Technically it’s for any printer capable of printing a firearm or the components of a firearm, which is…. every printer. What a bafflingly stupid proposal. If you’re in NY, please call your reps and tell them to oppose this bill.
Keep in mind that this is a state that bans nunchuks.Never mind, NY banned nunchuks in 1974 but then in 2018 a federal court decided that New Yorkers have a 2nd amendment right to nunchuks.
Maybe there’s a constitutional right to keep and bear 3D printers too? If your life is in danger, you can use the concealed printer you’re carrying to make a gun and then defend yourself with that gun.
Don’t worry, my state considers throwing stars to be “assault weapons” now and their sale and possession is banned. There’s still stupidity abound if you care to look hard enough.
their sale and possession is banned
How will I assassinate the Shogun now?!
You’ll have to use your blowgun. Those are still unregulated.
You jest but automated blowguns with face recognition could be deadly and nearly impossible to spot!
Way ahead of you. Ever load a thumbtack into a piece of 5/16" brake line and give it a puff with your air compressor?
Don’t ask me how but the fuckers remain straight in flight. They’re cylindrical enough that you could surely make such an apparatus magazine fed.
If you have the compressor, wouldn’t it be easier to just use a nail gun with the sensor on the tip disabled?
Not much range on a nailgun. The nails tumble in flight in quite a short distance.
You could probably easily add some fletching to them and maybe a little bit of a barrel to the nail gun to get a little extra muzzle velocity.
the right to bear nunchuks is either something bears would want or something animal rights activists would be strongly against