Are the comments broken for anyone else? A bunch of comments will show like this, cutting off a bunch of the parent comments. Is this a known bug?
Yep, using “Top” or “Hot” comment sorting (your default can be changed in the settings) results in comment orders being all borked. Just sort by New for now.
Oh hey that’s me!
But yeah occasionally I get top level comments missing and need loading, and comments a few levels down missing.
Yeah, happening to me too. I think some of the comments are showing in reverse order, too, like the child before the parent.
It’s broken if you use Top sorting but seems to work with Hot
This is the one. Thank you
Yes, it’s the same with some comments for me, I think when I click ‘parent’ or ‘more replies’.
How’d you get colored bar replies? Mine are all grey.
Settings, Comments, Style, “Show colorful comment indents”.
I believe this is from enabling colorful mode inside Theme Management in Settings
Edit: on second thought, that wasn’t it
Settings - > Comments - > Show colorful comment indents
It’s a setting in the Comments tab
How’d you do this?!
When in the Settings page, press and hold an option to copy its shortcut, then paste it in a comment.
Rainbow road! Thanks
Thats dope!
Now I can’t tell if two people replied to the wrong comment or if it’s a bug…
I see them replying to the right comment, so definitely a bug.
embedded link to a setting? that’s pretty nice.
Welcome to Sync!
Been in sync for a while. Yet another reason to love this dev
This is one of the coolest features I’ve seen before. Direct linking to settings!! Super cool.
I know there were some issues with being able to pull all comments or someyhing. I wonder if this is related?
This was a server side issue and not related to Sync I believe.
It happens on my account as well though