Amazon faces potential break-up as FTC finalizes antitrust lawsuit | The FTC is getting ready for the big one::undefined
So perhaps they’ll fart in Amazon’s general direction?
The FTC is getting ready for the big one
Sounds like it lol
So then all the workers lose their jobs? That doesn’t sound good
We need to do the same with Microsoft and Google
And like the other 10 companies that own pretty much every brand in the country.
But not Apple? The most valuable company in history.
Eeeh. Apple’s App Store fees can be a bit much, but all told the company doesn’t have enough power on any market to warrant such a huge intervention I think. Just forcing them to make their ecosystem more open would be enough. Like how the EU wants to force them to allow 3rd party package managers on iOS.
Luckily the EU wants much more, and already accepted regulation that will be implemented later this year to open all ecosystems up, completely. iMessage will have to provide an open API that provides the same service levels than the native client for example.
Ideally this is all that will happen with Amazon as well
Eh they should do it anyway
I want to see the same happen to Apple, to many fingers in too many pies.
Their app store, + cell phone, computer, publishing, music store, streaming service, ect ect.
Want to see google, Microsoft, apple, and others all broken up.
Disney too
What about facebook, disney, netflix, twitter, apple, uber, airbnb?
Uber has direct competition in Lyft, among other rideshares and entrenched taxi companies. Disney and Netflix are literal competitors. You’re on an alternative to Twitter right now, and Facebook is yet another. Apple has competitors in every industry. AirBnB has both tons of competition and 26% market share - below
Oligopolies are still not competitive. We need research into finding out what market share starts distorting competition, and tying antitrust to that.
A market with 2 competitors can still be broken down further.
Oligopoly has an actual meaning and that meaning isn’t “companies I have heard of”
What’s funny is you hate Uber because you’ve heard of them but Yellow Cab had a literal monopolistic chokehold and you didn’t give a fuck at all.
They went after MS in the 90s. Nothing really came of it.
Are you high?
Yes and no.
The simple fact that you’re not using IE6 on MSN with Bing search to access a Windows server is more or less proof that the constraints placed on Microsoft at that time did actually have an impact (even if I felt robbed that the company wasn’t split up at the time).
Today the one thing Microsoft is still dominante in is Office software (and even then Google docs is snapping at their heals).
OS? Android is more popular than windows Server OS? Linux rules the roost Browser? Chrome
The company that really needs scrutiny ATM is Google.
Doubt. If it somehow works out, do Google next
Yeah I see no way this happens, if they wouldn’t involve themselves in Microsoft being a monopoly /anticompetitive they sure as hell ain’t going to combat Amazon
Wasn’t Microsoft convicted of being a monopoly though? I mean, it was overturned, but they did something.
Yeah, that’ll happen.
I’ll believe it when I see it. I work with (not for) Amazon every day at my job and they are miserable e-commerce partners. One change in a code that suddenly and wrongly flags your entire international product offerings and pulls them? Good luck begging the teams of bots to “help” you.
With Amazon you don’t even have the power to handle your own legitimate brand’s data management – changes to our listings go through maybe 20% of the time-- but somehow ASIN hijackers can make wild and dangerous changes to them with little issue. Not only that, but Amazon buttfucks you with fees on top of fees, like FBA fees we pay to entrust them to handle our products and returns well, but are wasted as our products are often stolen, broken, or return scammed.
If you can help it and you like not crying in the bathroom at work, avoid Amazon.
Easily one of the worst places I’ve ever worked for, and I wasn’t even in a warehouse. Highest turnover I’ve ever seen. The reports about the company culture are no joke!
I don’t think you’re the target customer of Amazon. It seems to all be set up for brand-less dayfly companies/scammers reselling shit from AliExpress, not actual long-standing brands.
They do care if you’re a massive brand, to the point where you have a human point of contact to the company, but unfortunately we weren’t at that size. Anything smaller than massive tends to be ignored. Not even sure if they’re still doing that sort of thing, but they did when I started the job.
Nothings going to happen. Its just another headline that FTC will do something but we know how it goes.
Lol. What a crock of shit. If anyone thinks the oligarchs that run this country will allow this to happen you’re smoking rocks.
This country leads the world in corruption & greed. Nothing will change that but this is great click bait.
You think the oligarchs make more or less money when Bezos has a monopoly?
I think it may well happen because the oligarchs want Amazon broken up. Biden did appoint Lina Kahn as chair of the FTC. Kahn has long been vocal that Amazon needs to be broken up.
God we need a trustbuster
If this does happen, I hope they find a way to do it that doesn’t make Bezos and the like richer, like what happened with Standard Oil years ago.
Read similar news about meta , google and even microsoft ! Now it feels like a hogwash !
More than half of Amazon’s sales come from third-party merchants who this year started paying an average of over 50% commission on every sale, up from 35.2% in 2016, the result of it raising Fulfillment by Amazon fees every year and increasing storage fees.
While paying for Amazon’s logistics and advertising services is optional, most merchants consider these, especially advertising, a necessary part of doing business. Moreover, the FTC has reportedly amassed evidence that Amazon disadvantages merchants who don’t use the services by giving them lower placements.
Capitalism at its finest… I still remember when Amazon was just a humble online bookstore. How times have changed.
No doubt this is slimy, but does it make Amazon a monopoly? It seems like a tough case for the FTC to win.
Contrary to popular corporatist disinformation, anti-trust law isn’t just for literal control-100.000000%-of-the-market “monopolies.” Any company (or colluding group of companies) large enough to unduly influence the market can be subject to it.
That’s why it’s called “anti-trust” law, not “anti-monopoly” law.
Took them ten years to split up AT&T and that was a literal monopoly. Near 100% market share.
Not sure but giving your own products preferential placement on what you present to the public as an open marketplace is an anti-competitive behavior that they have been caught doing.
I would be curious if all these influencers pushing FBA (Fulfilled by Amazon) where they got paid for the original thought because there is so much junk flowing into Amazon now especially people trying to use Amazon’s logistics.
I can’t imagine there is great margin for a product listed on Amazon if half of every sale is given to Amazon for commission.
Great news! I hope it happens but I won’t be holding my breath. The US has gotten really bad about this kind of action over the past 20 years.
Closer to 40 years, sorry to say.
While I am with you on the frustration, I think it’s important to understand why we got to this point. A ton of those anti-trust rules and laws were written a century ago and were around steel, oil and rail. Industries that provided physical good and services to the country. Tech has been able to skirt all of this as the rules were never written for them. Hopefully we see updates to our anti-trust rules and update accordingly. I’d love to take down Amazon, but I also want to prevent others from getting that big ever again.
I think it has a lot more to do with the US antitrust doctrine being focused on “consumer welfare” for the last 40 years. Robert Bork argued that monopolies were not inherently problematic, and that antitrust should only go after “bad” monopolies (which he argued could not survive for long.) Khan has explicitly rejected that doctrine.
Does this need to happen? By God yes, a thousand times over. Will it actually happen with a positive effect? Big doubt.