In a better world, I might hope for this to be the beginning of the end for social media and online ads. In this one, well…
Eh, they’ll come around…
Green Day’s When I Come Around starts playing
Now, can Facebook shut down to the Green Day’s “Good Riddance (Time of your life)”?
I don’t know. Haven’t been playing that close enough attention. Wake Me Up When September Ends.
No. They only get “Want You Gone” from the Portal 2 soundtrack.
Go make some new disaster
That’s what I’m counting on
You’re someone else’s problem
Now I only want you gone
What a coincidence, Trump’s loyalty purge email was titled “A fork in the road”
God damn it these fucking techbro loligarchs and their dipshit nerd humor.
Hurr hurr we’re making a fork of the US government code hurr durr.
What a bunch of juvenile fucking delinquents.