Need to expand local storage for local media streaming. Running a regular desktop on linux.
I am willing to spend money on “the best” for streaming purpose while and hopefully something I can keep reusing down the road if it lasts.
Thats friggin bananas. Do you live somewhere with lots of hydro power? Your cost is less than 1/3 mine…
Nope, I live in Utah, US, which is mostly coal, natural gas, and solar, in that order, and we’ve been scaling coal back significantly and replacing it with gas and solar (and a little wind). We’re about average for the US:
The average cost per kWh in the U.S. as of January 2024 is 15.45 cents
That said, I heard that our local electricity company wants to hike rates, and that seems to be about $0.03/kWh. So my range would go up to $0.15-0.18/kWh, which still isn’t that crazy.