Got this email from Autodesk that Fusion is increasing their annual price by a huge amount. I subbed for 1 year a couple years ago for I think $380. Then I was able to get an educational sub after that. Fusion is still the cheapest CAD software out there, not including the free stuff like FreeCAD, but still, this price increase is massive.

It should be noted that it’s still free to use for personal use minus the extra features.

    81 year ago

    I switched to Shapr3d a few years ago, but I follow the work of the FreeCAD team with great interest.

    IMHO, I think Autodesk should provide a free/limited version of Fusion360 for the people who only want to design and 3D print small pieces

      1 year ago

      As a hobbiest who’s relatively new to CAD, I wish I liked Shapr3D more than I do. I want to use it on my Mac but everything is multiple clicks away compared to other software and it seemingly has fewer keyboard shortcuts to compensate :/

      Also, this is probably user error but I could not for the life of me figure out how to make the spout on teapot for a Halloween costume in Shapr3d. Spent maybe an hour and a half on it. Ended up installing Fusion360 and had it done in about 30 minutes. I don’t know the term for it but getting an extrusion to follow/form to a bunch of different sized circles in Shapr3d wasn’t doing what I expected.

    • Zoolander
      51 year ago

      They do. It’s free for personal/non-commercial use.

    61 year ago

    What do you guys use fusion for? I was told to learn it but idk its uses. Im into 3d art and I was gonna use plasticity instead of fusion.

      1 year ago

      Fusion360 is for CAD, people use it for designing mechanical parts. It has features like simulation, generative design, shape optimization, additive manufacturing design, etc. It is a really complete software for what it does, and that’s why it is a shame that the price increased so much.

      For art, you should try Blender. It’s widely used and libre software!

        21 year ago

        Yeah Im a 3D artist, already use blender, I was told that for mechanical models like game weapons for example, fusion works great. So I wanted to know if I should try.

        • Halvdan
          21 year ago

          No need to apologize, even if it supposedly is the custom in your part of the world. 😉 You still pointed out something that I didn’t know about and for that you have my eternal gratitude. Not much of it, mind, but some of it.

    1 year ago

    Solidworks (Education version) for US and Canadian Active Duty and Veterans is US $20 or CAD $40 / year.

    I am on my 7th or 8th year of it. I don’t use it for making money, but use it for making 3D printed things for around the house, then upload them to Thinginverse and Printables for everyone else to use.

    It looks like Solidworks for Makers is US $48 / year.

    A couple of answers from the Q&A at the bottom of the page:

    “3DEXPERIENCE SOLIDWORKS for Makers is meant for personal projects and non-commercial use. Per our terms and conditions, you may sell items you make for a profit up to and not exceeding US$2,000 a year. If you are interested in building your business with SOLIDWORKS tools, check out our start up program or our commercial offers.”

    “Currently this offer is available for purchase with a billing address within the following countries: Algeria, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Morocco, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States. More countries will be added soon.”

    “Files and data created with your Maker account are digitally watermarked and can only be opened up in another Maker platform. You cannot open up files created with your Maker account within a commercial or academic platform. This digital watermark is added to native 3D file formats, such as .3dxml, .sldprt, .sldasm, and .slddrw. Neutral 3D file formats, such as .stp or .iges can be opened on any platform.”

    • @canthidium@lemmy.worldOP
      91 year ago

      Oh wow, thanks for this! I’m a veteran and $20 a year is awesome! I do the same, mostly just making things around the house. I don’t really upload them though, because most things I make are super custom to my needs.

        41 year ago

        If that’s the case, you don’t need to be paying for Fusion. You should qualify for the free, personal license.

        31 year ago

        Yeah, I make things for me and family, but you’d be surprised at how many other people would be interested in it as well. I certainly was. I looked at my Thingiverse analytics, and I’ve had 10’s of thousands of downloads of my things. I know those don’t directly translate into prints, but I was shocked at how many people downloaded my designs that were originally just for me to organize my sandpaper, or sift sand or hold my CNC collets and wrenches. . .

      • VegaLyrae
        31 year ago

        I tried it and made a few things for around the house.

        It’s fine, but it’s Invasive, and so cloud connected that I got really fed up with it.

        I would pay them the same price for an offline only version.

      81 year ago

      Are you familiar with the watermark they are talking about? How does that express itself; does it show up on models or is it like metadata in a file?

        31 year ago

        I don’t know exactly how it is implemented, but if I had to guess, it is probably just metadata in the file. I know that when I print out the 2D drawings I make, it puts text in the bottom corner with something to the effect of “This was made with the educational version of Solidworks, Not for commercial use” or something like that. I expect something similar if you tried to open a file made on the educational version on the commercial version, there would be something similar on the screen. Not sure though, since I only have the educational version.

        • VegaLyrae
          21 year ago

          It’s a very sticky watermark. If you open and save a file in educational, the watermark cannot be removed even if you open it in paid commercial version later.

        11 year ago

        Probably not well. Its drm does some weird shit where it (3dexperience) runs in the background and then launches a web page that has you log in and you launch and update from the browser. I think there’s a way to directly launch it with a shortcut but all in all it just does so much weird shit that i haven’t even tried.

        I miss Autodesk Inventor but i can’t remotely justify the price for dicking around with personal projects and solidworks for makers is a pretty damn good deal. Plus SW seems like the industry standard so looks better on a resume? I’m a programmer so it doesn’t really matter but meh.

        OnShape might be okay, probably runs just fine on Linux, but i hate that its cloud based. I just want to own my software goddamnit.

        One day we’ll have a foss parametric non-destructive blender-level cad suite. FreeCAD and OpenSCAD are neat but not really what I’m looking for.

        I’m ranting again…

    -31 year ago

    I’ve been using Solid Edge for a while -it’s very solid once but with less mature UX compared to 360. But no bullshit, it just works, I love not losing work because half the system is in the cloud and randomly forced you up to log in.

    451 year ago

    The problem is that there is no real competitor to fusion. If you think about usability/learning curve

      • wjrii
        71 year ago

        OnShape is free but explicitly non-commercial if you don’t pay, and it requires your models to be publicly available in a potentially weird way where someone else could make money from your stuff but you can’t. It’s a weird AF licensing setup.

          • wjrii
            1 year ago

            Open source is not the same as, “you are barred from commercial use,” which is why I hesitate with OnShape. At minimum, these companies need to tighten up their licensing terms to be strict but fair.

            to wit, Creators have this:

            Trial or Free Versions. Trial and free versions of the Service are made available by Onshape. Trial versions of the Service are intended for evaluation purposes, and may be used for commercial or non-commercial purposes during the evaluation period. Free versions of the Service are intended to support (a) creating and editing intellectual property for non-commercial purposes, and (b) viewing, commenting and import/export for commercial or non-commercial purposes (to the extent the plan offers those features). If you intend to use the Service outside a trial context to create and/or edit intellectual property for commercial purposes (including but not limited to developing designs that are intended to be commercialized and/or used in support of a commercial business), then you agree to upgrade to a paid subscription to the Service. Trial and free versions of the Service are otherwise subject to the terms of this Agreement.

            but consumers have this:

            For any Public Document owned by a Free Plan User created on or after August 7, 2018, or any Public Document created prior to that date without a LICENSE tab, Customer grants a worldwide, royaltyfree and non-exclusive license to any End User or third party accessing the Public Document to use the intellectual property contained in Customer’s Public Document without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Document, and to permit persons to whom the Document is made available to do the same.

            Maybe there’s some nuance I’m missing, but on its face that’s total bullshit. You can use the trial version for commercial purposes as long as you don’t intend to KEEP doing so, but not the free version. Meanwhile, you are automagically granting a license to commercialize your files for literally everybody else. Sloppy at best, exploitative at worst.

    • @canthidium@lemmy.worldOP
      81 year ago

      Very true, and the reason I went with Fusion in the first place. It’s easy to pick up while still being fully featured.

          91 year ago

          Seems to still be offered, the license allows up to $2000 profit as well instead of $1000 revenue with fusion.

          • wjrii
            1 year ago

            That’s a more reasonable threshold, and allows some wiggle room if you have an idea that blows up and makes you a few bucks (what is profit? Can you count your PC and printer as capital expenditures? etc etc).

            Autodesk is gonna Autodesk, but they should, at a minimum, match that term.

          • @canthidium@lemmy.worldOP
            51 year ago

            Nice, someone commented veteran pricing that’s $20 a year, which I qualify for, so definitely going to try it out. Thanks!

      131 year ago

      Yeah, I’ve used multiple CAD tools, from pro/engineer to F360, but the learning curve of freecad felt like a brick wall.

        11 year ago

        I would love for you to explain how the workflow is any different than in something like SolidWorks? I use SolidWorks in my day job and I use FreeCAD exclusively for my personal projects. It was a pretty seamless transition for me. Sketch->Feature, repeat, paying attention to order of operations in your model tree. What’s so different?

        Is FreeCAD’s UI a little rough in places? Perhaps, but a lot of the things that people complain about in FreeCAD are present in commercial software. If there’s one thing that SolidWorks might do better is allowing you to get away with things like over-defining geometry accidentally. It’s more forgiving of lazy modeling.

        FreeCAD has improved significantly in just the last few years. There is a good community around it. We need more people using it and learning how to model.

        1 year ago

        I got stuck on googling how to make a fillet in freecad, to which the answer appeared to be, “yeah, nah, you sort of can’t”. Oh okay, this program is not for me.

        Edit: if people want to help/criticise, I recall the problem was that I couldn’t do it parametrically, which is the only way I like to model any engineering parts. So far the only thing that information has gotten me is a downvote. If freecad is as full featured as you say, then this should be easy to do. Feel free to tell me how.

        EDIT 2: after the info I got, I looked into it more and discovered my problem was a bit different - I couldn’t do a parametric offset line in a sketch, because I needed to make a particular pattern. I ended up doing it with OpenSCAD if I recall. I apologise for saying freecad couldn’t do fillets, that would’ve been extremely basic. It was still a very painful experience just to figure out that it couldn’t do what I needed.

        • Kata1yst
          71 year ago

          Huh, I’ve definitely done fillets before. Though they’re more nuanced than F3D or SW or ProE.

          I’ve found freecad to be feature complete and fairly performant as a pure CAD tool, but the workflows take getting used to and there are some rough edges where things are just significantly more complex than in competing commercial software.

          11 year ago

          I’m curious what a parametric offset would be. If it is what I think it is, I’ve accomplished that with some construction geometry. Add a construction geometry line constrained appropriately (e.g. perpendicular to some other line, particular length, etc) and then use its other end to attach and constrain the offset line.

        • wjrii
          41 year ago

          I think SolveSpace and OpenSCAD have trouble with fillets, but FreeCAD should be fine, though as a person with a non-technical background, FreeCAD is still generally miserable to use.

        • dual_sport_dork 🐧🗡️
          31 year ago

          I don’t know how long ago you tired this (early versions were, even I will admit, kind of crap) but in the current FreeCAD release of 0.22.1 it’s incredibly easy.

          Just select the edge(s) you want to fillet and and press the “fillet” button in the Part Design workbench…

          And on the panel on the left you can set the radius. The profile of the Fillet tool is always a 90 arc of circle with the radius you’ve specified.

          Or, if you want to get fancy and make your own bespoke custom fillet. Well, you can define its profile in a sketch. Here I just used a bezier to make an arbitrary curved shape. You are defining the profile of the material you want removed here, i.e. the negative space. You can make this as mathematically rigorous and precise as you like.

          Then, position it somewhere on the vertex you want to profile and once again in the Part Design workbench, select that sketch, and hit “subtractive pipe.”

          From there, you can hit “add edge” to define which edge(s) you want it applied to. You get a preview of the material removed.

          Et voila.

            1 year ago

            I appreciate all the effort you went to, and I can do this as it turns out. Now that I’ve researched what problem I was having, it turns out the issue was that I couldn’t do a parametric offset line in a sketch, which was crucial to what I was doing at the time, so I had to give up on it.

            I was using 0.19 at the time, because that’s what I’ve got installed.

          • MrSpArkle
            41 year ago

            I tried using Freecad as to filet something recently and it told me to look at the error console for more information, after googling for where the error console is, I realized the message to look at the error console was being output to the error console.

            There was no more information to be had. It is a UX and functional nightmare, and it is what it is, but the downside is this means millions of engineers are being trained on subscription web sites, and eventually this will be used to both squeeze people for money, and also to prevent people from creating unauthorized or patented parts.

            1 year ago

            I honestly forget, it was such a terrible experience I didn’t give it any more time. I think that the problem was that I couldn’t make it parametric.

        211 year ago

        FreeCAD definitely has a steeper learning curve and a few rough edges, but to me it was absolutely worth it to learn. I really don’t like my files subject to the whims of Autodesk.

  • sj_zero
    291 year ago

    It’s one of the biggest problems of the whole 3d printing ecosystem that so many people are relying on software like fusion or tinkercad that could shut down, lose its free option, and see massive price increases on subscription software.

    I wish I could wrap my head around freecad, but we’re just not there yet and we may never be. I feel like it or something like it must be our future because until we have a full libre software chain we’re living on borrowed time.

        51 year ago

        blender can be used as cad software, but for any practical application, you want parametric design.

        61 year ago

        Blender is not designed as a CAD software. It is for 3d modeling. So you would use Blender to make graphics for a video game, or a 3d movie.

        CAD is more for designing things to be made outside of a computer, so 3d printing, CNC or stuff like that.

        Blender doesn’t consider the object as a whole, and can leave holes that a CAD setup would handle.

          31 year ago

          You can still use blender though if you know how to model in it already. Just don’t leave holes and you will be fine. I use that for a lot of 3d prints I make just because I am already comfortable with it.

            31 year ago

            Blender workflow is very different to a CAD workflow. It’s ok for small things, but if you need to design some complex functional parts with tight tolerances, you will waste a lot of time in Blender.

      81 year ago

      I’ve started watching a freeCAD tutorial series on YouTube. It’s a little slow going, since I don’t have a huge amount of time to dedicate to it, but it’s amazing how quickly the basics can be picked up.

      31 year ago

      I wish I could wrap my head around freecad, but we’re just not there yet and we may never be.

      May I ask why it is that you say this?

      • sj_zero
        41 year ago

        I’ve got an IQ of 87. So far, tinkercad is basically the best 3d modelling program for me so I can make stuff by using arrow keys to move around basic shapes.

        51 year ago

        I also have this question. What is so different about the workflow between FreeCAD and other 3D CAD software? If you can do one, you can do the others.

        • Captain Aggravated
          61 year ago

          FreeCAD is a strange mix of over-designed and unfinished.

          There’s like three different workflows for doing parametric CAD, plus a drafting workflow for an AutoCAD architectural experience, plus workbenches for meshes, NURBS, etc. Occasionally a tool you need will be in another workbench. There is no official assembly workbench included. It’s not exactly obvious how workbenches work together. A lot of shortcuts which have become Just How You Do Things in other CAD software aren’t present, so you have to do things an awkward long way. Add-ons and macros can help…but are poorly documented if at all.

          71 year ago

          The learning curve is steeper mostly due to tools not having as intuitive names and ui layout.

          I dove into fusion 360 last year and was making functional and nice parts within the first couple of hours. Since moving to Linux I’ve tried freecad and while I can eventually find the tools that do the same things, it is less intuitive to get there.

          Additionally, when I run into a roadblock in fusion 360, I can usually find quick and easy explanations or tutorials for it, and just have not had the same luck with freecad. I can usually get the hurdle crossed with the tutorials but I find I have to look up the same stuff often as it doesn’t stick.

          This is all nebulous as all hell, I admit. And I can vaguely tell that it does all the same things similarly to fusion 360, but it’s just different and obscured enough that I feel useless and obtuse using it and spend more time searching for tutorials and answers than I do designing.

          I want to learn it. I want to use it. But I still find myself in fusion 360 when I need to get a part designed sooner rather than later - it took less effort and faffing around to get fusion 360 working in proton ge than getting to a stable point using freecad.

          • Halvdan
            41 year ago

            Well put. I have the exact same experience.

    • Goodman
      31 year ago

      I’ve just become a CAD hobo or squater you could say. There will always be one ““free”” piece of cad software that caters to the casual 3D printer and I’ve just accepted that they will inevitably raise the price and I’ll just have to jump ship again. But, at least I get to keep all the knowledge and that is what counts.

  • eighthourlunch
    141 year ago

    And they make it tricky as hell to find the hobbyist license. I really hate this exploitative shit. Same for Adobe.

  • Blackout
    41 year ago

    The new CAD assist feature will save me hours from every setup. If you do production work (metals, plastic injection) fusion’s value is still a hard to beat. Pays for itself a lot of times over.

    • @canthidium@lemmy.worldOP
      31 year ago

      The prismatic option when converting meshes is the big one for me. I find I am modifying downloaded files so often.

      11 year ago

      Me too. While it’s probably not as good as commercial packages, I’ve yet to encounter something I can’t model. Once the topological naming problem is gone (should happen soon) it’s gonna be a delight to use.

      • TOR-anon1
        11 year ago

        The TNP is problably one of the most infiriating bugs FreeCAD has.

        Once that’s gone, i’m sticking to FreeCAD till I get bored with this hobby or I die.

      21 year ago

      It’s such a bad piece of software I just don’t get how people can use it…

    • VegaLyrae
      1 year ago

      I spent a lot of time in free cad and am now trying Bricscad. I wanted to use Alibre because it’s way cheaper but it’s windows only and I couldn’t get it running in Proton or Wine.

      I like freecad a whole lot, but I couldn’t stand the number of crashes any longer :(

      I couldn’t find any other sane priced software that wasn’t Cloud-integrated (looking at you, dassault).

      • TOR-anon1
        21 year ago

        Huh, I never had crashes.

        Even with an Edu License for Autodesk, I HATE the UI.

        • VegaLyrae
          11 year ago

          Not sure why it happens.

          Just using it on fedora as installed from the repos.