Technically it’s for any printer capable of printing a firearm or the components of a firearm, which is…. every printer. What a bafflingly stupid proposal. If you’re in NY, please call your reps and tell them to oppose this bill.
Keep in mind that this is a state that bans nunchuks.Never mind, NY banned nunchuks in 1974 but then in 2018 a federal court decided that New Yorkers have a 2nd amendment right to nunchuks.
Maybe there’s a constitutional right to keep and bear 3D printers too? If your life is in danger, you can use the concealed printer you’re carrying to make a gun and then defend yourself with that gun.
Don’t worry, my state considers throwing stars to be “assault weapons” now and their sale and possession is banned. There’s still stupidity abound if you care to look hard enough.
their sale and possession is banned
How will I assassinate the Shogun now?!
You’ll have to use your blowgun. Those are still unregulated.
You jest but automated blowguns with face recognition could be deadly and nearly impossible to spot!
Way ahead of you. Ever load a thumbtack into a piece of 5/16" brake line and give it a puff with your air compressor?
Don’t ask me how but the fuckers remain straight in flight. They’re cylindrical enough that you could surely make such an apparatus magazine fed.
If you have the compressor, wouldn’t it be easier to just use a nail gun with the sensor on the tip disabled?
Not much range on a nailgun. The nails tumble in flight in quite a short distance.
the right to bear nunchuks is either something bears would want or something animal rights activists would be strongly against
Luigi would have passed a background check.
And didn’t even use his own printer (according to his confession/manifesto)…
was it even printed in new york? I mean im sure someone would never bring one in from jersey.
Everything is legal in New Jersey.
Why do you print like you’re running out of time?
Unexpected Hamilton ❤️
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Some actual gun control laws would be better, not to mention universal health care. What’s next on the list? Kitchen knives? Pans, pots? ;)
I grew up in NY. The gun control laws were draconian 45 years ago. I can’t imagine they have become more lax since I departed the state 30 years ago.
Doesn’t really matter if you can buy a gun in another state.
Thos is Canada’s and Mexico’s problem
What I mean is a bordering US state, not another country. I don’t think Canada has the same problem with guns as you guys do.
The USA is a bordering state to us
It’s where the illegal guns in both nation-states come from
Have you ever tried? You can’t. FFL dealers cannot sell to residents of another state. If you want to buy out of state, they have to ship the firearm to an FFL dealer in your state to perform the sale. They can’t give it to you or ship it to you.
If they are licensed in your state and another state, and you purchase the gun in the other state, they have to follow the rules of your state.
Printcrime was not an instruction manual.
How about one regarding healthcare affordability? We can deal with 3D printed stuff later?
Im making a charcoal foundry. You gonna card me for briquettes bitchboy?
Make a community with a dude that makes potassium and another dude that makes sulfur and then you can really make things go off
This is second time they trying to pass this bullshit. 2023
Oh don’t worry, there will be a third. And a fourth. And a… Well, more and more until it passes
It only has to pass once
Political hackers.
The people have to be successful every time, but the political hackers have to successful just once.
Gonna require background checks to get plumbing supplies or to go to the hardware store? Cause I can make a gun a hell of a lot easier and quicker with that shit, than I can with a 3d fuckin printer.
It’s those rock tumbler crazies of the world.
Oi. You got a permit to tumble that aluminum foil?
Lol that describes my childhood
Did you use chlorates, saltpeter, or potassium permanganate?
None. I combined it with iron oxide. I like chemistry, not explosives
Don’t you dare try it!
IIRC hardware store employees do pay attention to purchases that look like that and have phone numbers to call for it
You think those employees are paid enough to care?
Nope! But i bet management cares enough about it (or at least not being “that store that sold a shooter gun parts”) to make it painful if they dont.
You can buy from multiple stores and mix in a bunch of other stuff to make it hard for someone to figure out what you’re building.
Or just go to self checkout
The Home Depot near my house recently went exclusively self checkout. I hate it, makes me consider driving an extra 15 min to go to Menard’s or Lowes.
Embrace, use it as an opportunity to shoplift. Home depot is run by an asshole anyway.
Na the hardware store guys are chill
I used to run a hardware store. We saw people assembling parts to build zip guns, potato cannons, pipe bombs, bongs, and other similarly related naughty projects all the time. You want to know what I did about it? I told them to let me know how it turned out.
Some boob from the ATF actually came by and tried to grill me real hard about ammonium nitrate at one point shortly after 9/11, and I had to tell him the same thing over and over again phrased many different ways until he finally got it, which was that we don’t sell any fertilizer other than prepackaged blended consumer products, i.e. we did not sell any pure nitrates to anyone because we could not, because we didn’t bother to carry them. End of discussion.
There was still plenty of crap available on my shelves to make a quite competent bomb if you knew what you were doing. But I didn’t go into detail and I sure as shit wasn’t going to go around teaching anyone.
Luigi had no background to check.
This is pure flail.
How much harder would it be than getting an actual gun?
Road trip to Georgia and back, basically.
Makes total sense
Just FYI, you can’t buy a firearm at a dealer outside of your home state without having it shipped to an FFL holder in your home state. E.g., I can’t drive to Family Firearms in Alabama from Georgia–where i live–to buy a gun. I have to order from them, and then have it shipped to an FFL near me, and then fill out the paperwork in my own state. In states that allow private, p2p sales (which is most of them), you could buy a firearm with cash from an individual, and they’d never do a background check or fill out a 4473.
Thank you for the information. My (incorrect) assumption was the oft-paraded “gun show” loophole.
I think consistent effort is required to erase any misconception about the availability of firearms.
my granny got one in a Walmart parking lot so it can’t be that hard.
Still don’t know how that even happens.Well, maybe that’s your (US&A) problem, not 3d printers ;)
This is braindead, are they gonna require background checks for the hardware store next?
You literally need ID to purchase silverware in the UK. Yes, they will absolutely do this.
Don’t forget sporting goods and kitchen supplies. Heck, you can get a bunch of decent knives in IKEA, better put furniture outlets on a watchlist.
Or worse, buying guns everywhere?
Any engineer worth their salt can do this without a 3d printer. Idiots.
Next up, you’re going to have to register your drill press, lathe, etc.
Again. This bill was introduced last year, by the same person, and it died at the time because of some grassroots actions. Now, the wording is slightly different (so it can be introduced again as a “different” bill), and it’s being tried again.
What’s next a background check for breathing? Because, you know breathing is a clear and obvious pre-cursor to criming of all kinds.
No, but you will have to pay for the air
Checks out, seeing as breathing is a precursor in blowguns.
Lol, I built a 3d printer with a 3d printer.
The wilson2 with 80/20 aluminum. Not too hard.
Yeah. The Voron printers are a good example
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