Classic big government nanny state move. That political party which claims to be against this sort of overreach must be upset over it, right?
Do they even claim that anymore? I can’t remember the last time I’ve heard a conservative talk about small government in any way that even comes close to amounting to an actual philosophy.
The only time I hear something from the GOP is when they are “owning the libs” or licking trumps asshole. What the fuck do people think government is suppose to be doing? Neither of those things are remotely important.
Once again, a vice is blamed for its own sake, “for the children”, instead of the thing people are running from, or the hole they are filling. It’s the Right’s version of virtue signaling.
Porn addiction is just an addiction, and removing porn will not remove addiction in people. Thirst can’t be cured by drying up the well. Saying nothing about the constitutionality of this, restricting potentially addictive content through nanny state ID systems is worthless… check history. South Korea plan was dropped, UK plans for the same thing were dropped. It’s not only ineffective, as kids will always find a way through the cracks, but it also extremely difficult to implement and erodes the bedrock of privacy. We’re not solving addiction, we’re just building a surveillance state under the guise of protection. Solutions are in addressing the root causes of addiction and fostering resilience, not in this game of whack-a-mole that sacrifices our privacy.
If you believe that laws forbidding gambling, sale of liquor, sale of contraceptives, requiring definite closing hours, enforcing the Sabbath, or any such, are necessary to the welfare of your community, that is your right and I do not ask you to surrender your beliefs or give up your efforts to put over such laws. But remember that such laws are, at most, a preliminary step in doing away with the evils they indict. Moral evils can never be solved by anything as easy as passing laws alone. If you aid in passing such laws without bothering to follow through by digging in to the involved questions of sociology, economics, and psychology which underlie the causes of the evils you are gunning for, you will not only fail to correct the evils you sought to prohibit but will create a dozen new evils as well.
–Robert A. Heinlein, Take Back Your Government
I get wanting to keep porn away from children, but on the flipside I don’t trust governments with a history of criminalizing homosexuality with my porn history. Looking up, it seems that these states even kept laws against sodomy in their books.
I had to look this up, and this is so nuts, but there are currently 12 states that stilll have sodomy laws as of late 2023: Florida, Georgia, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Texas.
I think a lot of people might not realize that sodomy is often legally defined as anything that is not PIV intercourse. So most foreplay and obviously any sex practiced by homosexual couples. I absolutely don’t get why there isn’t a stronger push to get rid of this and other dumb laws against offenses that are widely committed and/or are hard to enforce.
Well I guess this one kind of makes sense in this current state of political turmoil.
Because they’re all federally illegal (until they aren’t) by Lawrence v. Texas. And of those 12, 2 definitely would overturn if Thomas has his way (Lawrence was one of the decisions he said he wants reviewed) and 2 are iffy. Texas would gladly enforce anti sodomy laws today if they could.
As someone trapped in this shithole of a state, can confirm that Texas would be going after people with this law.
I heard Texas has a ballot initiative to change the state’s name to Republic of Gilead
I just looked it up to confirm because I’ve only known it to mean butt sex, but the Wikipedia article on it agrees with you.
I don’t think any of those states actually enforce those laws though, most likely because it would be difficult to get evidence of such acts. Just because the law exists in the books doesn’t mean it’s still upheld, tons of states have “dumb laws” that aren’t enforced (you can’t keep an alligator in a bath tub, you can’t beat your wife with a stick thicker than your thumb, you can’t drive on Sundays, etc…) but we’re never removed because the process is too arduous.
We were all kids once, we found a way. I did, other kids will. Sure we can make it harder to access, but blocking it isn’t the solution that republicans think it is.
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Yeah, the moral scandal of shouting that kids are being exposed to sex is just too effective at enabling all kinds of overreach.
But if you say that sex education, teaching about consent and risks and how to seek help, is far more effective at protecting children than any sort of censorship, they’ll act doubly scandalized. And parents who don’t want to talk about sensitive matters with their precious little angels fall for it every time.
It’s definitely double ungood.
Exactly, additionally I don’t trust governments that consistently fail to understand artistic merit in sexually graphic art and sought to ban it to maintain free expression.
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I see you Mr dildo haver.
or the hole they are filling.
You gotta pay the troll toll, if you wanna get into that boy’s hole!
Hey I agree with you but might want to use a different metaphor in the future. Drying the well won’t stop thirst, but neither will anything else, except well, death I guess.
It’s literally virtue signalling.
This isn’t even about porn addiction, it’s definitely a “think of the children!” scenario by the right-wing pearl clutchers. Meanwhile, there’s tons of horrible shit on the Internet freely available that they don’t seem to care about, along with nudity in movies. Also I love how that article claims that “residents will have to go to the deep dark corners of the internet to get their porn once pornhub is blocked” as if hundreds of other porn sites not owned by that company don’t exist 🤣 The Internet and tech improvements are literally driven by porn consumption. IDK what the number is now, but like 5-10 years ago it was “40% of all internet traffic is porn related”.
We’re not solving addiction, we’re just building a surveillance state under the guise of protection.
That’s a feature of all of these types of schemes, not a bug.
Republicans doing a real good job giving a peek into what voting Red will do for them this year
Voting red, not voting, or voting third party.
The children are saved and wont see porn ever /s
Sad part is people will still vote for them in droves
How is it these laws can get passed but our legislatures can’t do anything that’s actually important for society? 
It’s so much worse than that. North Carolina House Bill 8 was created a year ago to add Computer Science to middle school and high school curriculums. Throughout it’s 3 edits over the year, all 10 pages of the bill were about teaching kids computer science. Then, ONE WEEK before the bill was passed, a paragraph on the last page was added including the text requiring age verification for adult websites.
At that point it was too late, and anyone against the bill would be called out for being against teaching kids computer science. The cowards writing these bills know that they would be shot down immediately if they were public about what they were doing, so they tack it on to a children’s education bill and hope no one notices until it’s too late.
That kind of shit should really be illegal
It is illegal where I live. I imagine it’s illegal in most developed countries. Bills can only have one purpose, they can’t combine unrelated things.
I’ve heard of several cases in the USA where they combine unrelated things to mess with voters. Even this one is kinda related but school education plus internet censorship. Split that shit up and let the people vote for what they want.
Edit: it’s a rider
“Several cases?” Lol
Virtually every bill that passes in Congress contains riders and typically only passes because of those riders.
I think I just had my worst American brain moment. Definitely assumed this was common everywhere and am in shock it’s not. Must be nice lol
Other countries have actual middle-class structures, so I can only assume so.
It’s how literally anything happens in our government here in the US
Thank goodness it’s illegal in New York
Fucking Amy Galey. I hate that I have to be I around her and pretend that she’s the best thing since sliced bread. I wish people got to hear more about her talking at length about how great her family treated their slaves and less about her GOP silly season power moves.
Well, why not vote against it and defend yourself when accused of voting against education?
I don’t count on the average American voter to understand nuance
I wouldn’t wanna be on the side that constantly keeps allowing this. Oh well, money > people.
I’ve always been confused about how they can legally be like “here’s a hundred page bill about this great thing, but buried at the end is this horrible thing we went to push though but no one will see it”.
the politicians were the naughty ones all along
Well, why not vote against it and defend yourself when accused of voting against education?
“A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is still putting on its shoes.” - Jonathon Swift
So now you’re investing time and effort to publicize why this bill was broken. Your political opposition successfully got you on the defensive. These strategies play a part of why fascism and authoritarianism are succeeding in the USA.
That’s what I wanted to highlight by posting it. It’s a lose/lose situation for America either way.
Simply put, the attack is shorter and easier to understand than the nuanced defense.
Politicians can put “you’re against education!” in a 15 second attack ad on the radio/TV/a poster. It takes a short media appearance to explain the nuance. Which isn’t worth the time or money typically, since so few people will see it.
Especially since a huge section of our population gets 100% of its news from Fox, Newsmax, and other right wing media. That interview will never air there. In fact, those sources will repeat the party line of “you’re against education!”
The situations are clearly different because of the rabid faith of conservative followers, but that being said, it seems relatively easy enough to get on TV/media first and start spreading around “Republicans want to take your porn!” The situation could be explained pretty concisely within a 20 second TikTok or a shareable YouTube video.
Now don’t get me wrong, if American political debate soils itself any further than it already has and fully becomes two-side mudslinging and nothing else, then I’m going to need to either leave the country or become radicalized. But it’s becoming clear to me more and more these days that if the democrats want to throw their weight around they’re going to need to lower their standards a bit. Instead of half hour appeals to judgment we need more 30-second dunks. Poli Sci students need to hear a detailed and nuanced discussion of a bill, but it’s been readily proven again and again ad nauseum that the average person does not.
And I’m not advocating that they lie, only to use the framework of a lie in order to spread the message. A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth can put its shoes on, specifically because the instant something might maybe be relevant to something someone thinks exists, somebody is on Fox news spouting 30 second dunks about it. The instant we hear what’s going on with the bill rider somebody should have been on TikTok, YouTube and X posting a 30 second dunk about how Republicans are abusing education bills to steal all porn from everyone, everywhere. Don’t lie, but take strategies from their playbook. I want an account doing blow by blow daily updates on everything the R’s have their grubby mitts in, in the same way that there are accounts doing blow by blow daily updates about exactly how many children they accuse Kamala Harris of having eaten. Except this one will have credible sources.
Point being, personally, I’m growing extremely jaded and tired of the way political discussion works in America. On one hand we have the Democrats making an effort to fully explain away and good faith debate (most of) their bills, with a handful of notable and upsetting exceptions. On the other hand we have a pit of screaming pigs that will debate nothing, will source nothing, will sneak last minute riders into bills they had nothing to do with, and will lie at the top of their lungs constantly and without regard to what they are lying about. The pigs in question have proven themselves either unwilling or incapable of rising to a level of proper political discussion expected from an elected official, and it’s becoming clear that if the relevant populace isn’t going to vote out (or in some cases, isn’t going to be allowed to vote out) the representative, the only way to engage with them effectively in a political sense is to sink to their level. At which point we are all well and truly fucked and what gods remain in the world have abandoned us.
“Why do Republicans think about porn every time they discuss children?”
Thats how you frame it back at em.
No no no. Nuance can only be used to pave a high road to hell. Get out of here with using it to fire back more intelligently yet equally dirty. We can only do one thing at a time, so it’s high road all the way to the grave.
I mean, what’s next in your suggestions? Using the free and available plethora of Republican politician child sex scandals as non-slanderous, factual, and real ammo fodder?
Judging from what they said, it took a year to come to fruition and a week to poison the apple. The current kindergarteners are gonna be grown and graduated by the time the red tape lets way for another vote on the matter. Why not just make bills strictly about the thing they are proposing?
Because a bill about adding irrelevant stuff to bills wouldn’t pass.
Or it’ll have some insane riders
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Because they don’t actually give a shit about society.
The legislators passing these laws are interested only in hurting people, getting bribes, and getting reelected so they can continue. Doing something important for society doesn’t even factor into their decision making.
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but like… instantly forgiving all student loans… or Forgiving all medical debt… or immediately begin building high-speed rail across the entire country spending like $10 trillion etc. to do so… like… that kind of shit - something that the most rural red state right wing fucker can’t ignore.
Hey this might help ya
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VPN companies don’t need much advertising these days. The customers will come by themselves!
Was about to say, did politicians now invest in VPN providers?
Plus, the hypocrisy of it all, since most scandals involving infidelity, abuse and other stuff comes from their side of the aisle (not that the other side is composed of saints, but still).
Yeah it’s not that Dems are more moral, it’s that Dems punish immorality in leaders.
I never voted for a politician I liked. I have voted for a lot of politicians that were less bad than the alternative. But never once I said “yeah, that IS a good person”.
The customers will come by themselves!
Pretty soon VPN’s will be illegal too.
You can literally host your own vpn, nothing illegal about that. And, as someone else mentioned, work would be impossible for many companies, as almost any company that works with sensitive data uses vpn to some extent.
And you think lawmakers would make a wise informed decision? You think that they wouldn’t make a decision that would strip away your capability to use a VPN while protecting themselves and big tech that lobby for exemptions?
Their Profit or Your Privacy, what do you think they’ll pick?
I don’t think it’s even possible to for anyone to stop someone from using a VPN. Sure, in theory, they could affect VPN providers’ businesses, but you’re always going to be able to connect to a VPN if you want to. They’d have to block or heavily limit internet access in order to stop users from connecting to some remote server.
Also yes, I do think lawmakers are aware that vpn’s are not a threat to anything, thus there is absolutely no reason to ban them.
Edit: Someone else mentioned a good point. Even if we consider them blocking vpn as a possibility “The uproar would be enough to kill the bill before it gets out of committee.”
I don’t have to assume they’re wise. The uproar would be enough to kill the bill before it gets out of committee.
Like the patriot act?
How many big tech companies had their business all halted by the Patriot act?
You know I cannot quantify damages from a program that forces compliance without transparency through gag orders. I can point out that preventing the use of a VPN does not halt an entire company, you can still connect and work exactly the same as with a VPN it’s just not in a secure and private manner but what are you trying to hide? /s
No matter what you and I believe it’s irrelevant, if privacy goes on the chopping block than a VPN access would need to go with it and the technology is currently irreplaceable as-is but that doesn’t negate the possibility that it can become regulated. Privacy should be a human right but you and I both know that equality isn’t always equal and there’s a large portion of government over numerous groups that all have their own agendas and understand the advantages of knowledge and the power it can bestow. You’re trying to fight greed and greed only cares about getting more.
Thank you for coming to my Ted talk and best of luck to you frezik, I hope you’re right but I’m not going to hold my breath.
And, as someone else mentioned, work would be impossible for many companies,
Especially those who have moved to a work from home model.
No they won’t. Virtually every tech company in the world uses them. If any legislation was proposed then companies from the likes of Google and Microsoft down to hundreds of companies with fewer than 100 employees would all fight it.
Virtually every tech company in the world uses them
Virtually every company (tech or not) and every government uses a VPN…
You make it sound like our lawmakers are wise and would make an informed decision and not just write an exception for companies that lobby for exemption.
You make it sound like our lawmakers are wise and would make an informed decision and not just write an exception for companies that -lobby- pay their greedy asses for said exemption.
There, FTFY.
Easier to make money off them if you don’t lobby for an exemption.
Russia, China and every other authoritarian shithole has made them illegal
Can’t say anything about China, but why do you think vpn’s are illegal in Russia? Sure, the big vpn companies inside the country might be influenced by the government to limit your access to some banned websites. However, you can freely use a vpn if you wish.
Again, I remind you that you could always set up your own vpn server for personal use.
Only “government approved” VPNs are “legal” in Russia. Guaranteed that none of them bypass country censorship.
I took their comment to mean “companies offering VPN services as a subscription for the purpose of privacy”.
It wouldn’t be hard to target those companies specifically while leaving every other “legitimate” (in their view) use cases for VPNs alone.
A lot of people aren’t aware that VPNs are used to connect to internal networks, just “it’s this thing that I see commercials about that says it protects my privacy and allows me to access content not available in my country”. Hell, if you asked them what VPN stood for 90% of them would be like 🤷♂️
I work in IT and can tell you that most people have zero clue about technology, even the things they use every day.
Encryption is a constitutionally protected right. The only debate is whether it falls under the first or second amendment.
I don’t see how encrypted could fall under the 2nd.
Christian taliban
Yeah bruh, I try to avoid porn. Personal decision. PERSONAL. Stay the fuck out of everyone’s goddamn lives. Fucking fascist republican swine.
its not facist to try to stop kids from accessing porn
Parents jobs. And TONS of ways to do it without punishing everyone and collecting PII.
How would you as a parent prevent your kids from accessing porn?
Parents have proven they are not capable of managing it themselves.
Based on what?
Maybe grow the fuck up and stop depending on gummint to do shit for you. Bootstraps n shit, bruh.
A parents inability to parent their children should not infringe upon my right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.
Parents have also proven that they are capable of managing it themselves.
Almost like ‘parents’ is not one person.
Not the states problem. Also, much bigger issues than naked ladies on computer.
It is if the parents wont do anything about it.
LMFAO we gonna do that for hungry kids too? Or are we just gonna cherry pick the shit the bible never said and go with “what this other guy, what’s his name, whatever doesn’t matter”, said it on Facebook that one time?
You guys are fucking ludicrous with what you think the government should and shouldn’t do. if you spent more time thinking about what you could achieve yourself and for the people around you, rather than what you think should be imposed on everyone else you may be surprised. I really hope you think about this because Jesus fucking Christ watching y’all think like this is exhausting.
Bring in the military to feed my kids some vegetables.
Lolwut? So if my parents didn’t do something for me, the state needs to pick us the slack? No. It’s porn man, not jihad.
Dumb parents are gonna be dumb regardless of all the stupid law enacted by other dumb parents.
So now you’re blaming parents? Have you no family values? Why do you hate American families so much?
How shitty a parent are you to either not know how to work parental controls or better… to talk to your kids about healthy attitudes towards sex?*
*besides abstinence
Putting age gates on the Internet is indeed pretty authoritarian though, and starting with porn is only the beginning
Not authoitarian at all. Its the bare minimum
We need to do the same thing with any religious sites as well. Kids shouldn’t be exposed to that crap without parental guidance either. It is however a massive waste of resources and time since kids are smarter than the idiots making the laws and will very very easily bypass this and laugh in the faces of the fascist fucks that think they’re controlling people while watching whatever porn they want. Get fucked.
Religious sites are not porn.
And they made their father drink wine that night: and the firstborn went in, and lay with her father; and he perceived not when she lay down, nor when she arose. And it came to pass on the morrow, that the firstborn said unto the younger, Behold, I lay yesternight with my father: let us make him drink wine this night also; and go thou in, and lie with him, that we may preserve seed of our father. And they made their father drink wine that night also: and the younger arose, and lay with him; and he perceived not when she lay down, nor when she arose. Thus were both the daughters of Lot with child by their father.
Bitches got their dad drunk and raped him till they got pregnant.
No porn in religion, my hairy ass. I could nut 5 times before I finish reading Genesis. God damn bible practically starts off as a collection of “Dear Penthouse” columns for wealthy literate men who liked wearing colorful gowns.
Yea The clergy just rapes the kids instead
this is the textbook definition of government overreach, forcing everyone to play nanny state because republicans can’t control their little shitlings internet use
the fact that you think for one second that this bullshit will stop kids from accessing porn demonstrates how clueless all these cromagnon chuds are about how the internet actually works.
Go look up what authoritarian means again
Mate please go choke on a cactus or something
It’s absolutely authoritarian. You’re an idiot if you think otherwise. I’m not even going to offer an argument, you’re just stupid.
I wish I didn’t watch porn as a kid, so I’m with you on this
I wish I had sex as a kid, but porn was a nice substitute.
Don’t let your dreams just be dreams! Go out and find some kids and help them make their wish come true!
That’s something I hadn’t thought about.
The world shouldn’t have to pay because your parents sucked at their job and fucked you up, bro.
Ah you’re right, my parents should have known about the dangers of porn in 1997. I’m also not fucked up, just feel as if I’d have been better without
Do… Do you think porn was a new-fangled thing in 1997?
You’re a grown-ass human being projecting your problems into the entirety of human society. That’s pretty fucked up from where I stand.
Yes and let’s put ID verification on anything that might have curses too. Can’t risk a parent not sheltering their child hard enough.
Actually, can we get ID verification for voice chat in online shooters?
Shit would sound like a church in COD.
But I bet you think it is fascist to pass laws which stop kids from getting shot at school?
They are going to access it anyway
This. It’s like, do these people think kids aren’t interested in that stuff? Like, I remember getting an abstinence talk during my freshman year. I remember being told how awesome sex was, but also to wait. And even still, nearly everyone was fucking everyone else in my graduating class. Like, how willfully ignorant do you have to be to think that kids don’t hook up?
Covering a kids ears when you swear like they don’t already know more swear words than the parent does. When I was a kid, if there were no adults around we swore like fucking sailors.
wildly understated too…
like… middle school kids today navigated mobile devices with ease when they were toddlers…
they’re gonna know what a vpn is before they leave high school.
we’re just better off addressing the issue head on than trying to band-aid it… it won’t work
The world isn’t made for children, where are their fucking parents?
Their parents are not doing a good enough job. Its time for the law to step in
That is the definition of an authoritarian position.
Its time for the law to step in
funny-- people say the same thing about guns, but the reply is “NOOOOO but what about the LaW aBiDiNg CiTiZeNs”
Yes, they should step in, and direct those parents not the rest of society that isn’t a failure to their children. Maybe letting your children engage in pornographic material should be against the law, not the porn that any reasonable person can consume without involving children.
Maybe if you aren’t fit to care for your children, you shouldn’t be allowed to have them.
It’s almost like conservatives refusing to teach their children to have a healthy relationship with sex (sexual health, importance of consent, etc) is fucking them up, and banning porn is a shitty attempted bandaid solution for their inability to properly raise their children
BuT mUh GuNz!!!11!
yes it is; that’s exactly what it is. kids is the go-to reason fascists give to censor, ban, burn books, discriminate against people and control people’s bodies and lives. it’s not a coincidence that “children” is one of the 14 words.
As you’re here on Lemmy, a site that has pornographic content, we’re going to need you to post a picture of your government ID, next to your face, with your username on a piece of paper, as a reply to this comment. You know, to prevent kids accessing porn.
If you actually believe this is about protecting children then I have a bridge to sell you
It is, though
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It’s not stopping anybody. If you are a horny enough 13 year old you’ll find it on any platform. Speaking from experience YouTube, Instagram, Reddit (obviously lemmy as well) and in short the rest of them can be pretty easily used to access porn. It’s not allowed on for example YouTube but it’s still there or it manages to be technically allowed through being “educational content”. Obviously we aren’t talking about like Brazzers or whatever being directly uploaded but there’s definitely naked people doing proactive things.
Lol I was just in Utah and on a home wifi there, pornhub was blocked (100% blocked, like you cannot access the site).
But if I switched to data, it was not blocked
Lol – how’s that working out for ya, Utah??
Hop off the wifi for banking and wanking.
What’s the security benefit for banking on mobile?
Ah ok so the consensus is to be wary of public networks especially free open networks as they can be spoofed and a MitM or traffic sniffing.
So it’s good I have my wireguard vpn on all the time calling home to my home network then I assume.
It’s more the security risk of being on WiFi, assuming it’s not your home wifi.
I think everyone is forgetting that there’s TLS on almost every website. You can monitor where people go, but you can’t see the traffic unless you get the person to install a malicious certificate in their device.
You can however have your traffic redirected to a lookalike site where you give up your account info. So there’s still some actual risk.
No one else can be on the same network when you’re on mobile.
Spoofing mobile is at least an order of magnitude harder than spoofing wifi. It pretty much guarantees that those who spoof mobile are either government agencies or people with enough money your pathetic little bank account is irrelevant to them.
That’s for now. It is only a matter of time until spoofing mobile is at least as easy and cheap as spoofing wifi is now.
Lol – how’s that working out for ya, Utah??
Kinda perfectly. The lawmakers don’t want to block porn; they want their constituents to think they are effective. The people that don’t go to pornhub hear it’s blocked (well that’s nice) and the ones that go, find a work around (some people like it being hard). They hope the work around is innocuous enough to be forgotten by election day.
I hope they miscalculated. I don’t see how blocking porn and weed is a winning strategy. I don’t understand this country. Life could be fun. We have all the ingredients.
I don’t see how blocking porn and weed is a winning strategy. I don’t understand this country. Life could be fun. We have all the ingredients.
A not insignificant portion of our fellow citizens are looking at their own misery and deciding that the source of that misery are things you are doing in the privacy of your own home or are or not doing that you “should”. This is much easier that actual self reflection and putting in the work to sort out what portion of that misery is self inflicted (and correctable with personal behavior changes!) or a systemic as a result of public policy which affects all of us to make changes in how our society treats one another.
This is much easier that actual self reflection
tbh self reflection can be very challenging. very scary. it can trigger an identity crisis and not everyone is mentally able to deal with it.
We should wave banners describing how actually ineffective they are with instructions to get around this BS!
I don’t see how blocking porn and weed is a winning strategy.
Then you’re giving the people involved far more benefit of the doubt than they deserve. They’re far-right extremists. It’s not hollow rhetoric or exaggeration, they’re here and they’re passing laws.
If you disregard the excuses that come out of their mouths, this is perfectly aligned with the far-right ideology that has infested the Republican party.
Groups like the Proud Boys, the former head of the Ku Klux Klan and incessant fuckwits like Jordan Peterson all openly promote giving up jerking off and routinely make pseudoscientific claims about it increasing your testosterone, therefore making you more of a man.
They’re also working hard to broaden the term “pornography” to include anything that acknowledges any sexuality other than “straight” and any form of gender expression that doesn’t clearly broadcast what genitals you have. This allows them to attack teachers and authors that dare say anything that isn’t right wing.
Weed is essentially the same story as it’s always been. It was made illegal so police could target “undesirables” like black people, hippies, jazz musicians and women who wanted to be more than a source of hot meals and warm holes for a middle class husband.
Literally the only thing they changed was updating the left-wing stereotypes.
Probably the IP not being assigned to the blocked geo location.
This is blatantly unconstitutional.
I’m curious about why. The one law that had been overturned so far was on the basis of government compelled speech, because in addition to age verification, the law required porn sites to have a paragraph talking about how porn makes baby Jesus cry. I’m not so sure ID requirements by themselves are going to have the same outcome.
Right to Privacy is the first thing to come to mind. It’s worse in that this is not the federal or state government collecting data, it’s a private enterprise. After that, there are frankly glaring Freedom of Speech infringements here, as the definition of obscene content is hand-waved. You can talk academically about making crystal meth on YouTube, but somehow specific content is restricted, not due to the protection of civilians, but due to individual tastes.
None of this falls under the purview of the government of the United States. I’m betting it’s a rather damaging election year shenanigan.
The right to privacy is now in question because of Dobbs. It’s a fucking nightmare of possibilities.
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Are you dumb? Or just not capable of understanding that some of us are in the legal world and think in terms of what the courts will do, and what rationale they will have? I didn’t stake out a position. However I absolutely think this legislation is terrible.
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Allahu’s Snackbar with a lifelike painting of Mohammed over the cash register and morality police, fuck yeah.
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North Carolina and Montana just flipped some folks from red to blue “for reasons…”
Those are now blue balls.
I almost want that on flags and tee-shirts.
At this point I’m not convinced people will abandon the Republicans. Especially if they get to vote for Trump. They’ll just assume Trump will fix it by taking PornHub to court cause this is all PornHubs fault.
I give this 6 months before the list of visitors is released…
I hope those hosts provide a nice greeting page explaining which politicians are guilty of this, and how sneaky their underhand rider was abusing the legal system.
In only a couple of years girls aren’t allowed to go to school anymore.
They already do home-schooling. A lot.
Here’s one fine example:
For many reasons. My daughter is in online school, meaning I don’t personally teach her (although I help) but she does it from home. In her case, it was because she was the very bottom of the pecking order at her middle school and was severely bullied every day (including an online doxxing incident the school did nothing about) until she broke down one day and said she couldn’t handle it anymore.
Thankfully, online schooling is an option available for girls like her that don’t quite fit in and get treated like shit because of it.
Yikes! What a cringefest.
In Virginia, they are required to gather personal information and that’s weird. So its just not available here. But when you think of it, porn hub went to great lengths to minimize the problems with the industry. And these sort of regulations are doing the same thing that prohibition did. Push normal citizens into interacting with seedy elements, dangerous situations, and exploitation.
Yup. Most regulations of sex workers end up only hurting sex workers. They accomplish little else. That’s arguably the end goal rather than a side effect.
I’m in VA and our governor sucks.
Seconded. He was moderate-LOOKING enough to fool some in our purple state, but he only wants the governorship as a path to president I think.
There was nothing moderate about his campaign. His primary focus during his campaign was to jump on the culture war bandwagon of restricting the liberties of trans kids, and inputting the “will of the parents” into the schools. Not all parents of course, just the ones that align with him politically.
And boy did he deliver on those promises. Laws allowing teachers to discriminate against children, book banning rhetoric, and much more including delaying and halting the already passed legislation on recreational marijuana and fueling the abortion issue.
He’s as much of a shit bag as Desantis and Trump, he’s just more careful about it.
Absolutely agreed, but my point is more that his offensive stuff was underreported by MSM during the campaign. He was clear enough on his plans when talking to right wing crowds, but in “public” he avoided answering when it would make him look bad. Anyone who was looking out could tell what he was going to do, but if you only watched the evening news you probably wouldn’t have noticed it.
His opponent didn’t do a good enough job defusing the “muh schools” crap, which FOX had spun out of nothing into a national issue in the preventing months.
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Pornhub and its related companies aren’t the only “normal” porn sites out there, there are thousands of sites not owned by the parent company. These are just the big names everyone knows. Blocking access to porn on a statewide basis is only really possible at the ISP level, and of course those are private companies not owned by the state (in most cases). Even then, a cheap VPN would be able to get around that.
It’s akin to standing next to someone and telling them not to breathe your air.
I am sure that a VPN can obfuscate my location. But its a hassle that most people will not do. And you must not be in Virginia, because you would know that the ISP did not need to get involved. Use your vpn and spoof as in VA. You will see the companies comply with the order to remain legal. The reputable ones have a vested interest to stay legal, and can be reached via legal means. The ones that pedal revenge porn and other exploitation? Not so much. The amount of sites that are not reachable is very large, when your search would begin at the 4th page of a search engine query for porn, you are no longer in safe waters
VPNs are super easy to use because most of the popular ones (NordVPN, Private Internet Access, etc…) are made for the non-tech savvy. Pay a few bucks a month and leave it as “always on” and boom, all the porn you want! Also, I think you’re misunderstanding the drive people, especially men, have to watch porn. A teenage boy would definitely figure this out in a heartbeat.
Of course the “reputable” porn sites don’t want to get into a legal battle with the state, that’s why they comply. What I’m saying though is it’s a stupid law since they can’t block every porn site. I’d say most consumers don’t care about the delineation between “legal porn” and revenge porn/other exploitation since it’s very difficult to discern between the two, unless it’s super obvious. Pornhub is just one site, there are tons of “good” sites out there besides it that are easily found on the first page of Google. I highly doubt people are going multiple pages deep just for a porn link.
“CP is bad!”
sends everyone to the dark web for their porn
So it’s* just not available here.
This is the first time I’ve seen Pornhub block a place as opposed to the place blocking PH 😂🤣😂🤣
Yeah, you’d think it wasn’t their job yo. That’s on the legislators. Pornhub shouldn’t have to adapt who can connect to them just because their website isn’t built for North Carolina.🤣