Google Bard is dead, long live Google Gemini::Google rebranded its Bard chatbot in February 2024 to Gemini. Gemini Ultra is a paid subscription platform.
I liked the name Bard… Gemini is just random and unrelated to the concept.
Gemini was already an alternative to HTTP protocol for accessing remote documents.
Rebranded for that sweet, sweet alliteration.
deleted by creator
gg I guess
But it’s not even that since it’s a hard vs soft G
Joogle Jemini
Joogle Jemini Gif
All the same sound
Now you’ve gone too far.
I don’t think Bard is necessarily a great name for this product, but going from one syllable to three seems ill advised.
Alexa, ChatGPT, copilot, etc are all more than one syllable.
Actually having more is probably good for voice commands with products because it will prevent false activations.
A lot easier for the mic to determine if you’re saying Gemini than if you’re saying Bard.
I could see Bard activating if someone says they’re bored or to check the board.
Did they say somewhere they were going to add that as a voice command? Right now you trigger Google by saying “ok Google”.
My understanding is you want a name that’s recognizable, searchable, and as short as possible given those constraints. If we attach Google to “Google Bard” that seems like it fits the bill. No one really talks about bards conversationally. “Gemini” already had a notable space program association, plus astrological sign. Someone like Google can probably overcome those existing associations, but why choose a word that’s longer and less distinct?
I do get annoyed saying chatgpt over and over (same with LLM) so I don’t view that as a favorable comparison.
Especially with certain accents. You really want your voice commands to be quite distinct. There’s virtually no extra labor is saying two or three extra syllables.
Who gives a fuck about how many syllables it has? Not sure if you’re being sarcastic but it has absolutely zero impact.
“Hey Bard” vs “Hey Gemini”
It absolutely does make a difference. Maybe think before talking out of your ass.
Yes for all those connected Gemini devices that exist. You know ok google is 4 syllables at the moment? All that previous time lost you could be asking it to set a timer for you.
It makes no difference and you’re talking out of your ass. It’s easy to change the activation code (Hey Gem!) if you want to think about some future voice activated product as well.
I’m not being sarcastic. It’s definitely something people usually think about when naming a product.
I know people think about the name but it makes no difference.
Many of the top companies in the world have 3 syllables. I have zero idea what you’re upset about, not to mention the obvious fact that Google themselves would have spent significantly more resources than you thinking about it and decided that it was fine.
ChatGPT is 4 syllables.
I know shit about advertising, so i dont get how syllables would have a meaningful weight here, but I think he is pointing out the difference and not the total number of syllables