was night and day.