All smartphones, including iPhones, must have replaceable batteries by 2027 in the EU::undefined
When Apple want to, they can design amazing things. So I look forward to see if they come up with a clever Apple-like way to do this. Or maybe they just make it easier to remove the back.
“Batteries now cost as much as a new phone.” -Apple
If you buy each iphone components individually through Apple service center, the cost added up to equal multiple brand-new iphone (and you still not have enough components to assemble a full iphone).
This is nothing new. If you buy all the parts to a car from a car manufacturer it adds up to several cars.
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I look forward to see if they come up with a clever Apple-like way to do this
Battery DRM?
Then they wouldn’t be able to sell their phones in the EU. Regulators may be stupid, but even they can see that it’s a blatant disregard to the rule of replaceable batteries.
I mean, Bosch eBikes already do this. You can only use official batteries with them
Watch Bosh change their tune a mere days before this law becomes effective.