Need to expand local storage for local media streaming. Running a regular desktop on linux.
I am willing to spend money on “the best” for streaming purpose while and hopefully something I can keep reusing down the road if it lasts.
Here’s my current bill:
- usage - 420 kWh
- total - $58.86 (mix of winter and summer usage)
- stated rate - $0.09-0.10/kWh for “block 1”, 0.10-0.12 for “block 2” (they charge more the more you use)
- calculated average rate (inclusive of all fees and credits) - $0.14/kWh
And here’s my previous bill (all summer usage w/ AC and whatnot):
- usage - 522 kWh
- total - $80.17
- stated rate - $0.09/kWh for “block 1,” $0.117/kWh for “block 2”
- calculated average rate - $0.154/kWh
That’s why I gave the $0.12-0.15/kWh range, because it depends on time of year, total usage, etc. It’ll probably be closer to $0.12/kWh next month since we’d use hardly any electricity (we use natural gas for heat).
Thats friggin bananas. Do you live somewhere with lots of hydro power? Your cost is less than 1/3 mine…
Nope, I live in Utah, US, which is mostly coal, natural gas, and solar, in that order, and we’ve been scaling coal back significantly and replacing it with gas and solar (and a little wind). We’re about average for the US:
The average cost per kWh in the U.S. as of January 2024 is 15.45 cents
That said, I heard that our local electricity company wants to hike rates, and that seems to be about $0.03/kWh. So my range would go up to $0.15-0.18/kWh, which still isn’t that crazy.