Jesus, that is a gross way to inject advertising into turn-by-turn navigation.
Edit/update from 9to5google so this post does not spread what is apparently inaccurate information:
Does it have traffic data?
Unfortunately not, and the time estimates are quite inaccurate. Sigh, it’s the price for not having to deal with Googles shit
Sounds like you just have different shit to deal with
The only OpenStreetMap based navigation app with live traffic data is Magic Earth. It’s not foss, but gratis.
They get the traffic data from some third party, not by following their users like gmaps. That is the reason live traffic is only available in just some countries:
They get the traffic data from some third party, not by following their users like gmaps.
Do you share data with third parties?
We send position data to our traffic provider to generate real-time traffic information. The data is anonymized on the phone, using a changing key (so it’s not linked to you), and it is deleted after 5 minutes.
They have a good privacy policy though. I haven’t really had many issues with their app.
But at that point what are you even gaining? If you’re looking for privacy you’re just trading Google tracking you for “third party service provider” tracking you
No. It means they get the data from somewhere else, maybe from some carsharing app, or from some government db from car counting thingies mounted on traffic lights, etc. There are other sources to get traffic data ftom, but usually following users is more convenient and reliable
They wont tell us where they get it from, they only say it’s not generated via this app. They are followimg someone, but not me.
Thanks for this, I’m going to try this out on my way home. My main use for Gmaps is to determine the quickest way to and from work during peak hour, so keen to see how Magic Earth’s traffic data compares.
the quickest way to and from work during peak hour
Everyone is using Google for that, so on average, traffic on all alternative routes will level out quickly and it doesn’t matter which one you choose.
This assumes everyone has the same destination, which is rarely the case
not really, not everybody has the same destination, but a lot of people need to go in the same direction at a given moment (thats why you are stuck in traffic in this situation).
No, if you want that, just use Magic Earth. It’s a great app, btw.
Id recommend osmand over organic maps
I don’t like how OsmAnd limits the number of maps you can download for free, Organic Maps’s donation model is much better in my opinion.
Personally I been using organic maps because Osmand isn’t giving me better directions and it needs more permissions and it doesn’t have working voice directions
Osmand would be the best one if it wasn’t so slow. Compared to organic maps the rendering lag is not only noticeable but very annoying
Organic Maps is fine. It’s what I use, although I am not located in a great area for OSM. Are there any specific benefits to OSMand?
Contributing by updating roads and POIs is fairly straightforward and can be pretty fun ^^
Of course! I do that all the time, and I agree it’s fun. OrganicMaps uses the same data, I just find it a little simpler to use and clearer to read.
Did Osmand change that bullshit where if you changed your device you can fuck right off with your previously bought maps and pay for them again because they didn’t tie them to store account
Is there any way I can help contribute public transport information to OSM? It’s the one thing that Google maps does that I can’t replace.
Yes! though it is a bit complex to fully add routes, adding stops is super easy!
OSM doesn’t really track live and exact public transport schedules (you can define static routes and say which interval the tram/whatever comes but that’s about it). Organic Maps is working on implementing live data:
If public transport mapping is your goal, it might make sense to try out the MapComplete Train Station and Bus Routes themes which give an easier, more focused, mapping interface. Quest apps like Street Complete can also make getting into OSM a bit easier, though OSM Beginners Guise is great too.'_guide
I wish I could get satellite view but I totally get why that’s not a thing
How long before they weight routes based on the billboard ads you’ll see along the way.
Man. I almost downvoted you purely outta anger for that idea lmao. Fucking hell.
Google execs already thinking “shit, buy some electronic billboards and show relevant ads as each phone goes past”.
Sad that will be the only part of Blade Runner we get. Where’s the flying cars, dammit!
At least we’ll get giant nude Ana de Armas holograms, right?
You’ve driven on public roads with other people, and you want to add a third dimension to that?
Where’s the flying cars, dammit!
That’s what aircraft are! We have personal aircraft already. They’re expensive and complicated and impractical.
With gmaps constantly suggesting off-ramp->on-ramp detours at over/underpasses to help you
shorten your eta by 1 minuteincrease merging traffic, I doubt they would have any ethical hesitancy behind it.Honestly, I imagine they may already have a deal (possibly under the table) with clearchannel and the likes.
I’ve not seen gmaps taking these kinds of routes. I’m UK based if it makes any difference at all, but I’m always grateful for my route seeming to prefer a smooth choice to the absolute fastest.
This man has manager written all over him! Put him in charge of google maps! - Google probably
Is it too much to ask for an app that just does one single thing. Everything doesn’t need to be an advertising platform.
They need the money for the next quarter earnings report.
So do I :((
But line no go up.
Google is definitely turning into IBM where they just exist because of inertia and not because of anything they actually produce.
The only line I care about is the line that takes me from A to B
Those AI electricity bills don’t pay for themselves.
Yeah… we pay…
Is it too much to ask
Are you willing to deliver them consequences if they don’t do it the way you want?
I stopped using Google maps so I guess so
What do you use?
Apple Maps. It sucks lol
Looked pretty good the last couple of times I looked at it. What sucks about it?
Interesting to observe how our intuition is failing us while dealing with digital products. When someone gives you something for free on the street, naturally you get suspicious and start asking yourself “where is the catch?” But when there’s a free app - no second thought. Everyone is using it so it must be ok. Well, Google and Facebook are nothing but glorified advertising agencies. The whole reason of their existence is to make money on ads. Edited: typos.
I’ve been wanting to leave the Google ecosystem for years but Maps was always the thing that kept me there. Thanks Google for freeing me at last!
Screw off.
Edit/update from 9to5google so this post does not spread what is apparently inaccurate information:
I know we are desperate for content here on Lemmy, and I can google hate circle jerk with the best of them, but maybe just delete the post if it is a complete clickbait lie… you could also reword the post as a fact check, ‘no, google isn’t injecting adds into maps.’
Wait dude, you interrupted me mid jerk. Shame on you.
Here, something to keep you going.
Ah yea it does. Can you repost that, but slower…?
It’s possible former Redditors don’t realize you can edit the title of Lemmy posts.
Sure, I could. But I wanted to leave the original post as it was for transparency. I figured that was the most “open” thing to do.
You can edit titles on Lemmy, make say “BS journalists throwing google under the bus to get more ad revenue from google ads.”
Fair enough, but reading the comments it appears your edit isn’t explicit enough, or people just read the headlines I guess.
PSA: Apple Maps used to suck badly but now it’s way better than Google Maps.
I’m sorry but as long as Apple Maps rely on and force you to install the Yelp app for reviews, I’m never using it.
They’re moving away from that, only using Yelp for backfill when they have no data. There is instead a “thumbs up/down” set of buttons (because the 5-star system is uselessly Boolean anyway). Contribute to the ecosystem by rating places using this, and eventually it will reach parity with Google.
OpenStreetMaps clients also works and are available everywhere
Thats what I use now
Any recommendations for an iOS client?
Organic Maps ist nice. It‘s a fork of Maps…Me before they added all the bloat, I think.
Bought iPhone last year.
Tried Apple Maps the first week.
Put in address to friend’s new condo building.
Took me to a parking lot behind a grocery store next to the building, and then acted like I could drive through an old wooden fence to get to the condos.
5/10 I only had to drive to the other end of the block to find the only entrance to the property.
At one point Google Maps moved my whole apartment building/address three streets from where it should be. It was wrong for months even though I reported it when I had to keep telling delivery people that got misdirected because they used it to navigate. Anecdotal evidence etc.
The only thing Apple Maps lacks now is a Waze-like ability to report hazards, speed-traps, road closures etc.apparently that’s been a thing for a few years now, thanks!I’ll have to check it out where I am, but I have a feeling that there might not be a big enough active user base to sufficiently crowd source the datapoints… I guess, be the change you want to see in the world!
You can report hazards, speed checks, and crashes in Apple Maps.
Huh, TIL - thanks!
I’ve updated my original comment to reflect this.
This won’t always work, but I get it to stop changing the fucking route by putting it in airplane mode while I’m driving. It’s locked in to the route I picked, GPS still works, no distractions.
If you have to fight with software that much just to use it for its core function, it’s time to use something else.
Which GPS app do you use?
Apple Maps works great in my area but I hear that’s not true for everywhere. There are many other suggestions in this thread as well.
This ad company is becoming a huge nuisance.
And unfortunately, for maps, it’s basically just Apple and Google. I’m trying to get used to OSM, but it just isn’t easy to do the things I want to do: find directions to a store.
MapQuest is still a thing. Bing maps… exists. Wave, even though owned by Google, hasn’t been fucked yet.
Magic Earth is another open source alternative besides OSM.
Magic Earth uses OSM map data.
osm sucks at addresses. The only way I can use it for navigation is doing google to coordinate conversion and just saving all the places. I haven’t seen this new google change but we’ll see if its enough to make me drop the last google service I use.
Welp time to stop using google maps I guess
What would you move to?
I have an iPhone and while I don’t like Apple Maps, I will absolutely switch to it in a heartbeat if this is added.
I’ve preferred Apple Maps for a few years now, Googles used to be top of the game but it’s fallen off while Apple’s have IME improved
Same here. I have been happy with Apple Maps.
I was an early adopter for Waze and helped them build and fix their maps. I loved Waze. Several months after Google bought Waze, I repeatedly noticed battery draining faster and location was more frequently being used by Waze. I wrote to them about it. After some time passed and no response or change, I ditched them.
It’s gotten so much better. Once they brought offline maps I made the full switch.
It happened to me yesterday in SoCal and I immediately switched to Apple Maps. Will try OSMand Maps & Magic Earth that I just set up
The moment this starts happening to me, I’m going to start giving every single sponsored stop I see a 1 star review.
Tbh that kind of behavior will almost certainly be stopped automatically
It’ll be fun while it lasts.
i hate the cyberpunk technodystopia we built.
we didnt even get the cool cyborg augmentations or the pew pew lasers. just fucking ads.
Excellent idea. I give gas stations that play loud video ads 1 star and don’t go back. I give places that ask for a tip for a to-go order 1 star as well
I get the feeling, but if the business has no say in getting recommended, aren’t you just punishing businesses that may not even know this program exists? That would suck for very small businesses.
Edit: my brain was thinking recommendations not paid ads so please disregard.
It’s an ad, not a recommendation. As far as I know, Google doesn’t just serve ads for businesses that don’t pay for them.
Ah, yeah; hat would make sense
Google isn’t going to promote small businesses that have no say. Google isn’t putting these ads up for fun. They do it because businesses pay them to.
Not to defend Google, but it seems unclear right now if this is something that will happen while driving, or similar to something Waze already does.
Waze has popped up ads on me plenty of times while I’m driving. Yes it knows I’m driving, the map is still scrolling along my route. At one point it was bad enough that the ads were remaining after every stop light, and finally clearing about half way to the next light. I haven’t seen it happen in awhile though, maybe they finally got it fixed.
In Virginia, at least, it’s not a meaningful distinction.
There used to be an exception for GPS, but the state changed the law a few years ago so that any non-hands-free use of a phone in a non-parked is a ticketable offense. Swiping away an ad at a red light would technically be illegal.
I do not live in Virginia. Is this law actively enforced? Lots of things are “technically illegal”.
Anecdotal, but a friend of mine was ticketed for it within the first week it went into effect. She (understandably) assumed that being stopped at a stop light was acceptable. That said, I’m not aware of any enforcement since then and wouldn’t be surprised if they deliberately only enforced it right after it took effect.
Still wouldn’t risk it, though.
I’m honestly surprised it’s taken them this long. They bought Waze in 2013. I feel like Waze has been doing this kind of ad for at least that long.
I’m willing to pay for an ad-free version. Google maps are very useful. I don’t need it to be free. But ads are poison.
Interesting, you don’t think they make enough off your data already? I’m sure I’m not alone in saying I will never pay google a single cent for anything they have to offer, ever.
There is no such thing as making “enough” money under the chicago-school dominated business thought. A business should always make as much money as it can for its investors, always. A friend who read Friedman’s works says that the Friedman doctrine makes room to say that a wise business will optimize investor outcomes by investing in its product, workforce, and other smart long-term choices, but in practice, nobody ever reads that deep into the Friedman doctrine. It’s just “philosophical” license to make (and demand, on the part of investors) the shallowest slash-and-burn business decisions possible to make line go up NOW. I will accept arguments about how it’s capitalism, but I’d like to point out that we experienced a very distinct culture shift in business leadership starting around the time that Chicago school thought became all the rage.
I understand it’s business. I’m just not going to participate in them making anymore money off ME.
I’d much rather pay with money than data.
You’ll pay with money and they’ll still harvest your data.
Exactly. I would be happy to pay for a privacy-focused version of these products, but those doesn’t exist. You can pay facebook to not show you ads, but they never promise to stop harvesting your data, so you would be actually just paying them twice, no thanks, as much as I hate ads.
The EU needs to step up and start regulating data more. Every person should be the legal owner of their data. Meaning not just personal data, but also data synthesized from their behaviour (it is illegal to follow me in a cat during the day and take photos of my activities without my permission, the same should be the case in the digital world). And every person should have a right to sell the rights to collect and use this data, but it shouldn’t be mandatory for the usage of any app. So you could decide to keep your data private, and pay a monthly fee to use apps like navigation, or social media, or you could decide to give access to your data, and use these apps for free.
Me too. Problem is, that’s not an option. They’re taking your data regardless, so if you pay them, you’re paying them to take your data.
I would too, but they need to also not collect my data. Like, at all. I’d pay $2-3/month for that.
Just a reminder about the open-source OpenStreetMap. You can improve it online by adding features like a Wikipedia for maps. You can even use the gamified app StreetComplete to add stuff and get points for walking around and mapping.